308、Hundred secrets and sparse

The capital of the Galactic Republic, Coruscant.

What has happened and what will happen in the Galactic Republic now shows that this decadent regime is about to end.

In the Galactic Council, the core of power that was supposed to decide the fate of the entire galaxy, there were only quarrels, endless quarrels.

The quarrel between the Galactic Republic and the corporate giants did not stop for a day, on the contrary, it intensified.

Ever since the film of the relationship between the two parties was pierced at the Eriadu Business Summit, this contradiction has been on the surface.

The Galactic Republic is determined to collect taxes in the outer ring star region, but the corporate giants claim that it is a free trade zone and should not be taxed.

This is the core of the quarrel between the two sides.

But this is only one aspect. The essential reason for this quarrel is that the loose bureaucracy of the Galactic Republic has caused their officials to be riddled with money, and they have completely lost their trust hundreds of years ago. Control of corporate giants.

As the Galactic Republic announced unilaterally taxing the free trade zone after the terrorist attack at the Eliadu Business Summit, the corporate giants also directly tore the Rusan agreement into pieces, unilaterally announced the cancellation of the restrictions on warship construction, and began to develop and develop aggressively. Refit large battleships.

And corporate giants have warned the republic that imposing the tax could have disastrous consequences.

He went to the planet Naboo for a symbolic negotiation, and then went to the Golden Nice Shipyard, which cooperated with the fourth group, to confirm his future main battleship, which made Newt Gunley feel more relaxed. In Lausanne, there are endless quarrels and wrangling.

This made him a little physically and mentally exhausted, but this was not the most troublesome thing, what really made him feel terrified was another thing.

"My lord asks you to explain immediately why you postponed the plan to block Naboo until half a year later!" In the holographic projection, Darth Sidious's figure hidden under the cloak gave him incomparable pressure .

After succumbing to the power of the dark side of Darth Sidious, Newt Gunray has realized the power of the dark side from all aspects, whether it is power, wealth or other aspects, so that he has no longer any resistance thoughts.

He lowered his head and said in a trembling voice: "Give...give me some more time...because the work of converting our LH-3010 giant cargo ship into a battleship has not been completed...and, moreover, I still need to organize my robot army... ..."

"Idiot!!!" Darth Sidious roared, he raised his hand, and an invisible force immediately grabbed Newt Gunley's neck and lifted him up!

Newt Gunray struggled like a frog, but couldn't break free. When he was almost suffocating, Darth Sidious put him down and asked coldly: "Tell me, where is your deputy governor, Hass Monchar?"

Upon hearing this name, Newt Gunley fell to his knees with a plop, and said in mourning, "I'm sorry, my lord, Hass-Munchal, he betrayed! He paralyzed our flagship in the Cato sector Saka, and escaped in a spaceship! I...I will solve this problem immediately! I have sent ten bounty hunters to hunt him down, and among them are experts like Mavi Lechin!"

"The bounty hunter you're talking about, is this one?" Darth Sidious said lightly, and he turned on another holographic projection screen.

What was shown on the screen was a somewhat shabby house, but the house was splattered with red and blue blood everywhere, and the corpses of two Quarrens and a Trandoshan bodyguard lay in pieces on the ground. And in the middle of the house, a Neimoidian wearing a fine attire was being lifted into the air by an invisible force. His struggle had stopped, and he seemed to be slumped as if resigned to his fate.

The one who did all this was a red-skinned Zabrak, Darth Maul, sitting casually on the windowsill! His double-headed red lightsaber was placed beside him, and one hand maintained the force to lift the Neimoidian up, waiting for Darth Sidious's command.

Seeing this scene, Newt Gunley realized that Darth Sidious was always in control! He collapsed on the ground and begged: "Don't kill me... Lord. I didn't know that Munchal would betray... I was not mean to him, but he treated me like this! I want to kill him! I must kill him! Kill him! It's none of my business... I just want to catch him before things get serious, so I don't need to bother you..."

"He sold a holographic memory to a businessman named Lorne Pawan and earned 500,000 credits." Darth Moore said lightly.

"Tell me, what's in the memory?" Darth Sidious asked, looking at Newt Gunray.

"Yes... yes..." Newt Gunley trembled violently, unable to utter a word.

"Say!!" Darth Sidious roared, and the powerful force directly blew Newt Gunray away, hitting the wall with a bang, smashing him to pieces and rolling on the ground several times The circle couldn't stand up.

"It's...it's our plan to seal off the planet Naboo!" Newt Gunley almost urinated in extreme fear, "And...and your conversation records..."

"You... idiot!" Darth Sidious's anger could be felt through the communicator. He never thought that he would be tricked by this pig teammate. If he can't get this memory back, Then he might capsize in the gutter.

It even said that the existence of Sith was exposed in advance!

With a buzzing sound, Darth Maul's red lightsaber flashed across the holographic screen, and the head of the trade union vice-governor Hass Munchal, who was suspended in mid-air, fell down.

"If this matter is not resolved, then say goodbye to the position of the Governor of the Trade Union!" Darth Sidious growled, and then said to Darth Maul: "Go find it immediately! Catch that businessman and retrieve the memory!!"


At the same time, Hutt Space, Planet Gamo.

Tang Xiao had just slaughtered a stronghold left by Hei Ri. Hei Ri seemed to think that it was safe for them to hide in the Hutt space, but it was not the case.

They were discovered by Darth Plagueis' almost pervasive intelligence system, and then Tang Xiao descended like a god of death, bringing death to each of them.

At this moment, Tang Xiao, who was carrying a force-sensitive killer in one hand, was walking towards his shuttle, but the communication rang.

After connecting to the communication, the gloomy face of Darth Plagueis appeared in the projection.

"Put down everything in your hands, and immediately hunt down a human businessman named Lorne Pawan!" Darth Plagueis's tone showed that he was suppressing the monstrous anger now!

Swish! ! The blade of the lightsaber flashed by, and Tang Xiao cut the killer who was sensitive to the Force into several pieces. He threw away the arm he was still holding, and knelt down on one knee to respond: "Obey, my lord."

After closing the communication, Tang Xiao closed his eyes and thought about it for a while.

Because of practicing the original force, his memory and reaction ability are much better than before. Now, in the corner of his memory, he remembered a person he had seen before, but because he was relatively lonely, he quickly forgot plot.

A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

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