The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 491 The Parliamentary Murder Case

489. Murder in Parliament

"It seems that you have more potential to become a Sith than Edra..." Tang Xiao smiled slightly, "Why did you think of killing Fandalo?"

"This is your request. Moreover, he is useless to me. He is just a bounty hunter. If I hadn't been desperate, I would not have followed him, and he just coveted my body. I hope that you will not be like him in the future, otherwise, I will also abandon you without hesitation." Severance Tann sneered.

"Very smart, but... from what you mean, it seems that you also want to give me your body?" Tang Xiao laughed.

"If you think it is necessary, you can do it at any time. For me, the body is just a tool. When you want it, please tell me. Humans and Chiss are actually from the same source, and there is almost no difference in genes, you know " Severance Tann gave Tang Xiao a somewhat ambiguous look, and turned to leave.

"Just in time, I'm going to the main planet of LS to sign an agreement with Earl Dooku. You can go with me. On the way, I will teach you some basic skills of using the Force." Tang Xiao said, "In addition , I now have three fleets. Fleet C is my queen, and its main job is to defend the Endor galaxy. The commander of Fleet A is Matt Horner, and you will be the commander of Fleet B. Now my navy commander-in-chief Igor R-Zavarov is old, so the new commander-in-chief of the navy will be born between the two of you, don't let me down."


22BBY, Coruscant, the capital of the Galactic Republic, the Parliament Building.

The parliament building, which has always been bustling with excitement, was completely silent today. Today, the parliament did not hold a meeting. Those congressmen are all hiding in their offices, silent as if...

Hundreds of guard spaceships from the Ministry of Public Security gathered around the parliament building, and thousands of police officers searched the building. The Speaker's Guard in red armor also surrounded Schiff Palpatine's office.

The reason why the situation is so tense is that a murder happened in the always safe Galactic Republic Congress! Without warning, a violent explosion occurred in a corner of the parliament building! 5 MPs, including Ax Moy, the MP's assistant from Planet Marathal, were killed, and the murderer was never found, and even how the murderer got in!

As soon as the murder case came out, the entire Galactic Republic was shaken, and for some unknown reason, the media of the Republic, which had always been silent on such news before, seemed to have gotten first-hand news this time, and made a big report on the murder case. , For a time, everyone in Coruscant was in danger.

This was especially true for those councilors. They were horrified to find that they were not safe in Coruscant either!

Speaker Schiff-Palpatine immediately stood up to maintain order and ordered the Public Security Bureau to solve the case within a time limit.

However, the murderer has never been found, and even some terrorist organizations that are usually very active have not come forward to claim responsibility for the murder, which makes the case even more confusing.

At this time, many people began to speculate whether the murder was committed by separatists. As soon as this speculation came out, it spread immediately, and soon, almost everyone began to believe that it was the separatists who murdered these congressmen!

At this moment, the horror of separatism shrouded the sky of Coruscant again, and those fat-minded councilors realized that the war was so close to them!

For a while, a wave of condemnation of the separatist movement was once again set off in the parliament. This time, members of the parliament began to seriously discuss how to calm the crisis.

This is completely ironic. The separatist movement has been around for a full 10 years. During this period, I don’t know how many civilians and planets have been affected. However, these congressmen are still clinging to their power. Lausanne lived a life of feasting and feasting. And until now, after the murder happened, they didn't really think of a way to solve this problem. After all, they were just worried that their extravagant life would be affected.

Ainle Tim, a member of the Marathal planet, found Francis Underwood worriedly, and told him that the death of Ax Moy would probably affect the status of the Malastal planet. position, because Ax-Moy exists on their planet as a bridge between the Grans and the Dags. Once he dies, the relationship between the Dags and the Grans will become more tense.

Francis Underwood just told Einle Tim that the day was approaching and their time in parliament was running out.

The murder accelerated the pace of the reorganization of the army in the Council and caused a crisis of confidence in the Jedi Order.

Ainle-Tim, a member of the Marathal planet who believed that the murder disrupted his diplomatic plans, publicly accused the Jedi Order of incompetence and inaction in parliament. He compared the murder with what happened 11 years ago. Linked at the Eliadu business summit, saying it was a sign of incompetence by the Jedi Order.

He started it, and many other councilors followed suit, blaming the Jedi Order for their inability to protect the Republic.

So since the Jedi Order cannot protect the Republic, the Republic can only protect itself.

The "Military Creation Act" was once again put on the agenda for deliberation by the deputy speaker Mas-Ameida, who had become Palpatine's loyal lackey, and was ready to be discussed in a meeting in the near future.

That night, Speaker Sheev Palpatine visited the Jedi Temple again and had an in-depth conversation with Master Mace Windu.

"I'm afraid we have to think about this possibility, Master Windu...war." Palpatine said with a long sigh, with a worried face, "The forces of separatism are becoming more and more crazy, and some of the councils are targeting the Jedi. The words of the samurai are also dangerous. I have warned Einle-Tim about this, because at no time can anyone accuse our guardians."

"I am very grateful for your trust, Your Excellency the Speaker." Master Windu is still very grateful for this, and the former speaker, Phoenix Valorina, directly blamed the Jedi Knights after the Eliadu Business Summit incident Different, Palpatine is really helping them speak in the parliament, and Master Windu also sees this in his eyes.

"I will make diplomatic efforts again in the near future. I still hope to have face-to-face negotiations with Earl Dooku. I wonder if the Jedi Order can facilitate this?" Palpatine asked.

"I'm afraid not, Mr. Speaker. Count Dooku has also cut off all ties with our Jedi Order. But I will continue to try. It's just that regarding the current situation, are you really preparing for war?"

"I must, Master Windu. I absolutely cannot tolerate the republic that has existed for 25,000 years being divided into two. I have never given up on peace efforts, but things have developed to the point where I really must start to do well Preparations for war."

"If you really come to this point, you must realize that we don't have enough Jedi Knights to protect the Republic. We are defenders of peace, but we are not soldiers." Master Windu said.

"That's what I'm thinking about too—creating an army to help you," Palpatine said.

"Use the army to help us..." Master Windu recalled this meaningful sentence, and said nothing for a long time.

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