The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2189 Miraculous Operation (I)

2190. Miracle Operation (1)

After arriving at Planet 5 of the Rafa System, Dr. Yaco-Visti immediately took them to his research center and said: "Then if my guess is correct, the Soul Harp should be used by the Saru people to survive. That big cataclysm one hundred thousand years ago.”

"But it seems like they failed." The scientist leading the team from the Dawn Principality was named Wang Tao. He looked at the primitive people outside the window who were shouting at the spaceships in the sky, frowned and said, "If your theory just now doesn't work, If it is wrong, the Toka people are the descendants of the Saru people, which means that they, like the Kilik swarm, degenerated into their primitive state during the cataclysm a hundred thousand years ago. "

"If this was the case, the Soul Harp should not still exist." Dr. Yako said: "There must be something hidden in that disaster."

He kept walking until he came to a glass-domed room on the top floor of the institute, pointed into the distance and said, "Look, these are the ruins of the Saru people on Planet 5."

Wang Tao and the others looked from here, and sure enough, from the dome room, there was an endless plain, and in the middle of the plain stood more than a dozen extremely huge pyramids.

In fact, it is somewhat inaccurate to say that it is a pyramid, because these buildings are not triangular, but square cone-shaped. And the height of these pyramids is very high, at least several hundred meters high, and the tallest one in the center is even as high as a thousand meters!

"It's these things... We still call these pyramids 'plastic pyramids', because their materials are very special and can isolate us from the scanning of almost every sensor. And, even if it is at least a hundred thousand years Even though they have a long history, most of these pyramids are still intact,” said Dr. Yakko.

"The pyramid where the Soul Harp was discovered is the tallest one." Dr. Wang Tao pointed forward and said.

"Let's go and have a look. We have an all-terrain off-road vehicle here. If you are willing to help us pay for the fuel, I will be happy to take you there..." Dr. Yaco was halfway through his words when he was stopped by an impatient man behind him. The ghost agent mentioned it directly.

"If you mention money to me again, I will break your neck right now." The ghost agent said coldly.

Dr. Yaco quickly said: "Over there...over there, we have designed a scanner that can perform basic scanning on the special material of the plastic pyramid. Bring it...bring it with you."

In the end, they took the spaceship over because the shabby off-road vehicle was too small and could only carry four people.

The spacecraft flew around the pyramid at low altitude, and Dr. Yako started the scanner that looked very shabby, with wires, boxes and pipes almost everywhere. He only saw the structure of the pyramid projected in the holographic projection.

"This scanner can only penetrate about 5 meters of the special material of the plastic pyramid. When we had sufficient budget, we conducted a comprehensive scan of the pyramid. Originally we thought that these pyramids were solid, but until we found This location." Dr. Yako directed the pilot to drive the spacecraft to a place near the top of the pyramid.

"There is a gap here, and the cross-section is very neat. It is visually estimated that it is caused by a laser weapon. But to be honest, I don't know what laser weapon can cause such damage to a plastic pyramid." Dr. Yaco said, "This kind of pyramid is very strong, and The most important thing is that it is very heat-resistant. Even with high-power lasers, we can't melt this material. But fortunately, this gap allows us to detect something else."

He pointed at the holographic projection and said, "Look, the position of this gap allows our scanner to penetrate... Then we discovered that these pyramids are all hollow! Not only that, we found one of the energy lines in them Transmission line! And this line leads directly to the underground! In other words, there is something underground in these pyramids, and there is a high probability of energy supply!”

Wang Tao frowned and said, "It looks like that. This pyramid has secrets. Well, there should be an entrance and exit, right? Let's go in now."

Dr. Yaco looked back at the ghost agent standing behind with some fear, and said with a smile: "Of course I know we need to find a way to get in, I mean... can you... uh, support us with some money... ah no No no! I mean equipment!”

When he saw the ghost agent coming over again, he quickly waved his hands and shouted, "We really have no equipment and no funds! Otherwise we would have dug this pyramid long ago!"

