The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 494: The Growth of Civilization (Part 1)

Back at Dawn Planet, Tang Xiao immediately convened the summit of the fourth civilization, and all the core figures of all power organizations participated.

Because the war has now entered the countdown, all the core figures of the Fourth Civilization are present, and no one participates in the meeting remotely through communication.

The Fourth Civilization's administrative team has lasted for 13 years, mainly because the stall was too small before, and later because the war was imminent, so it was necessary to maintain administrative stability.

At the beginning of the meeting, Tang Xiao announced that all officials of the Fourth Civilization would implement a term system from now on, with each term being 5 years and a maximum of one re-election. And he himself will permanently serve as the Supreme Head of the Fourth Civilization until his death.

Afterwards, he announced that Francis Underwood, a councilor who had returned from Coruscant and the chief assistant of the cabinet, would be the first prime minister of the Fourth Civilization, and he would integrate the Ministry of Administration and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to form the Prime Minister's Office. Former Minister of Administration Daphne Clemente is Deputy Prime Minister.

Then the legislative body was reorganized into the Fourth Civilization Congress, which consisted of the Dawn Council and the Galactic Council, represented by each administrative division. Among them, the Dawn Council is mainly composed of representatives elected within the Endor galaxy, while the Galactic Council is mainly composed of representatives from areas outside the Endor galaxy.

Of course, for now, the members of the Galactic Council are only the Kuna star cluster, so the number of representatives is very small. The main purpose of these councilors is to fight for some relatively favorable bills for the Kuna star cluster, and to review some major decisions of the Fourth Civilization from their perspective, and to put forward their own opinions.

At the same time, the Fourth Civilization Court was reorganized as the Supreme Court, which consisted of lower courts, intermediate courts and high courts.

And the Ministry of Public Security was reorganized into the Ministry of Justice, and the Supreme Procuratorate and the National Security Bureau were established under it, and many other administrative reforms.

The cabinet will continue to be retained, but the name will be changed to Governor's Cabinet, responsible to Tang Xiao alone, and will assist Tang Xiao in administrative management and issue administrative orders. The current cabinet minister is Helmut Zemo, and the old professor Chi Jianjun has retired and returned to his hometown, enjoying the pastoral life in Dawn Star. He has worked for Tang Xiao for 8 years, which is considered to have exceeded his original promise, so Tang Xiao Xiao also generously gave him the best living conditions.

The last thing is to set up the star system. At present, there are two star areas under the Fourth Civilization, namely the Kuna star area—including the entire Kuna star cluster. The governor of the star area is Volgograd-Kanidi. Then there is the Salary Autonomous Sector, which only includes the planet Cave-Bill in the Endor galaxy, which is also a planet assigned to the Salarians.

The administrative departments in each star area are equivalent to a reduced version of the entire civilized administrative department.

This administrative reorganization has been discussed by the Ministry of Administration, the court, and the cabinet for two years, and the relevant candidates have also been determined. Now that the Confederation of Independent Galaxy is about to be established, the Fourth Civilization also needs to come up with its own administrative reform immediately. The plan, under the premise of maintaining its own independence, has achieved a limited merger with the administrative agency of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies.

There is really no way to do so in such a hurry, because there is no need to refine the department in this way before, and it will immediately face the merger with the Confederation of Independent Galaxies, and then there will be war. Therefore, the reform of the administrative organization can only be launched hastily, and it will be carried out simultaneously with the merger work.

In terms of military affairs, the General Staff and the Supreme Command are integrated into the Ministry of National Defense, which consists of the General Staff, the Army Command, and the Navy Command. Each theater will set up a joint combat command, and the joint combat command will use the theater as a unit to coordinate the operations of the army and navy.

Currently, the Fourth Civilization has only set up two theaters—the Central Theater within the Endor galaxy, and the Kuna Star Cluster theater within the Kuna Star Cluster. The current commander of the Joint Operations Command of the Kuna Star Cluster Theater is concurrently served by the Governor of the Kuna Star Cluster Volgograd-Kanidi, and he is also the only commander of the Joint Operations Command of the theater.

The concepts of a star area and a war zone are different. The former is a relatively fixed administrative division, while the latter is a combat division that may change at any time according to the battle situation.

The Intelligence Department of the Fourth Civilization was divided into three parts, part of which was merged into the National Security Bureau under the Ministry of Justice, responsible for the intelligence and security work within the territory of the Fourth Civilization. The original members of the intelligence department were incorporated into the military intelligence department headed by Mrs. M, responsible for military intelligence work.

Finally, there is the secret intelligence department led by Ni Yongxiao. The establishment of this intelligence department is very interesting. Only the most core members know their departments and responsibilities. As for the other peripheral forces, they are still gang organizations.

This summit officially confirmed the reform of the administrative organization. After the meeting, Tang Xiao held a speech for the entire Fourth Civilization, announcing the results of this institutional reform to the 400 million people of the entire Fourth Civilization.

That's right, the total population of the Fourth Civilization has reached 400 million!

After adopting the dual policies of socialized adoption and centralized urbanization, the fourth civilization is cultivating those 5 billion frozen embryos at an extremely fast speed and becoming a member of its own civilization. According to previous statistics from the Ministry of Administration, these 5 billion frozen embryos will be fully raised to adults within the next 10 years at the current rate.

And it is expected that after 15 years, the fourth civilization will fully enter the rhythm of the growth of natural people, and because the proportion of the population of the right age is extremely high, in the next 100 years, the fourth civilization will enter a period of population explosion.

The final number of this population explosion period is conservatively estimated to reach 100 billion!

At the same time, because of the extremely high metabolism of their race, the Salarians who made their home on the planet Cave-Bill also began to increase their population from the 1 million eggs handed over to Professor Modin-Soros at the very beginning. After 10 With years of growth, their population has skyrocketed to more than 3 million, and is still growing rapidly.

Now, the first batch of adult Salarians have begun to enter the system of the fourth civilization, and are initially trying to live with humans and other races. But that being said, because of the completely different pace of life, the Salarians are more willing to stay on their own planet, and do not have much communication with other races.

In addition to the Salarians, the Fourth Civilization also has a large number of immigrants from other planets. Among these people, the Semiers are the most, and more than 20 million Semiers have settled in the Dawn Planet.

In addition, many Muun people and Ji Wen people also came to Dawn Planet. The Muun people came here more to look for business opportunities, while the Ji Wen people came because of the harsh environment of their home planet Yago-Dur.

Of course, this is also because of the existence of the secret Freemasonry Alliance, which has allowed these planets and races to have a good relationship.

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