The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 641 False Information

639、False information

"Passel-Argent finally succumbed? Very good... tsk tsk tsk..." Admiral Trench stroked the corner of his mouth and said, "Well, since this is the case, I also want to get ready ... tsk tsk tsk..."

The figure of Severance Tann was projected in the holographic projection in front of him, "My fleet is already lurking near the planet Tatooine, only 5 seconds away from the planet Christopher Sis, and I can launch a surprise attack on the Republic's fleet at any time. Your best Just don't disappoint me, Spider."

"I don't know what a spider is... tsk tsk tsk, but you should respect me, tsk tsk tsk... After all, we are on the same level, tsk tsk tsk..." Admiral Trench didn't get angry , but there is already some dissatisfaction between the words.

"Respect? Let's talk about it after you show your worth." Severance Tann said coldly, "According to the plan, carry out intelligence deception work, and don't create trouble for me."

Admiral Trench turned off the communication directly, not wanting to bother with her, nor did he want to pay attention to her.

But the battle plan still needs to be carried out, and he switched to the communication of the army commander-in-chief Worm Lostham.

The Croydonian general complained as soon as he got through the communication, "General Trench, you better have a better way! Because following your advice, my army has suffered heavy losses and it is completely impossible to capture Planet Christopher Sis! After returning to the headquarters, I will definitely report the truth! This is a failure caused by your malfeasance! I will not help you take responsibility!"

Admiral Trench said coldly: "Tsk tsk tsk... It seems that the series of victories at the beginning of the war made you go to your head, General Worm. Take a good look back with your professional knowledge, your failures are really just Because do I give you any advice to preserve your strength? Tsk tsk tsk... and that traitor, you have to understand that he is just a sergeant, how much can he help you turn the tide of the battle?"

Worm Lostham waved his fist fiercely, "In short, when the time comes to bear the responsibility for the defeat, don't look for me!"

"You need to calm down, General Worm, tsk tsk tsk..." Admiral Trench said unhurriedly: "Even if everything goes as you think, you still have no ability to capture the planet Christopher Sis, tsk tsk tsk... ...It's just that I have a way to turn a defeat into a victory... tsk tsk tsk..."

"What else can you do?" Worm asked.

"Fleet...of course there is, tsk tsk tsk...Tang Xiao, Commander-in-Chief of the Western Theater Command, he still has a fleet." Admiral Trench said.

"It's impossible! Tang Xiao doesn't have any authority to cross several war zones, running all the way from his planet Dawn to the planet Christopher Sis! This would be a very serious transgression! Besides, he wouldn't think that the 19th Army of the Republic Is he a vegetarian?" Although Worm Lostham has suffered a series of failures, he is indeed not mediocre, and he knows all kinds of information by heart.

"It's impossible for his fleet to come... tsk tsk tsk, but we need to make those people in the republic... think he will come, tsk tsk tsk." Admiral Trench said.

"This is impossible! Even if we send false information to the past, the commander of the Republic Fleet will review the information and directly identify it!"

"They'll be running out of review soon...Tutttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttkttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttktttktttkttttktttttttkttttttttkttttttkttttttttttttttc... Let our lovable traitor, CI-3331, Sergeant 'Slick', get into action," Admiral Trench said.

"But how does this help the situation?" Worm asked with a sullen face.

"This is just... a part of a series of plans, tsk tsk tsk..." Admiral Trench stroked the corner of his mouth and said lightly.


22BBY, August 5th, the asteroid belt near the Tibulin system, the outpost of the Galactic Republic.

In this outpost built on a large asteroid, the garrison is working intensely.

"Captain, we have intercepted another hyperspace communication!" The soldier sitting in front of the detection instrument turned around and said, "It was sent from the direction of Planet Bespin again, and the destination is unknown."

