The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 615 New Battleship Tree

613. New battleship tree

A shuttle slowly landed on the planet Cave-Bill. On this ocean planet, rapid changes are taking place, and new ocean city blocks are being built almost every day.

The Salarians are working with their astonishing efficiency, and Professor Modine, on the grounds of rebuilding civilization, broke the tradition of the Salarians, canceled the hatching restrictions within 20 years, and let go of population growth. It is estimated that within 20 years, the population of Salarians will stabilize at 800-1000 million.

Then they will continue their tradition, limiting the number of population hatches per year to keep the population growth in balance.

Tang Xiao's shuttle directly drove to the central space port of the largest ocean city plate. When he just stepped off the spaceship, Arroyo Barlow, the chief engineer of the Salarians, happened to leave with his core team. come over.

The Salarians had almost no concept of waiting. Even if Tang Xiao had notified him in advance, he would definitely use every second to calculate the arrival time of Tang Xiao's spaceship before coming out to greet him.

Arroyo Barlow made a gesture of invitation, skipping even the small talk, and said as he walked: "Among the database permissions you gave, the warships of the Emma Empire do have strong plasticity and are very flexible in terms of weapon systems and The energy system can be combined with our existing equipment. The main difficulty lies in the replacement of the hull material trititanium alloy crystal-like colloidal mineral and silver-like supermetal. A lot of physical experiments are required, but we have all found suitable materials on the planet Dole. "

"Then how does the performance of this newly produced destroyer compare with our existing warships?" Tang Xiao asked.

"This can be learned directly during the trial voyage," Arroyo said.

Tang Xiao nodded, and went with him to the control center on the other side of the space port. The super large screen in the center of the control center was showing the space station in a secret dock.

All I saw were three large warships docked side by side in the wide hangar of the space station. The overall shape of these three warships is soft and integrated, with a very harmonious aesthetic feeling. The hull is flat, and two catamaran hulls protrude from the front end, which looks like fangs.

However, the shape of such fangs looks elegant and graceful because of the golden coating, without giving people a ferocious feeling.

Looking at the ship, Tang Xiao narrowed his eyes.

As soon as he arrived at the control center, Arroyo Barlow immediately started to get busy, but left Tang Xiao aside, and several other human scientists came over to continue explaining to Tang Xiao.

"Your Excellency, I am Lin Long, the structural designer of Professor Arroyo's ship engineering team." The scientist first bowed politely, and then said: "The prototypes of the three Enforcer-class destroyers have been prepared. It's over, we will start the sea trial in 10 minutes. There are hundreds of ships in the Amarr Empire in the database. The reason why we choose the Enforcer class is because this kind of warship is our first product to break the technical barrier very suitable."

He speaks very methodically, much better than the popping bean-like speed of the Larry people.

"Will it be too simple to lack the depth of technology accumulation, or too complicated to cause the research progress to lag?" Tang Xiao said.

"It is true. For the warships of the Amarr Empire, the energy supply system is the core of the core. Because of this, the energy system of their spaceships is highly overlapped with the energy structure of our existing warships. However, because of the production process and material technology However, we still have to break through many difficulties before we can finally complete it. It must be said that the Salarians are really born scholars." Lin Long said.

While they were talking, the three Enforcer-class destroyers on the screen had started their engines and took off out of the hangar platform. The spaceship shot in the video also flew out, keeping a suitable distance all the time, fully showing the heroic posture of the enforcer class.

"The Enforcer class is 266 meters long and 42 meters high. According to the battleship classification of our Fourth Civilization, it is a heavy destroyer. There are 8 sets of advanced slots for installing weapons, and a total of 16 turrets can be installed. The Amarr Empire's The battleship has fully considered the modular design, and we can adjust the equipment on the slots at any time to adjust the performance of the battleship." Lin Long began to explain.

"What about the current equipment?" Tang Xiao asked.

"16 medium-sized X-ray integrated turrets. This kind of turret can reduce the power to increase the firing frequency to fight against enemy fighters, and can also increase the power to directly fight against warships." Lin Long said.

On the screen, the three Enforcer-class destroyers have already started test firing on the target ship. It can be seen that their firepower is indeed very flexible under various powers. This made Tang Xiao finally relieved.

Because when he started the research on spaceships in "EVE", the reason why he chose the Amarr Empire was because the Amarr Empire's warship weapon systems were all based on energy weapons, which coincided with their existing technology and could be extremely powerful. Greatly reduce the time of research and development, but the biggest problem is whether it is compatible.

At present, the fourth civilization's weapon system, in addition to the turbolaser cannon that is directly adopted from the doctrine, is the most advanced X-ray weapon based on the "Stars" technology tree and the particle beam weapon based on the "Homeland 2" technology tree. For the warships of the Amar Empire, it is the X-ray weapon.

At present, it seems that the compatibility is good, which also makes Tang Xiao feel very relieved.

"So, what about the defense system?" Tang Xiao asked again.

"The battleships of the Amarr Empire generally use electromagnetic field technology to enhance the performance of the nano armor, and adjust the pertinence of this voltage-type film through different magnetic fields, but we have not overcome this technology. For now, we still give The Enforcer class is equipped with a deflector shield. But this will increase the pressure on the capacitor of the battleship, and the firepower will be affected." Lin Long said.

"Is there a schedule for the voltage film technology?" Tang Xiao asked.

"This is too different from our current technology, and it is estimated that it will take at least half a year." Lin Long replied, "But for now, in the simulated battle, the combat performance of the Enforcer class is slightly stronger than that of the Apocalypse class. Cruiser, I believe that after the completion of the voltage membrane, there will be a big leap in performance, which will ensure that we maintain an advantage over the Republic warships among warships of this level."

"In this case, to authorize the Salarians to build their own fleet, let's start with the Enforcer class."

"In addition to this, there is also the Punisher-class frigate, which should be finalized within a month. These two types of warships should be able to form a team with a certain combat effectiveness." Lin Long.

"Then, it's time for the Salarians to step onto the stage of the Milky Way."


[Easter Egg Chapter Attachment 1: Emma Empire, Forcer-class destroyer. 】

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