2128, Kidnapping

The angry Maka-Ragnos was completely desperate. He even let his ghost show his physical form and fought against Orega with the Soul-Taking Sword. After fighting with the Spirit of Vengeance, he absorbed enough soul energy and could now make his ghost appear for a short time.

And Orega was also angry. In his opinion, he was completely unprovoked. It was even possible that this weapon was a trap from the beginning! Such anger made Orega more crazy. The terrible purple flames and purple energy shocks spread wildly around, leaving a mess wherever they passed!

Maka-Ragnos's shadow was almost shattered by this powerful force, but he also got angry. While cursing, he controlled the Soul-Taking Sword to fight Orega.

This battle was so fierce that it even dwarfed the battle between the four Dark Templars, the priestess, and the Phoenix on the other side. They all avoided the battle range of Orega to avoid being affected.

However, at this time, several people who were fighting fiercely suddenly found that something was wrong, especially the four dark templars. They suddenly found that one of the people they were fighting with was missing!

The woman wearing a mask decorated with black feathers and a big braid disappeared!

Now Orega has fallen into madness, and all he has in his eyes is Maka-Ragnos, while the four dark templars hurriedly check the surroundings. The priestess and Phoenix tacitly interfered with their actions as much as possible. After Orega was restrained by Maka-Ragnos, the battle between the two of them and the four dark templars was evenly matched.

In fact, just from this point, we can see the strength of the dark templars who followed Orega, because the priestess and Phoenix are both the top strong men in the Jedi Order and the Protoss. They can tie with them with a one-to-two number, which is already a very terrible power.

At this time, several dark templars finally found Judgment, who had left the battle group at some point and sneaked to the other side.

She is now next to the void crystal that was created by Orega using Kyber crystal contamination!

This void crystal is about one meter high, presenting an irregular spindle shape, fixed by an electromagnetic restraint device, floating in the air half a meter above the ground.

After Judgment took over Darth Malthael's mask and became his subordinate, Judgment has always given people the impression of being a master swordsman and being able to use the extremely powerful Muir Amulet. But little did they know that before all this happened, when Judgment was still Celeste Morn, under the Jedi Covenant of Lucien Dray, she was called Shadow and was also an expert in stealth!

The scene was in chaos, Orega was completely irrational and randomly released AOE everywhere, and several Dark Templars were firmly suppressed by Phoenix and the priestess, two top powerhouses, so they naturally didn't notice Judgment's actions.

Only the corners of Judgment's mouth under the mask were slightly upturned. She raised her hand, and an ominous red light flashed on Mur's amulet. Then, she pressed her hand directly on the void crystal!

"What are you doing! No! Stop it!!!" Orega also found that something was wrong. He roared loudly, and a powerful lightning struck him.

But it was too late. The power of Mur's amulet had been directly transmitted to the void crystal!

Orega's understanding of Kyber crystals was still insufficient. He just found that this kind of crystal could accommodate his void energy, so he used the method of transforming Khaydarin crystals before to transform Kyber crystals into void crystals. But he overlooked one point. The biggest feature of Kyber crystals is that it is also an extremely good conductor.

When using Kyber crystals as the core of lightsabers, whether they are Jedi Knights or Sith Lords, there is a process of injecting their own force into them. In this process, they will establish a deep connection between their force and the crystal, so that this lightsaber can be used easily.

Kyber crystal can easily absorb and conduct energy, and then amplify the energy and shoot it out. So the way Orega used it was correct. He used Kyber crystal to make void crystal, amplify the void energy, so that he could complete the three-person fusion. This is the taboo method of the Dark Templar. The dark archon who combined in this way will not dissipate.

But what Orega did not expect was that Kyber crystal could be easily transformed by void energy, and naturally it could also be easily transformed into something else.

And what Judgment is doing now is to use the extremely evil power in Mur's amulet to transform this void crystal!

Orega just used this void crystal to complete the fusion, and now the crystal is polluted, and he is the first to bear the brunt!

His powerful power forced Judgment back, but the pollution of the void crystal was irreversible! The purple flames around his body began to change constantly, and became weaker and weaker, and even unable to maintain his own form.

Elsewhere on the mothership, due to the influence of the polluted void crystal, the crew members and soldiers controlled by Orega turned into Rak ghouls one after another while screaming!

"You don't know what you did!" Orega roared.

He raised his hand to grab the polluted void crystal, and the crystal became visibly unstable. Then, Orega raised his other hand and grabbed the Soul-Taking Sword in his hand.

Maka-Ragnos was no match for Orega at all. His phantom had almost been shattered just now. Now he could do nothing but keep cursing.

"I will be back!" Orega's eyes, which were filled with extremely powerful power, stared fiercely at Phoenix and others, "Kalai Protoss, and anyone who wants to help you! In the end, there is only one death! Only death can wash away your sins!"

Judgment wanted to rush forward, but was pulled back by Phoenix.

The next second, the void crystal that Orega was holding suddenly exploded! The huge explosion energy formed a vortex of space distortion in an instant, swallowing Orega and the other four dark templars.

Boom! ! ! !

The vortex was released instantly, and huge energy was released, setting off a terrible explosion! Phoenix, the priestess, and Judgment hurriedly retreated.

The powerful explosion even distorted the solid cabin structure of the mothership, forming a spherical structure!

And Orega and the others have disappeared without a trace.

Judgment frowned and said, "He took the Soul-Taking Sword away."

The priestess sighed and said, "I think kidnapping is more appropriate."

Thank you Xingchen Love Novel for the 200 Qidian coins reward! !

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