The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 512 The First Shot of the Civil War

510. The First Shot of the Civil War

Schiff-Palpatine finally got his wish, he managed to bypass the Military Creation Act vote.

He secretly remote-controlled Count Dooku and asked him to order Jango Fett to assassinate Padmé Amidala, which, although unsuccessful, also put Senator Amidala into a coma.

Then, he took advantage of Jar Jar Binks' kindness and dedication to serving the Galactic Republic, constantly hinting that only with emergency ruling powers can he be able to protect the Republic, and constantly hinting that if Padmé Amida If you pull here, you will definitely make this decision.

Jar-Jar-Binks finally stood up bravely and proposed a motion that none of the tens of thousands of members of the entire parliament dared to propose-giving Schiff-Palpatine emergency ruling power.

Although the final trend of history proved that his decision was wrong, but in that period when everyone was for himself and everyone was a coward, Jar Jar Binks was just the bravest one.

Although his decision ultimately ruined the final national destiny of the Galactic Republic, at this time, allowing the Galactic Republic to build up an army in the first place to fight against the separatist offensive is indeed to let those outer ring planets who are still loyal to the Galactic Republic free from the pain of war.

Schiff-Palpatine won, and he got the supremacy of the entire Galactic Republic. The power of emergency ruling allows him to have a one-vote veto and one vote to pass any bill, and even pass a directive directly through an executive order without going through parliament.

Although this emergency ruling power is temporary, he also publicly promised that he will return this power to the parliament, but who knows what will happen in the future?

After he ordered the establishment of the Grand Army of the Republic, the impatient industrial magnates who had been gearing up and waiting for it immediately started at full strength, and the warships that had already begun preliminary construction were dragged into the interstellar dock. Under the control of the master, the outfitting was quickly completed.

New warships such as the Jaeger-class battlecruiser, the Arquitect-class light cruiser, and the broadside-class guided missile cruiser have entered the production line and started production.

Many war machines that had already been built were delivered to the Army of the Great Republic, which allowed the army to be armed to the teeth in a short period of time.

And the reform of the military organization has also begun. Batch after batch of young and talented officers have been promoted, and those officers who were full of fat and fat corpses in the past were eliminated.

This series of efficient measures shows that Schiff-Palpatine is well prepared for the establishment of the army. But those congressmen didn't think so, they just felt that Speaker Palpatine really lived up to their trust, and the threat of separatism was resolved just around the corner.

The Republic Strategic Command (Republic Strategic Command), which had been silent for a long time, began to operate rapidly again. The ubiquitous Republic agents and intelligence personnel were activated, and began to report pieces of information to the Republic Intelligence Department and hand them over to the Strategic Command for decision-making.

After Master Yoda arrived on the Kamino planet, the Kamino people had already prepared the 200,000 clone army that had completed training in advance. Clone soldiers wearing white polymer alloy armor and full-coverage helmets are fully armed, and have already boarded the 12 Cheer-class assault landing ships that have already docked in the giant spaceport in batches, ready to fight at any time.

The Jedi Order also made deployments, and since this clone army was created by the former Jedi Master Seve Dias, the Jedi Order also decided to continue the project.

Master Shak-Ti, one of the members of the Supreme Council, stayed on the Kamino planet to supervise the production of the clone army and monitor the Kamino people's actions at any time to prevent them from having any misconduct.

Afterwards, the Strategic Command of the Republic took over the command of the 200,000 clone army, and Colonel Meebur Gascon from Zilkin accompanied the fleet as a tactical advisor.

This fleet has a total of 20 cheerer-class assault landing ships, 12 of which are fully loaded with clone troops, and the remaining 8 are used as escorts.

Each of the 752-meter-long and 460-meter-wide Cheer-class assault landing ships can carry 16,000 clone soldiers and the weapons and supplies they need, including 320 suspended combat motorcycles, 80 LAAT gunboats, and 48 AT-TE walkers and 36 SPHA self-propelled guns.


Earlier, Master Windu had led the Jedi Order to the planet Geonosis.

After receiving the news forwarded by Padmé Amidala, unlike those congressmen whose minds were all about political purposes, Master Windu was very keenly aware of it at the first time—the war was imminent!

Therefore, he was very decisive and took all the Jedi Knights he could bring, a total of 212 people. The Jedi Order has begun to decline at present, but the total number is about 10,000, but most of them are scattered in various parts of the galaxy to perform tasks. After getting rid of those apprentices who have not completed their training, he took 212 Jedi Knights this time. It can be said that they are all out.

If Count Dooku was on the planet Geonosis at this time, then it would be best if he could be captured, and a civil war sweeping the galaxy might be avoided.

On the way, Master Windu also received the second information from Obi-Wan Kenobi, confirming the location of Earl Dooku, which made Master Windu more determined.

Driven by the hyperspace ring, more than 200 interstellar fighters made several hyperspace jumps and headed straight for the planet Geonosis!

A dense burst of white light flickered, and more than 200 starfighters left the hyperspace and came to their destination. What greeted them was heavy artillery fire!

Because of the uproar between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, the planet Geonosis was already on the highest alert, and the arrival of the Jedi Knights was immediately discovered.

The five Geonosian cruisers immediately turned around and flew towards these starfighters, and a large number of Nantex territorial defense fighters were parked densely in the belly of these cruisers. This type of cruiser does not have a hangar platform, and the fighter jets are directly connected to the tail of the cruiser and hung on it. It looks as if the belly of the cruiser is covered with dense bean sprouts.

The Geonosian pilot quickly entered the fighter jet from the tail of the fighter jet, started the engine, disengaged from the cruiser, and rushed straight towards the Jedi fighter! This wave took off more than 1,700 fighter jets!

After releasing all the fighter jets, the Geonosis cruiser began to adjust its attitude and entered the shooting angle. Several twin-mounted heavy turbolaser guns installed on both sides aimed at the target...

fire! !

Shua~~~~~! ! The thick red blaster pierced through the dark universe, starting the first civil war in the galaxy, the first shot of the Clone Wars! !

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