Wang Tao sighed, pointed at his nose and said: "You should know that we are from the Principality of Dawn, right? In other words, if we catch you now and ask you to reveal the scientific research projects of the Galaxy Empire, we should be spies of the enemy country, right? Then Have you ever seen someone asking for money from an enemy spy?”

Dr. Yako shook his head and said, "I haven't seen it."

Seeing that the ghost agent was planning to take action this time, he quickly curled up his neck and said loudly, "But there's nothing we can do! We're so poor! We only have 100,000 empire credits for this project every year... Let's eat, drink and sleep After deducting it, we can’t even pay for the fuel for the off-road vehicle! Driving a spaceship is a luxury that only happens once every two years!”

Wang Tao didn't know what to do, and said to the ghost agent: "Contact the rear, if they want anything, we will try our best to satisfy it..."

Agent Ghost was silent for a while, then pointed at Dr. Yako and said, "This operation is over. I must kill this guy!"


At the same time, in the unknown star field, the planet Ciara.

This planet, which had been dead for hundreds of years, was now filled with gunfire and constant fighting.

The core of the battle was around the super signal repeater built on a mountain peak about 3,000 meters above sea level! This super signal repeater is a huge tower nearly 2,000 meters high, and there are thousands of steel beams and steel bars around it to support the stability of the tower.

And at the bottom of the mountain, there was a black shadow that looked like an ocean.

These black shadows were all people!

And they were all mummies! What was chilling was that these mummies were covered with brown silt, which seemed to be alive and kept wriggling, controlling these mummies to rush madly towards the mountain.

How many mummies were there? It was impossible to count! Because the vast space at the bottom of the mountain was almost full of people standing side by side! Even in the withered jungle, there were also shadows everywhere. I wonder how many people were hiding there!

Countless mummies rushed up and even blocked the mountain road. There is no doubt that these are all the mummies of the Siara people controlled by Mnggal-Mnggal!

According to the research of Vishal of the Korok, Mnggal-Mnggal prefers to attach to living things to move around, and if they want to move alone in the form of mud, their mobility and flexibility will be greatly reduced. So these bodies of the Siara people who have been devoured are still controlled by Mnggal-Mnggal and continue to rush up!

Their purpose is very clear - rush up! Then tear all the living people on the top of the mountain into pieces!

But when they are hundreds of meters away from the top of the mountain, they stop instantly as if they suddenly hit a wall.

A wall of fire!

Da da da da! Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh! Countless laser beams, hypermatter accelerated bullets, and blaster beams poured down from the mountain crazily, and there is no need to aim at all! The dense firepower destroyed the mummies controlled by Mnggal-Mnggal in large numbers. In the face of the powerful firepower, the sludge was scattered and the mummies were smashed to pieces.

Although such firepower could not really destroy Mnggal-Mnggal, if the mummies were smashed, the sludge could only slowly climb up.

However, the living sludge did not climb for long before it was swallowed up by bloody mouths. It was Lugubula! The fighting creatures raised by the Korok people!

These creatures looked like a combination of salamanders and leeches. They were very disgusting, but they were extremely powerful and very flexible. Their abyssal-like mouths full of sharp teeth kept swallowing Mnggal-Mnggal, and then sprayed the residue out of the excretory cavity near the hind legs.

It was very strange that the living sludge kept wriggling while being swallowed. After being swallowed and excreted, it became brown dust and lost all its activity. These Lugubulas use their slender hands with suction cups to grab the mud and swallow it. Their skin is slippery and the pervasive Mnggal-Mnggal mud cannot penetrate their bodies from the epidermis!

The key reason why the Korok people can be surrounded by Mnggal-Mnggal for hundreds and thousands of years but still not be controlled is these Lugubulas that can swallow mud.

There are many of these Lugubulas, at least thousands of them. They keep swallowing the Mnggal-Mnggal that surges up in the mud state, allowing the people on the mountain to concentrate on dealing with the Siara mummies.

