The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2135 The Trade Alliance’s Calculations

2136, Trade Union's calculations

However, upon hearing this time, Ling Liang just shook his head and said coldly: "My hope is that you can hold on for eight months. That is to say, at least until next year. And this is only our requirement for relatively peripheral planets such as Deco-Neimoidia and Kru-Neimoidia..."

Her eyes were extremely sharp, looking at Newt Gunray, and then slowly said: "For Balmora, Cato-Neimoidia and your home planet Neimoidia, my hope is at least two years."

"This is impossible!" Newt Gunray raised his head suddenly and said, "We simply don't have the power to hold on for so long! Moreover, Balmora and Neimoidia have large incubation pools of our race on them, and the planets have a large population. Once the war is protracted, the casualties will be extremely heavy!"

Seeing his appearance, Ling Liang just sneered.

As expected, although Newt Gunray is making a lot of noise here now, he is actually making a lot of noise for everyone to see. Especially for the Principality of Dawn and Grand Duke Tang Xiao to see.

Just now, the Army Commander-in-Chief Xian Hui saw this matter so accurately. It is true that the old ones are the wisest.

Newt Gunray said this, but he was actually calculating his own plans. He probably wanted the Trade Union to surrender, so that he could avoid sacrifices to the greatest extent.

That's why he knew that the Principality of Dawn would never send troops to affect the Trade Union far away in the core circle of the Milky Way, but he still came here to make a fuss and cry for help.

He hoped that after being rejected by the Principality of Dawn, he would have an excuse, so he could say that it was you, the Principality of Dawn, who refused to send troops, don't blame me, and then surrender. In this way, the Principality of Dawn couldn't say anything wrong?

And anyway, the Trade Union has actually been divided into two, and a lot of industries and wealth have been transferred to the North, so no matter what, at least there is no problem in keeping a lower limit.

Since there is a way out, what he is thinking about is how to avoid sacrifices. If we can negotiate with the Galactic Empire on the premise of surrender, even if it means heavy bleeding, at least we can still save something.

"So what is your plan, Newt Gunray?" Ling Liang already had the answer, but she still pretended to ask.

"Our Trade Union has given everything for your Principality of Dawn. You can't ask us to hold on for two years without doing anything! In this way, our planet will be a river of blood!" Newt Gunray said loudly, "If Dawn turns a blind eye to the invasion we suffered, then we can only find a way ourselves."

"For example?" Ling Liang asked with a sneer.

"We will reach a certain degree of compromise with the Galactic Empire to preserve our planet." Newt Gunray said this, and he secretly glanced at Tang Xiao again, hoping that Tang Xiao would not immediately get angry.

Sure enough, Tang Xiao changed his sitting position and stared at him with a terrifying look, which made him feel hairy and tremble all over. Newt Gunray quickly explained: "Grand Duke, please rest assured that my loyalty to the Principality of Dawn will never change! Even if we lose those industries in the core circle, we will still support the Principality of Dawn wholeheartedly!"

This is the plan of their Trade Union - after a wave of resistance, surrender directly, and then split into two. One part surrenders to the Galactic Empire and continues to retain its own status, and the other part is divided and stays in the Principality of Dawn, continuing to enjoy the benefits given by the Principality of Dawn.

Then they can bet on both sides.

As for why they have to resist the Galactic Empire again, it is mainly to let the Galactic Empire see their strength, so that they can bargain with them.

In fact, the Trade Union does have the ability to make the Galactic Empire uncomfortable. They still control a large amount of navigation data in the Outer Ring Star Region, and still have countless human resources in the empire. At the same time, they also have very solid defenses on their core planets.

On the planets of Balmora and Cato-Neimoidia, each has deployed an Infinity-class supercarrier, although it is a castrated version without the Forerunner engine installed.

As for why they were not deployed on the home planet Neimoidia, it is because in the ethnic culture of the Neimoidians, they are not particularly sentimental about their home planet. The reproduction method of the Neimoidians is similar to that of a beehive. When they were young, they grew up in concentrated beehives, where it was a law of the jungle. Therefore, the grown-up Neimoidians will definitely not have any good memories of their childhood.

For the Neimoidians, the planet Neimoidia is just a place to raise their offspring (I won’t go into details, anyway, the reproduction and survival methods of this race are quite disgusting).

But Ling Liang said coldly: "This is our proposal to the Trade Union. You must persist long enough and deal a big enough blow to the Galactic Empire. And we will provide you with as much help as possible, and we will also open the border of the planet Rendili so that refugees from the Trade Union can go to Rendili for resettlement."

In fact, even this involves taking a lot of risks. Although the Rendili planet has a star gate, it is still a planet in the core circle after all, and it is now surrounded by the Galactic Empire. What prevents the Galactic Empire from attacking the planet Rendili is the huge fleet surrounding the planet, dominated by Victory II-class Star Destroyers and numbering more than 1,500 capital ships.

But if the planet Rendili opens its borders, it will be difficult to stop the Galactic Empire from infiltrating the planet. This may cause the secrets of the Stargate to be leaked, and it may also give Imperial agents some opportunities to destroy the stable environment on the planet.

However, this alone could not move Newt Gunray at all. He said loudly: "Of course we will do our best to resist, but the Galactic Empire has used at least two thousand capital ships for this offensive! You can't ask We can hold out for two years with such strength! The only result of this is that our planet will be plowed to the ground!"

He looked at Tang Xiao again and begged: "Your Majesty the Grand Duke! You will not sit back and watch this result, right? Only if we preserve our strength can we continue to serve the Kingdom of Dawn during the counterattack in the future, Your Majesty the Grand Duke!"

Newt Gunray is still here pretending to be crazy, crying and making trouble, almost hanging himself.

However, Tang Xiao also said coldly: "This is what I meant."

Ling Liang snorted coldly and said, "Then, how about we make a bet?"

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