The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2124 Oleja vs. the Quarrel King

2125. Orega VS Quarrel King

Orega's movements stopped, and Phoenix also took the opportunity to regain his balance, distance himself and adjust his breathing as much as possible.

The strange behavior on Orega's side also caused the other four Dark Templar warriors to stop their movements. They pushed back the priestess and the judge as much as possible and returned to Orega.

At this moment, Orega was in a strange state. Although he is holding the soul-stealing sword, and it seems to be the right size, it almost makes people feel that when Tang Xiao built the soul-stealing sword, it was tailor-made for Orega - because the sword's more than one meter hilt was given to Tang Xiao Use, that's obviously a bit too long.

But now, Orega, who is holding the soul-stealing sword, seems unable to move!

"What kind of bitch are you?!" A hoarse voice suddenly came, and it seemed very rude and completely rude.

Everyone present looked around at the same time, and at the same time, their eyes fell on the soul-stealing sword in Orega's hand.

"Who are you?" Orega was obviously very angry, and the vibrations in the air clearly expressed his emotions.

"What am I? I am the Emperor of the Sith Empire! The founder of the Golden Age, the great Dark Lord, the leader of the Valley of the Sleeping King, Macha Ragnos!" The voice roared loudly, "I have already told you Tang Xiao, don’t bother me! But what are you doing now?”

The series of titles stunned Orega, and he found that the voice seemed to have a very high status. In comparison, his title seemed to be at most the wisdom guardian of the Asali tribe? At best, he was a librarian, but to put it bluntly, he was a librarian.

However, Maka Ragnos' rude words successfully aroused Orega's anger. He threw the soul-stealing sword out and struck it with an energy shock when he raised his hand!

With a click, the purple lightning energy impact was blocked! And the soul-stealing sword was actually floating in mid-air, which was extremely weird.

"No matter who you are! How dare you come to stop me! Then your only end is death!" Orega said viciously.

"I've already told you who I am, bitch! In front of me, kneeling is the most basic etiquette! Kneel down now!" Maca Ragnos roared loudly inside the soul-stealing sword.

"You are nothing! You have no right to make me kneel down!" Orega roared.

"Dare you say that I'm not a thing?! You are just a piece of shit! Ah! I also forgot that you can't even kneel down without a body!" Maka Ragnos mocked.

"Do you already have a body? You are just a sword now!"

"You don't know the significance of the existence of this sword at all! I! The great Maka Ragnos has already issued a decree. This sword will be a sacred object of the Sith Lord and will be passed down forever! You are just a person for that The power of nothingness, you are just a wretch who even wants to abandon your body! Even calling you a piece of shit is already promoting you!"

"Come out if you can! No matter what you are, I will completely tear you into pieces!"

"You are worse than a spice addict now! You have already lost yourself in power and hatred, and you are a remnant soul with no value of existence! Your soul has long been incomplete, and your will has been lost. , you have nothing but anger and hatred! Don’t you believe it? If you go out through this door, I will lose if anyone can call you by your name!”

"You bastard!!" Orega made another energy impact, but it was still blocked by the invisible force surrounding the soul-stealing sword.

Over there, Maka Ragnos was still scolding, "Our Sith Empire will never be captured by power. Power is just a tool, not everything we have! But look at you, you have become a force. Slave! I’ve just come into contact with your thoughts, look at you, you bitch, what you’re thinking now is not what you really want!”


"What do you want? What do you want? Say it! No, you have nothing but hatred! What is the meaning of your life? You live only for hatred! But is this hatred your hatred? No! This is just something you impose on yourself! This hatred has nothing to do with you! But if you don’t have this hatred, what do you think? You should change your name to a dog! It’s something!”


"Stop being so submissive here! Don't you realize that you are a twisted existence now? You are nothing but a piece of shit! Don't use the word 'I' either! The so-called 'I' has a referential meaning But what can you refer to when you don't mean anything? "Maka Ragnos's curses continued, like a river flooding out of control.

Just like Tang Xiao said before, this guy may have been a wise king of the Sith Empire during his lifetime, but from the moment he died, he seemed to have awakened some other attributes. Perhaps he found that he had become a ghost, had no physical body, and could not do anything he wanted to do, so Maca-Ragnos focused all his skill points on eloquence.

Not long after he died, his two heirs, Naga Sadow and Ludo Klesh, fought over his grave for the throne of the Sith Empire. As the former emperor of the Sith Empire, he not only did not come out to stop this thing that was harmful to the Sith Empire, but on the contrary, he clapped and cheered, and said that whoever won would get the throne.

If this is not funny, what is it? The image of the wise ruler who led the Sith Empire into the golden age collapsed instantly.

Then, after more than 4,000 years of eloquence training, Maka Ragnos met Darth Plagueis who went to the Valley of the Sleeping King to seek guidance. He immediately scolded Plagueis with all his strength and doubted his life. He even saw the ghost of Maka Ragnos, but he wrote in his log that he might have hallucinations caused by the resonance of those tombs...

Tang Xiao said that you were hallucinating because of the scolding...

Later, if Tang Xiao had not made targeted preparations, he would not have competed with Maka Ragnos in eloquence at all. He would have talked about the demise of the Sith Empire as soon as he opened his mouth, choking him and making him unable to speak. This is how he defeated the other party in eloquence, and it was a bit unfair.

On the other hand, who is Orega? He has been a guardian of wisdom for forty years, which is to say, a librarian. He may have met no more than 50 people in the past forty years. In addition, the Dark Templar was originally a relatively independent group. Then, Orega was infected by the hatred of countless Dark Templars and fell into madness.

So a dark templar who is only one step away from autism is bickering with Maka Ragnos, the quarrel king who has practiced for thousands of years?

That's self-defeating.

Thanks to Jian Yishu for the 500 Qidian coins!! Thanks to Xingchen Ai Xiaoshuo for the 200 Qidian coins!! Thanks to Shihuoyou 20240629215934369 for the 100 Qidian coins!!

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