"Here again?" A captain of the Republic came over, picked up the earphones and listened carefully for a while, then quickly wrote down a few characters on the paper with a pencil, and then drew a heavy circle on some of the characters, Picking up the note and looking at it, "The last hyperspace communication has a lot of related words, immediately send it to the rear intelligence department for decryption!"


The headquarters of the 19th Army of the Galactic Republic, the planet Harvin, and the General Intelligence Agency of the Legion.

"Sir, the forward outpost intercepted the hyperspace communication from the planet Bespin again!" An intelligence agent quickly entered a line of instructions on the computer, then copied the information content into the memory, stood up, and put the memory into the side In the socket of a robot.

The robot immediately began to compare the information, a large number of numbers and words scrolled on the screen in front of it, and it was quickly compiled through different coding methods.

After a while, a line of parsing failure prompts appeared on the screen.

"The analysis still failed..." The intelligence agent sighed, pulled out the memory, and handed it to the intelligence officer standing behind him, "Colonel Lott, this is the content of this communication."

Colonel Lott, the Minister of Intelligence took over the memory, and with a swipe of his finger, he projected the content on the huge holographic projection in the middle of the Intelligence Department, where countless numbers, symbols and words were already densely covered like stars.

"It must be analyzed. In the recent period, the external communication of Bespin has increased by more than 10 times than usual. The separatism stationed there must have new trends!" Colonel Lott said with a frown.

"But although the password used by the other party has a certain repetition rate, we still lack enough information to compare the specific meaning. For example, look at this..." The intelligence officer pointed to a set of deciphered Chinese characters and said: "This is the text deciphered from a code that has appeared relatively frequently in recent days. Although it has been deciphered, we still cannot understand the meaning of these three words."

Colonel Lott looked at the three words '冚家气' on the screen and fell into deep thought, and murmured: "Since they appear repeatedly, these words must have a very important meaning, maybe it is some kind of weapon, or a weapon. The code name of the fleet, and even the target location of their next operation..."

"According to our deciphering, the meaning of the first word is still unknown, the second word means home, house, and the third word means a kind of engineering tool. But when combined..." the intelligence officer was very puzzled Said, "We also use the pronunciation to distinguish, but the pronunciation of these words cannot correspond to the text, which is different from the standard pronunciation..."

"We need an opportunity, a key. If we can't figure out the next move of Dawn Star, we will face a great crisis." Colonel Lott said.

"Colonel! I just received information that the separatist fleet on Planet Bespin is beginning to assemble! There are a large number of transport ships going back and forth between Planet Bespin and Planet Dawn!" Another intelligence agent hurried over.

Colonel Lott's face sank, and he immediately connected the 19th Army Governor Suramar's communication, "Mr. Governor, we have just received information that the separatist fleet on Planet Bespin is gathering, and I think they should leave soon. .”

"Can you know their target?" Suramar asked eagerly.

"I don't think so. Although we have intercepted a large number of hyperspace communications from Planet Bespin, we still cannot crack these codes." Colonel Lott sighed.

"The separatist fleet is about to set off, but our eyes are still dark! What if the two fleets of Dawn Planet are going to join forces to attack Karl Planet? Or what if they want to flee to other places? Wait until they launch the attack We will deal with it later, it will be too late!" Suramar lost her usual composure and roared loudly.

"Yes, we will definitely figure it out as soon as possible." Colonel Lott said, "At present, we have captured a code that appears very frequently, and we have deciphered it to be the mysterious phrase '冚家气', as long as we can figure it out If it is meaningful, then our intelligence should have a major breakthrough!"

"Then do it!" Suramar finished loudly and cut off the communication.


At the same time, the capital of the Galactic Republic, Coruscant, is on the 1134th floor underground.

A mysterious man in black quietly entered a chaotic bar, ordered a glass of wine and sat in a corner, and then placed a credit ingot equivalent to a coin under the glass.

After a while, a middle-aged man who was sweating profusely and with a terrified expression on his face came over, looked at the credit ingot under the wine glass, thought for a while, finally plucked up the courage to sit down, and whispered: "Excuse me... are Mr. 007?"