Shepard and his team are stationed on the top of the mountain. There was originally a row of fortifications with a very good view here, which was used by the Siara people to protect this super signal repeater. Because this thing is an important means for the Siara people to understand the outside world, and it can be called their civilization treasure.

Huang Yehao, Ashley Williams, Kayden Alanco, Sen Luo, Death... Everyone in Shepard's team fired wildly here. Not only them, but also many B-1 combat robots brought from the Normandy and those logistics personnel, almost all those who can shoot guns, all came here and defended desperately.

There are even some smarter Lugubulas, who are with them, holding special laser guns and firing continuously.

Lugubulas are actually very polarized in terms of intelligence. Smart Lugubulas can even have language, can communicate, have their own civilization, and even have their own elders. The stupid Lugubulas are no different from beasts.

Now here, those Lugubulas who rushed to the front to act as meat shields and devour the surging Mongal-Mongal silt are undoubtedly the latter.

Therefore, in total, there are about 1,500 people in their army who can use guns, plus more than 8,000 Lugubulas without intelligence. It seems that there are a lot, but they are facing the population of the entire planet of Ciara!

At that time, the Ciara people were unable to leave their planet to establish colonies on other habitable planets, so they stayed on their home planet, and the population once reached 14 billion.

And these 14 billion people, plus the countless animals, and even the corpses that had just died and were not completely rotten, the number of individuals that Mnggal-Mnggal could control on this planet could easily exceed 50 billion!

Those Mnggal-Mnggal individuals rushed up the mountain frantically, some of them holding various guns that the Ciara people had made, even tanks and cannons.

But these sporadic firepower could not threaten Shepard and others hiding behind the fortifications, and the cannons and tanks were destroyed in advance by the spacecraft in the air.

In the sky, a total of 33 spacecraft sent by the two major factions of the Korok people were here to cover, fighting with the fighters and spacecraft controlled by the Ciara mummies, and clearing out the heavy units that appeared on the ground.

The memories of the individuals controlled by Mnggal-Mnggal would be absorbed, so through these mummies, Mnggal-Mnggal could also control vehicles such as spacecraft and tanks.

The Normandy, which had better performance, served as a mobile force, patrolling the entire planet and destroying all high-threat targets that appeared. For example, nuclear missile silos.

The air-to-ground integrated firepower completely covered the area around the mountain! Bullets and rockets kept shooting down from the mountain, and the laser beams in the sky seemed to rain without stopping. Many places below the mountain have been on fire, and all kinds of debris are piled up like mountains. The sea of ​​mud is constantly wriggling in the flames, and the air is filled with an unpleasant smell.

Even though Shepard's makeshift troops now have an absolute firepower advantage, it is still a desperate confrontation.

The battle has been going on for four days. How many individuals of Mnggal-Mnggal have they killed? 100,000? 1 million? It is impossible to calculate. But they only know that in every corner of the planet, countless Mnggal-Mnggal are coming.

Ammunition is limited, energy is limited, and physical strength is limited.

But Mnggal-Mnggal is unlimited... Even if Mnggal-Mnggal is temporarily scattered, it can use its own mud to piece together the relatively intact debris and then go to the battlefield again.

Near the fortifications where Shepard and his men were stationed, countless silts gathered together to form a huge head. The head spoke: "Give up resistance, it's useless... This is my world... Do you know how many times I have seen such resolute resistance? 170,000 times. The longest one lasted for 140 days. But... I trapped them in the base for a whole year. Even though they had given up resistance, I still didn't kill them... Instead, I tortured them constantly, using the bodies of their relatives and children to torture them... Even if they wanted to commit suicide, it was not allowed. Until those poor souls were completely crazy and completely corrupted... And what about you? I plan to torture you for... 10 years... Hahahaha!"

Boom! ! ! A blaster that fell from the sky directly shattered the head!

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