The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2007 Canning (Part 2)

2008. Canning (Part 2)

"I think we can already do it." Anita said calmly as she looked at the dozen or so Krustite civilians kneeling in front of her.

"Everything is for the sake of unity... I wish the Son of God peace." These Krustians said with great piety.

(For the Unity, the ears of those who play A game will feel numb after hearing this sentence).

These Krustites were all victims controlled by the Grisk, but after this period of experiments, Anita finally succeeded in filling the gaps in their twisted souls with the way of unification.

Now, they have become extremely devout members of the Holy Advent sect.

However, before these few successful cases, there were hundreds of victims whose souls lost control or were completely confused due to wrong operations. For those poor people, Tang Xiao was kind enough to send them to death.

The Psychic Temple will continue to stimulate the spiritual power of these Grisk people, just like an amplifier, spreading their spiritual power throughout the planet.

On the other hand, Anita is also very diligent in her work. Together with Rosales, she put the four Grisk people into a core device and installed it in the Psychic Temple.

"We haven't been able to fully listen to the oracle of the Way of Unity in terms of the core technology of the temple. Therefore, we need your help." Anita said, "The Grisk people have powerful psychic powers, use them as the core , will provide the Psychic Temple with enough power to save those confused victims.”

Strictly speaking, these victims are still under control, but the difference is that the objects of their allegiance have become the Holy Advent sect.

In the further development in the future, the bishops and cardinals of the Holy Advent sect can even preach directly through the psychic temple, spreading their gospel to the entire planet, and even across the galaxy!

But now these psychic temples have been modified and processed. For these people who have just been freed from the control of the Grisk people, the spiritual energy conveyed by the psychic temples seems to be like manna after a long drought!

Because this is the spiritual energy emanating from those canned Grisk people, it is equivalent to Anita and the others using the spiritual energy of the Grisk people to spread the gospel of the Holy Advent sect. As for those victims who have been controlled, their original souls and thoughts were distorted and transformed into a state controlled by the Grisk people. Now they receive the same channel, and the connection is naturally seamless and in place in one step.

Rosales glanced at Anita and said calmly: "This is an extremely cruel decision. For these Grisk people who were put into the Psychic Temple, they will be tortured forever."

Anita continued: "This is the Temple of Communion [Note 1]. We can build it on the saved planet, and through this amplifier, we can transmit the brilliance of the path to unity. But building a Communion The temple needs your help, respected High Templar."

If ordinary people were here, the effect of the Psychic Temple would be similar to that of sleep cues. It would not have any effect in the short term, but in the long term, it could subtly influence people's thoughts into a common channel. This is the greatest significance of the Theosophical Temple - communion.

And this is the solution proposed by Anita!

It has been proven before that in terms of spiritual power, the average Grisk is greater than the Protoss. Therefore, Tang Xiao needs to prevent such a thing from happening here, and if there really are heroic-level Grisk people, he also needs to go there and kill them as soon as possible.

Rosales, a senior templar of the Silak tribe, said: "But this does not solve the essential problem. It took us nearly half an hour to 'rescue' these victims."

As for the victims who were 'saved', in fact, in this state, they all possess certain psychic powers. In the system of the Holy Advent sect, although the individuals are very weak, they can be regarded as listeners to some extent. .

The reason why Tang Xiao strongly supported this plan after learning about it was because in this way, those planets and races controlled by the Grisk people would be taken over by the Holy Advent Sect almost intact and became their own power!

No, it should be more powerful!

Because the Holy Advent Sect’s way of unification, after training and guidance, can combine the spiritual power of everyone to form an extremely powerful force! For the Holy Advent messengers who are experts in the way of returning to unity, the power generated by the combination of a large number of powerful Holy Advent messengers can even destroy a fleet! !

Tang Xiao returned to the planet Hisla and continued to take charge of the issues in the Chiss territory, waiting for more news from the conquest of Grisk's hegemony.

So Tang Xiao won't have anything to do with the next work. Anita took the people of the Holy Advent sect and went to build the psychic temple with Rosales.

And if this ordinary person believes in the unity of the Holy Advent sect, the effect will be even more obvious.

Rosales was not polite and nodded in agreement.

"I'm not an architect," Rosales said.

"Compared to the killings and sins they caused, this is the redemption they deserve." Anita showed a compassionate smile.

He still needs to stay here for a while, and he will not leave until the construction of the Psychic Temple is completed and the overall situation within Chis Territory has been decided.

After all, who is the most powerful in the Principality of Dawn now? Naturally, he is the one. Because referring to the situation of the Protoss, it is hard to guarantee that there will not be some extremely powerful individuals in the Grisk Hegemony, and the mind control of such heroic-level Grisks may be difficult for ordinary Protoss to bear.

"We need a helper." Anita said, spreading her hands very elegantly, and a bishop standing beside her came forward and took out a storage device and handed it to Rosales.

The most important thing is that there are enough of them!

Those planets controlled by the Grisks have at least tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people, and the integration of the mental power of these people will be a terrible force!

That's right, these planets controlled by the Grisk Hegemony have actually become high-quality resources for the Holy Advent Sect!


[Note 1: In fact, I have always felt that the translation of Temple of Communion into the Spiritual Temple in the game is a bit inappropriate. Although it means that, the word Communion should be called the Temple of Fusion in the religious atmosphere of the Holy Advent Messenger, which is more in line with the sublimation meaning of The Unity, the way of unity. It's called "Tongling". Although it still means the same thing if you have to explain it, in the Chinese context, it is more like communicating with the soul or the spirit world, which can cause ambiguity. But I'll keep the translation in the game here. 】

Thanks to the immortal cultivator Gu Tianchen for the 500 starting coins!!

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