The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

$ Chapter 2152 Tai Ren (Part 2)

2153. Tai Ren (middle)

Tang Xiao fell silent and then said: "Master Yoda, have you been here before? According to intelligence, he failed to assassinate Palpatine and then disappeared completely. Unexpectedly, he was in Mortis?"

"Actually, it's because of my help..." 'Father' said, "I was planning to call the Chosen Son and guide him here. As a result, Yoda sensed my call, and he seized this opportunity and guided him through me. , came to Mortis. Here, I talked with him for a year, and I got the answer I wanted to know, so I did not seek the Chosen One again, even if he had fallen into darkness.

"What did you talk about with Master Yoda?" Tang Xiao asked.

"Anything. Including the Jedi Order, the Sith, the Chosen Ones, and naturally...including you." 'Father' replied, "But you don't need to know the content of our conversation, and it won't be finished in a short time. of."

"Then at least let me go?" Tang Xiao said, "It's really uncomfortable for you to trap me here like this. Anyway, with your power, it's very easy to kill me."

"I won't kill you, but I won't let you go until I confirm it's safe." 'Father' said.

"Whose safety? Mine or yours?" Tang Xiao sneered.

"Everything." 'Father' dropped these words and disappeared.

Tang Xiao curled his lips, closed his eyes and began to meditate. Hanging here in this position, if it were an ordinary person, he would have fainted due to poor blood flow, but for a powerful user of the Force like Tang Xiao, it didn't matter at all.

He didn't feel bad, on the contrary, he was enjoying this rare peace.

Indeed, when he woke up from his confusion, he found himself hanging in Taiyi's place. And he also realized that the dark side that had been tormenting him all the time for more than ten years had actually calmed down!

The dark side did not continue to cause him pain, nor did it make him continue to be crazy... There was no continuous whisper, no out-of-control rage, and no pleasure of killing. Now, the dark side is just power.

Before Tang Xiao lost consciousness, he still remembered that he was fighting the extremely high-ranking Black Star who controlled Griske's hegemony. Black Star wanted to control him, and even used the power of ancient ruins... but he directly chose to fight to the death, put the will of the Toget swarm's nest in, and then directly accepted Black Star's will.

At that time, several different but equally powerful wills were fighting and devouring each other in his brain, and Tang Xiao almost completely turned into a madman in the process.

At that last moment, he saw a red flame in the dimness. This was also the last scene he saw.

He didn't know what was going on or why he was in Mortis. All he knew was that the erosion of the dark side had subsided, and the wills in his mind that were trying to fight for control of his body had also dissipated.

Tang Xiao now felt more relaxed and calm than ever before.

While meditating, he was also thinking about his situation.

Mortis, the center of the Force, the intersection of countless Forces, is an extremely huge diamond-shaped structure, like an asteroid, floating between reality and illusion, in the gap between time and space.

How long it has been here, no one knows. Whether it was built by Tai Ren or in an older era, no one knows. All I know is that Mortis is Tai Ren's residence and their prison.

They cannot leave from here, cannot use their powerful power to influence the galaxy, and can only be trapped here, one hundred thousand years after another, until they reach an unknown end point.

According to Tang Xiao's understanding of Tai Yiren, they should have been born from the Force, or inherited from the Celestials who once created this universe. In short, no one knows their true origins, but they But old enough and powerful enough.

The only clearly recorded deeds of the Tairen are that they transformed into "Star Builders" a hundred thousand years ago, taught the Killik Swarm to build the Midpoint Station, and used the power of the Midpoint Station to move thousands of black holes to construct the A huge cage that seals the terrifying evil god-Alobes.

According to the records of the Killik Swarm, Arobes was once a servant of Taiyi, but later gained power and became a chaotic and evil existence. But Tang Xiao thinks that's not the case... The story of Taiyi and the Kiliks sealing Arobes may not have happened just once, and there may have been more times in which the Kilik swarm was not involved.

Therefore, the records of Kilik swarm are not reliable.

But Tai Yiren is definitely not a god, Tang Xiao is very sure of this. Compared to gods, Tai Yiyi is more like a 'human being'. Although his 'father' has emphasized to him just now that they have already broken away from the so-called 'human beings' category, in Tang Xiao's view, they are just human beings.

Maybe it's an ancient super civilization, maybe it's a race that has gained great power. Anything is possible, but it won't be a god.

Because according to his understanding of the original plot of "Star Wars", Tai has seven emotions and six desires, and he can make mistakes, fall short, be sad, be impulsive, and regret.

Since they are ‘human’, it is possible to defeat them!

He absolutely cannot allow himself to continue to be imprisoned here, he must escape! And if possible, he must also kill these Taiyi. Because they are extremely powerful, they will be one of the biggest threats to his future domination of the Milky Way!

So... how to achieve it?

Tang Xiao continued to recall all the plots about Taiyi in his mind. Although their plots are few and the settings are very confusing, there are still enough important information hidden in them!

Three Taiyi, father, son and daughter.

Among them, the son has the power of the dark side, and the daughter has the power of the light side-yes, it is possession, not control, and not the incarnation of the Force! The son and daughter are just simply powerful.

All along, the son and daughter have been in endless battles and conflicts, and the father maintains the balance between them so that the balance of the Force will not be broken. At the same time, it is also to lock them up so that they cannot go out.

In other words, the one who really controls the Force is the 'father'. But even the 'father' has exhausted all his strength in maintaining balance for countless times. The current father is not even as powerful as his son and daughter!

The reason why the ‘father’ built or settled in Mortis was to monitor the balance of the Force and keep an eye on the flow of the long river of the Force. It can be said that he was the one who really gave everything for the balance of the Force.

In contrast, the son and daughter were just two willful children with great power.

Tang Xiao did not sympathize with the ‘father’, nor did he have any awe for his actions. What he was planning was how to end it all!

Through his son and daughter.

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