The man in black picked up a cigarette and took a puff, and said lightly: "Mr. Quintero, gambling is not a good habit, and it is not a safe thing to embezzle public funds to make up for the shortfall after owed usury. Especially when you involve With this amount of money, it would be even worse to have something to do with the gangsters on the Corellian planet..."

The official named Quintero hurriedly lowered his voice and said, "Please don't say anything...I will agree to whatever you want..."

The man in black added, "You should know that Mrs. Vixi is looking for you from the White Worm organization on Planet Corellia, right?"

Quintero's back was drenched in cold sweat. He trembled all over and kept saying, "Please, please..."

"We can indeed help you do a good job with Mrs. Bixi, so that her killers can't come to you. It's just..."

"I understand, I understand, how much do you want? I'll give it all, I'll give it all!"

The man in black raised his head. Under the big-brimmed hat was the face of a mature human man. His lake-blue eyes had a unique charm. He said with a cold smile, "Do you still have the money?"


The man in black said: "Actually, if you can do me a small favor, then I will naturally help you too."

"You said, you said..."

"I heard that you and the wife of the Deputy Minister of Intelligence of the Republic...hehehehe."

The middle-aged official suddenly turned pale, "You... how do you know?"

"You just need..." the man in black leaned over and whispered in Quintero's ear for a while.

Quintero's face suddenly turned from white to blue, and then turned red. It took a while to recover, "You...Mr. 007, you are the master of separation..."

But 007 raised his index finger and shook it, "Oh no, I don't have such a clear mark. Besides, it's not good for you to know too much. Look... it's just a deviant outer ring planet. , how much does it have to do with you? Your whole family has nothing to do with the slaves in the outer ring. Your hometown is the planet Turti in the inner ring. Your wife is from the planet Beldeva, and she is now on the planet Alderaan You brought your 4-year-old daughter with you in your manor. Also, your mother recently traveled to Planet Cham..."

"Stop it! I'll do it! I'm willing!" Quintero quickly interrupted 007 and said in horror, "Just please don't do anything to my family..."

007 showed a charming smile, "Then, you'd better pray that I can come back alive."


The next day, at the gate of the Intelligence Department building of the Galactic Republic, where people came and went in an endless stream.

007 helped himself in his straight military uniform of the intelligence department, and walked in directly through the gate. When he walked through the gate, the scanner swept up and down his body, and then the green light turned on, and a soft electronic voice said: "Welcome You, Chief Intelligence Officer, Major James Bond."

He blasted an awesome radio wave at the girl at the front desk, then walked in with his briefcase.

Then, he came to the door of the data terminal room, took out an electronic authorization and handed it to the manager at the door, "I need to read a piece of information, this is my authorization."

The manager was a tall Botha man. He looked at the authorization and then at 007, a little puzzled, "James...Major Bond? I don't seem to have seen you?"

"Oh, I've seen you several times, Mr. Michael, you and your second wife are getting along well, right? I heard you said she was pregnant before." 007 smiled.

"Ah? Oh, it's not bad, thank you for your concern." The administrator let go of his doubts, inserted the license into the computer, and saw that there was no problem, so he let it go.

007 went directly to the data terminal, then took out a small memory and inserted it into the host, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


At the same time, in the Intelligence Department of the 19th Army on Planet Haven.

The eyes of the robot that was constantly compiling the code suddenly lit up with green light. The intelligence agent on the side quickly took the memory, looked at the content, his expression changed drastically, and he hurried to hand it to Colonel Lott, "Colonel! The information has been deciphered!"

Colonel Lott's face changed drastically, "What did you say? Deciphered?!"

He snatched the memory, pressed the button to browse the contents, and the more he looked at it, the more frightened he became, "No... this is too scary! 'The shovel'...'The shovel' is from the planet Christopher Sis. mean!!"

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