The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2213 The End of the War

2214. The end of the war

[Leave the Infinity number, everyone else, go back. 】

"It's Shepard..." Huang Yehao said in a deep voice, "What does she mean? Leave Infinity behind and let the others leave. Has she succeeded? Has she become the new God of Decay?"

Shirley Birkin said: "The Infinity is also carrying the Mind Harp... I think this is her last insurance. She is still fighting Mongar Mongar."

Huang Yehao was silent for a while, then connected to Infinity's communication.

The figure of Lieutenant General Zhang Rui, the captain of the Infinity, appeared in the holographic projection. He also had a serious expression, "I also received the communication just now. I have made a decision that I will lead the Infinity super aircraft carrier to stay here and leave my heart The harp is fully charged, and once the situation changes, I will activate the mind harp again.”

"The problem is, we don't know how long this process will last. What if it takes several years?" Huang Yehao asked with a frown, "Also, the Infinity super aircraft carrier should be the flagship of General Severance Tann and stay here. , may have a significant impact on her strategy."

Lieutenant General Zhang Rui nodded and said: "The supply problem can be solved. The rotten star ring that once surrounded the planet Mugg-Faroo contained not only the tens of thousands of warships, but also some relatively simple space annexes, which contained There is a lot of fuel. As for food, there is a hydroponic cabin in our spacecraft that can be used. "

He thought for a while and then said: "As for General Tann, you can only report the situation here to the Grand Duke after you return to Dawn Planet, and it will be up to him to make a decision."

Huang Yehao nodded, solemnly gave a military salute to Lieutenant General Zhang Rui, and said, "Then, I leave this place to you, General Zhang."

"As long as I'm here, none of Mongar Mongar's warships can even think of leaving!" Zhang Rui said seriously, "Go quickly and cooperate with Commander Matt Horner to escort the Divine Envoy back to Dawn. Planet. Now, the Grand Duke needs that Titan battleship even more."

Three days later, the Titan battleship Archangel, the Eternal super aircraft carrier, the Eternal super aircraft carrier, and the Normandy frigate completed their preparations and set off, leaving behind the devastated planet Moog-Farlow.

The current appearance of the planet Moog-Faroo is indeed extremely miserable. The place that was bombed by the Angel's doomsday weapon was equivalent to at least one-fifth of the planet's surface. It was completely burned to black, and there were even fires in many places. It's not out yet. In that area, the dark clouds of smoke in the sky almost never dissipate, and look like they will continue to do so for at least many years.

In the sky, the wreckage of the destroyed warships were captured by the gravity of the planet and continued to fall from the sky, forming balls of fire due to the friction of the air. The number of destroyed warships was so large, close to 40,000. The fragments and wreckage of these warships continued to fall, causing the planet, especially the equator area, to rain metal fire almost continuously.

Those wreckage and fragments that are slightly farther away from the planet and have not been captured by the planet's gravity begin to gradually gather together as they continue to rotate. The combined mass of tens of thousands of warships is very huge. Perhaps after a few years, these metal fragments will form a metal satellite and orbit the planet.

On the other side of the planet, the mountain range that Shepard finally drove the shuttle to was now surrounded by countless battleships.

The number of these warships reached tens of thousands, almost completely occupying the entire mountain range. Not only that, most of the battleships have fallen and crashed into the mountains. The current mountain range has completely become a cemetery of battleships, surrounded by countless battleships.

The Infinity super aircraft carrier has found a huge plain nearby to land on, and re-erected the plastic pyramid, using a large number of pipelines to connect it to the battleship's energy system. The crew established a fully enclosed settlement here and began activities on the ground. After confirming that the planet is safe, they will also walk out of the settlement and go outside.

Mongar - No one knows what state Mongar and Shepard are in now. But what can be confirmed is that on this planet, except for those battleships, all other Mongar silts have "died", and the particles and spores in the air have also fallen into dust.

But because the planet Mugg-Faro was once completely occupied by Mongar Mongar, and almost everything that could be called a 'living thing' had been devoured, so under normal circumstances, this planet should be dead forever.

But with the presence of the crew aboard the USS Infinity supercarrier, the situation may change. At least now, there is a tiny bit of green on this once completely brown planet.

A month later, a formation of three super battleships returned to the Levik planet. What greeted them was a joyous atmosphere on the entire planet.

According to the Planet Governor, more than a month ago, all Mongal-Mongal clones on the entire planet suddenly died and no longer responded.

Almost off guard, they won the victory against Mongar Mongar.

Planet Levik has been living under high pressure and military control for a year or two due to the invasion of Mongar-Mongal. Such an atmosphere can almost drive people crazy. But now, the sludge that was almost everywhere suddenly lost its vitality. Whether it was true or not, the entire planet was plunged into jubilation.

Due to Shepard's disappearance, Matt Horner also declined in every possible way. The final report of the expedition to the planet Mug-Faro was hosted by Huang Yehao, while Ander Wiggin and Shirley Birkin made a more systematic summary from the perspectives of military and scientific research respectively.

In the remote communication, Huang Yehao reported in detail to Grand Duke Tang Xiao of the Dawn about the beginning and end of the expedition and Shepard's unknown current situation. Ander Wiggin described the progress of the Mug-Faro battle, and with the help of Matt Horner, completed the actual combat analysis report on the God-Envoy-class Titan battleship and the Infinity-class super aircraft carrier.

Shirley Birkin also reported the results of this research on Mnggal-Mnggal, and made a deep reflection in front of Tang Xiao, admitting that it was because of the radical research methods of the Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group under her leadership that Mnggal-Mnggal almost completely lost control and exploded.

Although Tang Xiao did not say anything in the meeting, his eyebrows were filled with joy.

Obviously, now that the two major threats from the Unknown Star Region, the Grisk Hegemony and Mnggal-Mnggal, have been eliminated, the Unknown Star Region will truly become the back garden of the Principality of Dawn! (End of this chapter)

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