The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 335 The arrow is on the string

333、The arrow is on the string

Tang Xiao walked out of the box, took the shuttle directly to the mothership Glory, and came to the conference room.

Baron Helmut Zemo, Ni Yongxiao, and Qi Jian are already waiting in the meeting room. In the holographic projection, Francis Underwood, Claire Underwood, and Gross Shelby also participate remotely meeting.

Seeing Tang Xiao coming in, everyone stood up and saluted.

Francis Underwood said: "Just two standard hours ago, the negotiations between the Galactic Republic and the Trade Federation failed completely. Newt Gunray rejected all the proposals proposed by Phoenix Valorum. The motion to levy the district tax is firmly opposed, and all mediation is rejected. Now, Newt Gunley and the Trade Federation delegation have left Coruscant."

"The Trade Federation must be ready." Tang Xiao nodded, looked at Baron Zemo and asked, "How is the situation on Planet Naboo?"

"Almost at the same time, Newt Gunley's deputy, Rune Harkle, also withdrew from the negotiations with Planet Naboo, and they refused to re-sign the trade agreement." Baron Zemo said.

"The financial situation of Planet Naboo absolutely cannot allow that unequal trade agreement to continue. Now there is only one way for the new queen." Tang Xiao frowned.

Francis shook his head, crossing his hands on the table, "No, in fact, she can't even go through this last path. Although she has formally proposed a bill to the Galactic Republic Council, hoping that the Republic will mediate this matter, but the Republic Parliament will not come forward."

"If a country does this, it can only be said that their end is their own fault." Ni Yongxiao said with a stern face, "However, they are not afraid of the trade alliance, right? What caused Phoenix-Valoren rejected the motion?"

"This matter is no longer a matter of fear or not." Francis said: "Because if we continue to move forward, there will only be war, and the Republic cannot be the party that provokes the war. What's more, even if Phoenix-Valoron Want to go to war, with whom? A company? Is the Judicial Fleet allowed?"

Tang Xiao stretched out his index finger and tapped lightly on the table. He was silent for a while before speaking: "Whether it is the prophecy I saw or the development of things, the war on Planet Naboo will inevitably break out. So now our topic is, Naboo To what extent do we need to intervene in the dispute over Planet Bu?"

"What we need to pay attention to is Hego Damask II's attitude. And when will he die." Baron Helmut Zemo asked Tang Xiao, staring at him.

"Hei Ge gave me the Sith infiltrator, which basically showed his attitude. Palpatine will definitely kill him. However, I will also go to Coruscant in person at that time, and join forces for this matter." An insurance. The matter I asked Cun Te to investigate before has already taken shape, and I will go there soon." Tang Xiao said.

"What is it that our Lord Governor is so concerned about?" Gross Shelbya smiled slightly.

"Oh, I'm going to meet master." Tang Xiao smiled faintly.

"Then my suggestion is, don't interfere." Baron Helmut Zemo said firmly.

"Don't interfere? If we send troops, we can reverse the outcome of the Naboo star war. The final result of this war will end with the Trade Alliance occupying Naboo." Tang Xiao glanced at Zemo.

"This war is not fierce on the surface, but there are too many interests involved in it. Even, it is related to the prophecy of the original force." Baron Zemo said.

"Are you studying the original force?" Tang Xiao frowned, "This is a field that even involves occultism, and it is likely to be futile."

"But I believe that everything can be traced. For example, the battle of Naboo..." Baron Zemo said: "If we join the war and successfully capture the planet Naboo and prevent the subsequent counterattack, then A galactic civil war may break out earlier. Also, it may prevent Padmé Amidala from meeting and falling in love with Anakin Skywalker."

"This is a boring topic... What does the love between two people have to do with us?" Ni Yongxiao rubbed his forehead.

"No, if the prophecy you saw is correct, Governor, Padmé was the inducement for Anakin to fall to the dark side, but at the same time, it was also because of Padmé's existence that Anakin became weaker." Baron Zemo said.

"I don't quite agree with this statement..." Tang Xiao frowned.

"Maybe great love can really make a person extremely powerful, but obviously, for Padmé, the dominant emotion in Anakin's heart is fear. He is too afraid of losing, and it is this fear that makes him Can't get any stronger. So, I don't think we can add more variables to him, especially now that we've lost control of Anakin."

Tang Xiao nodded.

Previously, due to a series of unexpected events, Jabba the Hutt and Gardulla the Hutt on the planet Tatooine almost fought an all-out war, and Mos Espa Port was severely damaged. In addition, the strength of the fourth civilization was too weak at that time, and it did not have the ability to find someone in the vast Tatooine.

As a result, he has not found the whereabouts of Anakin Skywalker, the son of the Chosen until now, and he lives in Mos Espa Port, and now his life and death are even uncertain. This has always been a heart problem for Tang Xiao.

If the bond between force and destiny really exists, then the only way to let the war on planet Naboo break out and end...

"Then I'm sure again, if we help the Trade Federation occupy the planet Naboo without considering Anakin Skywalker, what good will it do us?" Tang Xiao asked in a deep voice.

"It has no effect on the outcome of the Republic, but it is very good for Palpatine. But this result is not good for us." Baron Zemo replied decisively.

"Then let's be sure. When the trade alliance decides to attack, we will send military observers. Other than that, we will not directly participate in the war." Tang Xiao stood up and made a decision directly, "Let's adjourn the meeting."

"Wait a minute, Governor." Gross Shelby said suddenly, "Are you interested in participating in an auction?"

Tang Xiao smiled slightly and said, "I don't think this is the occasion to propose a date, Representative Shelbya."

Gross Shelby took out a bronzing invitation card and put it in front of the projection for Tang Xiao to see clearly, "This is an invitation card from Mrs. Seve Siresex. The auction object is... …a Jedi Padawan."

Tang Xiao immediately stamped his feet, looked at the invitation card in the projection, and suddenly seemed to think of something, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

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