The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2251 The Tragic Survivor

2252, The Poor Survivor

"Each person can only take 200 milliliters of water! No more!!" The lieutenant's voice came from the front.

Darko pursed his lips, and at this moment, the sound of an engine came from the sky, followed by a cheer from the crowd. That's a transport plane! Finally, a transport plane came down from the Concordia satellite!

After more than a week of continuous fighting, they finally received supplies. And the arrival of the transport plane also means that they can finally have more ammunition, as well as food, water, and medicine! Yes, medicine, Darko at least hopes that if he is injured, there will be some guarantee.

He was also in the line for water here. Darko filled half a kettle of water with a kettle, and while he was busy pouring it into his mouth, he looked at the direction where the transport plane landed with eagerness.

The transport plane over there has landed, and it should have started unloading.

However, at this moment, something strange happened! In front of Darko and other Vizsla government forces, dozens of missiles were fired directly, hitting the transport ship with long tails of smoke! !

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!!! The explosions continued. The first few missiles were blocked by the deflector shield of the transport ship, and the next ten or so missiles exploded directly on the ship!

The transport ship suddenly set off an extremely violent explosion! Even though the transport ship could no longer be seen from Darko's position, he could still see the huge fireball rising in the sky!

The explosion of an ordinary spacecraft could not have such a fierce flame, so there was only one possibility - those concentrated explosive gas storage tanks were detonated!

This explosion immediately caused chaos at the scene. The soldiers around screamed loudly. Some ran to get weapons, some ran to the places where they could hide, and some rushed towards the direction of the transport ship in a rage.

"Look over there! It's a super soldier!!" Someone pointed to the sky and shouted hysterically.

Darko raised his head. The smoke was too thick, and he couldn't see the situation over there clearly, but he did hear a burst of dense gunfire coming from there.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!! Company 17, assemble immediately!" their commander, the second lieutenant, shouted at the top of his voice.

Darko hurriedly ran over with a water bottle. Because their company was getting water, they were basically nearby and assembled quickly. Some soldiers who didn't have time to get water came over, but they still looked at the water dispenser with eagerness and licked their cracked lips.

"Those who don't gather will be treated as deserters! Set off now! Target loading and unloading platform!" the second lieutenant shouted loudly.

Is there anyone else who hasn't come? Darko looked around. Maybe he had sharp eyes, and saw a few familiar figures flashing behind a pile of cargo boxes.

In the chaos, Darko followed the 17th company and ran towards the direction of the attack.

Most of the troops on the gymnasium side were rotated from the front line. They were either because of heavy casualties or because they ran out of ammunition and food. Their combat effectiveness can be imagined.

All the way to the loading and unloading platform, I saw a fallen transport ship slanting on the ground, with a raging fire around it, and the loading and unloading workers screaming and running around.

What's even more terrifying is that in the air, there are 20 demon-like figures, flying at high speed with jet backpacks, shooting wildly at the ground while flying!

"... It's a super soldier!" Someone shouted, turned around and wanted to run, but was shot dead by the commander behind him!

I only heard the commander shouting: "There are only 20 of them! Kill them! Those who retreat will be killed without mercy!!"

The scene was even more chaotic. The soldiers of the Vizsla government army shouted loudly, but they hid behind the bunker honestly, not daring to show their heads, and could only raise their guns and shoot in the general direction of the air.

However, Jango Fett's super soldiers were high above, firing accurately, slaughtering those soldiers one by one.

Darko also shrank his neck and randomly pulled the trigger at the sky, but within two seconds, the lagging EE-3 blaster rifle in his hand shook violently and stopped firing. He took the gun back and saw that the position of the blaster gas tank was flashing red, and there was no ammunition.

He hurriedly fumbled on the chest belt, but it was empty, there was no other gas tank.

However, at this moment, there was a whistle in the sky! Then there was a loud bang! A soldier wearing a streamlined mechanized exoskeleton dived down directly, without even slowing down, and slammed into a pile of cargo boxes next to him!

Boom! The metal cargo box was smashed into pieces by this, and the Vizsla government soldiers hiding behind were even torn into pieces under the powerful impact!

I only saw this terrible soldier holding a pistol in each hand. After landing, he didn't even stop for 0.1 second and fired a burst of rapid shots around!

The comrades of the 17th Company who had just lined up with Darko fell down like wheat, becoming lifeless corpses.

The soldier wearing a mechanized exoskeleton turned around, and Darko saw a 117 logo sprayed on his chest armor. This terrible soldier glanced over here, and even through the full-coverage helmet, Darko could feel the terrible murderous intent! He quickly threw aside the rifle in his hand that had no blaster gas, and lay on the ground and left it to fate.

There were two light clicks, and only two pistol magazines with green smoke fell in front of him, and then the mechanical foot with a slight motor rotation sound passed by.

Then there was another series of gunshots and screams.

Darko felt that his blood had solidified! He lay on the ground, trembling, and dared not move.

Gunshots, explosions, and screams continued to sound, and a roar of a jetpack came from not far away. Perhaps the terrifying warrior No. 117 flew up again. Darko didn't dare to look up at all.

I don't know how long it took, Darko's body was almost stiff, and the gunshots and explosions around him gradually stopped. He sat up tremblingly and looked around...

This place is completely a ruin, with burning cargo boxes and debris everywhere, and corpses all over the ground!

The wounded were still wailing and screaming loudly, and some cargo was occasionally detonated and exploded. The air was filled with the smell of burnt, and even a smell of barbecue.

A soldier with half of his body burned to charcoal was kneeling on the ground, picking up a kettle from a corpse and pouring it into his mouth desperately. However, the half of the face that was burned had already cracked, and a lot of water leaked directly from the cracked cheeks, flowing on the burnt body, and a puff of light smoke rose.

This scene completely broke Darko's mental defenses, and he vomited with a wow sound, crying loudly while vomiting...

"Help... Help!!!"

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