388、New Instructor

Masail looked coldly at Tur-Ulan, who was kneeling on the ground. He was a middle-aged man in his 40s, with a beard, a strong physique, and some scars on his face. He looked very scary. .

If he hadn't died, there was no doubt that Sidious would hunt him down crazily. He was able to live in Coruscant for a month or two under such a hunt, and he really had two brushes. Moreover, the Echani Sun Guard is also a very attractive option. Tang Xiao knows that the red speaker guard under Palpatine is based on the Echani Sun Guard. A man possesses strength that rivals a Jedi Knight.

And as the power established by Plagueis, Palpatine has continued to use it until the end, from the speaker's guard to the emperor's shadow guard, which also shows his recognition of this guard.

But what Masaiel was really worried about was that Tur-Ulan was a pawn left by Plagueis during his lifetime. After all, he wasn't clean himself when it came to killing Darth Plagueis. Among other things, your master is in danger of life and sent you a message. Why haven't you come over? What is it if such an apprentice is not a traitor?

But at least for now, it seems that Tur-Ulan's hatred is still concentrated on Sidious, maybe he doesn't know what happened inside the room that day.

Perhaps, this person can try to use it.

Masail looked down at the document sent by Ulan. It did mention a Sith artifact in Lucien Del Rey's hand, but he didn't explain what the artifact was, and he didn't have any clues about the plot. After all, he is not an encyclopedia. He was indeed a fan of "Star Wars" in his previous life, but it doesn't mean he knows everything.

At least he knew, though, that no Sith artifacts were created during the Clone Wars. Perhaps it was because Plagueis did not have a person who inherited his inheritance after the death of the original plot, so his previous investigation stopped.

Thinking about it this way, maybe it is really possible for me to find this artifact? This clue is actually quite sufficient, as long as you can find Lucian Del Rey's tomb, you can find this artifact!

However, further clues are likely to be in the library of the Jedi Order. Malsayer immediately thought of Edra Ketis, but then vetoed it. Although Edra's heart has not yet fallen into the dark side, her body has been transformed by Sith alchemy, and she is completely controlled by herself, the Sith Lord, and her force is also moving closer to the dark side.

It wouldn't be life-threatening for Edra to return to the Jedi Order, but what is certain is that she will never think about it in this life, and she has to think of other ways for this matter.

Masail raised his eyes and looked at Tur-Ulan who was still kneeling in front of him, and said, "Is it the Echani Sun Guard? Yes, I happen to have an army and need an instructor. I will keep your life." .”

"Yes!" Tur-Ulan replied loudly, "I don't know what your honorable title is..."

"Darth Malthael." Malthael officially announced his name. At this moment, the power contained in his title burst out involuntarily, and countless black wraiths surrounded him. The interior is gloomy, foggy and windy, like a ghost land!

Tur-Ulan's eyes were full of joy. In Masail, he saw the hope of killing Sidious and avenging his master!


Taking Tur-Ulan back to Dawn Planet, Ulan looked at the bustling and busy starry sky outside the window, and could see countless spaceships flying around the planet, as well as large space stations in operation.

Around the planet, a huge star ring is under construction. This star ring orbits the equator, and it has been completed by one-third. The finished part is already functioning, with transport ships constantly coming in and out of it.

A Delusional-class mining barge flies by, marked Consolidated Mining Corporation.

"Sure enough, this is the hidden power of Lord Plagueis, as is the fourth group, and so is Dawn Star." Tur-Ulan's expression became serious, "I didn't look in the wrong place."

Masail gave him a cold look, killing intent flashed in his eyes, but he didn't speak, but entered the atmosphere of the Dawn star all the way, heading straight for a hidden valley.

This valley can't see anything unusual from the outside, but after entering through a hidden entrance, it suddenly becomes clear inside, it is a secret underground base built in a huge cave!

Dawn Planet basically has no oceans, but has a very unique underground water network system, which also forms countless huge underground caves and complex underground networks.

This secret base is built in it, and it is basically impossible to be discovered.

A large number of dormitories, study areas, training areas and various equipment areas are densely arranged on both sides of the space.

"This is a military base, to be precise, it's a large training ground." Tur-Ulan frowned.

"That's right, this is the base of a secret army. There are only five people in this galaxy who know the existence of this army, and you will be the sixth." Masail said.

He took Tur-Ulan to the depths of the base. There are three huge halls lined up here, and a large number of sleeping cabins are densely packed inside, and a person is lying in each of them.

These people seem to be 13 or 4 years old, and 5 or 6 years old, about two-thirds of them are men and one-third of them are women. All of them have a hair connected to a data line on their heads. Ring, seems to be sleeping.

After about 20 minutes, the headbands on these people's heads retracted automatically, they also opened their eyes, and began to change into uniform white clothes for themselves.

Afterwards, they entered the cafeteria and began to eat. After eating, their movements began to be different. They began to do various training according to their age groups. There are various trainings such as shooting, fighting, sneaking, survival in the wild, etc., but there are no instructors. These people seem to know what they should do.

"This is the army I want you to train, the Fourth Army. This army is still growing. The first batch of 100 soldiers will enter adulthood in 9 months and can start combat training. The maximum number of soldiers in the army is 20,000 People, everyone has received a lot of fighting skills and killing skills from a sleep state since they were young, and they are completely militarized. They have no emotions, they only know how to kill." Masail said lightly.

"This army... Are you preparing for a war? Yes, that's right! To kill Sidious, you can only launch a war!" Tur-Ulan's eyes lit up.

"Your task is to train them, to train them into a truly invincible army, or... to be killed by them!" Masail glanced at Tur-Ulan, "I said, They don't have feelings, so if what you teach them doesn't satisfy them, then...you die."


[Easter Egg Chapter Attachment 1: Echani Sun Guard. 】

【Easter Egg Chapter Attachment 2: Shadow Guard—the ultimate development of the Sun Guard. 】

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