The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2248 Mandalore Civil War (V)

2249, Mandalorian Civil War (V)

Jango Fett used a jetpack to fly flexibly in the air. A large number of Vizsla government troops on the ground fired wildly at the sky, but they could not hit them at all. Even some sporadic firepower was completely blocked by Beskar steel armor and did not cause any damage.

In the sky, two Komrick-class fighters were also bombing the ground continuously. This 58.3-meter-long super-heavy fighter had fierce firepower, and it was not something that could be destroyed by the firepower carried by an individual.

But Jango Fett always kept a distance from the Komrick-class fighters and did not engage in direct combat with them. He was like the god of death, constantly harvesting the lives of those government soldiers on the ground in the air.

Other 20 Mandalorian warriors, including Rethos, were also constantly slaughtering the government troops. They shuttled through the complex environment of the city to avoid being hit by heavy firepower, and then continued to harvest the lives of the government combat teams.

However, they were only 20 people after all, and it was difficult to resist the government troops attacking on multiple fronts at the same time. Elsewhere in the city, the rebels, composed of local security forces and militias, were no match for the government forces, and they were losing ground.

The city they are fighting for now is called Psychobi, which was one of the cities built by the Galactic Republic on Mandalore after the Mandalorian resection more than 740 years ago. And the name Psychobi is the name of the core circle of wealthy businessmen who funded the construction of this city.

This has to be said to be a big joke. The Galactic Republic did not declare war on Mandalore itself, and when Mandalore did not show any aggressiveness, it carried out a nuclear bombing on the planet just because it found that the Mandalorians were developing well. After the bombing, I felt that I was really not a human being, so I felt distressed, launched a fundraising campaign, initiated aid construction, and praised Mandalore in the media.

Bombed Mandalore into a white desert, and then helped the Mandalorians rebuild their homes under the banner of democracy, and named these cities after the core circle dignitaries. God knows if these wealthy businessmen and dignitaries paid for the bombing of the planet before?

What's even funnier is that the Mandalorian excision took place about 260 years after the Ruusan Reform. In other words, the Ruusan Reform, which declared a galaxy without war, achieved peace throughout the territory, abolished the use of force, abolished offensive weapons, and restricted the manufacture of warships, has been advanced for 260 years, but the Mandalorian excision has happened again. There is nothing more ironic than this.

The battle that is happening in Secbi City is actually a slap in the face of the former Galactic Republic, and Satine Kryze is also being slapped in the face. She has devoted her life to transforming the Mandalorians with peaceful policies and wants to integrate into the big family of the Galactic Republic. In fact, her starting point is not wrong. After the Mandalorian excision, the industrial system on the planet Mandalore has been destroyed and cannot confront the Galactic Republic at all.

But the problem is that Satine Kryze has taken the path of peace so thoroughly that she has lost the ability to defend herself. And the civil war that has broken out now is the most direct consequence.

The Komrick-class fighters in the sky kept firing. Because the rebels lacked anti-aircraft firepower, the two fighters simply hovered in the air and fired wildly at the ground.

In such a bombing, the rebel soldiers could only hide here and there, and they didn't even dare to show up.

Among these rebel soldiers, some were the uprising security forces. These security forces were also founded by Super Vizla before. They had some basic training and equipment, but their number was not large after all. Most of the rebel soldiers didn't even have a decent blaster rifle in their hands. Many soldiers only had blaster pistols or some homemade gunpowder guns in their hands.

Of course, the soldiers of the Vizla government army didn't have any protective equipment. Even if they were hit by a gunpowder rifle, it would be fatal. However, with the accuracy of the homemade rifle, hitting the target was originally a low-probability event, and at most they would hear a sound.

These armed rebel soldiers went to the front line. They used abandoned cars and various temporary things to pile up obstacles to block the government army's advance, and then hid in the buildings and tried every means to shoot cold guns.

Other unarmed soldiers were in the rear, evacuating civilians as much as possible and letting them hide in basements or parking lots. If there was really no place to hide, they could only find some relatively sturdy buildings to accommodate them.

Jango Fett led the Mandalorian warriors to kill through the government army's formation, killing at least thousands of soldiers along the way, but they themselves were out of ammunition and food, and had to retreat.

The government army took advantage of the situation and invested thousands of soldiers to strengthen the offensive, and they were close to the control center of the city's dust shield.

The government army began to shout that if they did not surrender, they would close the dust shield as soon as they captured the control center, exposing the entire city to deadly ultraviolet rays!

After holding on for another half a day, the city of Sekbi had to declare surrender. The government army swarmed in, surrounded all the residents' evacuation points, and then began to search for all those who might be related to the rebels. Once found, they would be executed on the spot!

The city of Sekbi was suddenly filled with blood!

Jango Fett and his men were able to evacuate safely, but compared to their exhausted bodies, their spirits were even more exhausted. Seeing the city fall, and being unable to stop it, this feeling of powerlessness made people despair.

But no matter how desperate one is, hope always exists.

The resistance of the rebels on the front line and Jango Fett bought a lot of time for Bo-Katan Kryze's resistance movement, and as time went by, the chance of reversal was there.

[…We should recognize the reactionary nature of Super-Vizla! For him, all Mandalorians can be sacrificed, and all he wants is to become Mandalore! Everyone is a tool to realize his ambitions. He uses you today, and will sacrifice you tomorrow without hesitation! ]

[Look at what Super-Vizla did after he came to power? Did people's lives get better? No! He used all the resources of Mandalore to form his own private army, and then used this army to plunder more wealth! But he didn't even have the courage to go outside the planet! He only dared to plunder the property of the Mandalore people themselves! ]

[Super-Vizla is leading Mandalore to destruction! He is now crazy! Even if everyone dies, he will satisfy his ambitions! ]

[Recognize his true face! Stand up and resist! This is the last chance to save Mandalore! ! 】

Bo-Katan-Kryze gave a passionate speech, igniting the flames of resistance everywhere on the planet! (End of this chapter)

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