The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 649: The Battle of Christopher Sis (13)

647. The Battle of Christopher Sith (13)

Anakin Skywalker stood in front of the wreckage of a crashed APOD-33 transport ship, staring at the dozens of metal canisters that had been ripped open from the inside, groaning.

"General, we have checked the surrounding air composition and found no abnormal germs, so this can only be some kind of monster." Rex walked over and said.

"It may also be a beast made through biotechnology." Anakin said, looking at the claw scratches on the iron can from the inside out.

"But if it was a beast attack, what I'm more puzzled about is, where did the bodies of those victims go?" Ahsoka Tano probed on the other side.

Anakin looked around and found that there was indeed a lot of blood, as well as some scattered weapons, helmets, and even some severed limbs, but he couldn't see any corpses at all.

He frowned, "It shouldn't be, according to the situation at the scene, there should be at least 10 corpses..."

"The situation is a bit strange. It seems that we need to invest in power to carefully search for the places where these transport planes fell." Rex said.

Anakin shook his head, "There is no time, the Separatist fleet has already started to counterattack after receiving reinforcements, and the situation on Obi-Wan's side is very dangerous. Damn it! Those treacherous Hutts!" He said, ruthlessly He waved his fist fiercely.

"General! There are survivors here!" A clone soldier suddenly shouted.

"Survivors? Why didn't I find it?" Ahsoka Tano looked over, and under her induction, there should be no living people in that direction.

But under the tactical flashlight of the clone troopers, there were indeed a few people standing in the corner with their backs to this side. They were all dressed as local Christopher Sis soldiers, but they were just standing in the corner at the moment. They bumped their foreheads against the wall all at once, and their arms didn't move at all during the whole movement, their appearance was extremely strange.

"Hey! What's going on with you! What happened here?" the clone trooper said as he walked over.

"Don't go there!! There are corpses over there!" Anakin suddenly shouted.

The clone troopers immediately stopped and raised their guns, "But General, they are still active..."

"The Force can't go wrong, there are only corpses over there." Anakin opened the lightsaber and walked over step by step.

Sure enough, after hearing the voice here, those Christopher Sis soldiers turned their heads slowly, and a terrifying scene appeared in front of the clone soldiers and Anakin!

I only saw that the entire faces of these people were bloody and bloody, and even half of one of their jaws fell off, but even with such injuries that ordinary people could not survive, they still followed the sound and walked here. And the speed is getting faster and faster, and finally even ran wildly!

"Shoot!" Anakin ordered decisively!

Shhhhh~~! ! The clone troopers carried out their orders without hesitation, and their precise fire knocked the men down in an instant, but they still struggled to get up.

Rex took a step forward and shot one of them in the head, keeping him completely still.

"Are these... still 'people'?" Rex said with a frown.

"Again!" another soldier yelled in the other direction.

The light of dozens of tactical flashlights shone immediately, only to see dozens or hundreds of people crawling out of the shadows over there! Among them were Christopher Sis soldiers and civilians, but almost uniformly, they were all bloody and bloody, with broken hands, broken feet, and even disemboweled stomachs!

These people rushed over following the sound, roaring like wild beasts! Not only that, but more 'people' crawled out from the corner! !

"This must be the secret weapon of the Separatists! They're even targeting civilians!" Ahsoka Tano said.

"Shoot, I'm sure they are no longer alive." Anakin's face was extremely gloomy and ugly. Although he knew that these were corpses, his heart was still trembling when he gave this order.

The clone troopers fired without hesitation, and the dense blast energy beam immediately knocked down a large number of zombies.

"Attack the head!" Rex had already seen the clue and said loudly.

The clone troopers immediately adjusted their attack direction. Generally, shooting on the battlefield is mainly to shoot at the opponent's torso. This is mainly to facilitate better aiming in a hurry, and even if one blow cannot be fatal, the wounded can still affect the opponent's medical treatment. Soldiers, the screams of the wounded can also affect morale.

But this doesn't mean that they can't hit the head. In fact, each of them has very accurate marksmanship.

These dozens of hundreds of zombies pose no threat to the clone troopers at all!

However, as the gunshots continued to ring out, several larger things began to run over.

"Attention! There are new targets appearing! The speed is very fast!" A soldier shouted.

"I'm coming!" Anakin drew out his lightsaber and greeted him.

Swish! ! The lightsaber flashed across in an instant, but Anakin immediately felt that the lightsaber didn't cut off the target! With a shudder in his heart, he immediately turned back, avoiding the sharp claws that followed, and at the same time, he also saw clearly the appearance of the target.

This is a person about 2.8 meters tall, covered in green and fine scales, who looks like a combination of a frog and a lizard. And he just hit this man's chest with the lightsaber, although he also cut a very deep wound, but he couldn't cut him off! The toughness of this person's body is incredible!

The man roared and rushed over again, spraying some green liquid from his wound, Anakin immediately felt that something was wrong, he waved his lightsaber in mid-air and evaporated every drop of the sprayed liquid, and then lightning Sliding across the long sharp claws on the target's hand, it snapped off!

Immediately afterwards, the lightsaber cut off his head again with a sword!

The huge monster finally fell to the ground...

"General! Maybe this is the 'monster' that attacked the Christopher Sith army!" said a clone soldier.

Anakin's face was still ugly, he said slowly: "No, this is not a monster. This is... an Injoli."

"The Injoris? I've heard that they seemed to cause a riot a few years ago," Ahsoka Tano said, "but I've never seen them, it's just... so?"

"Although the Injoris are ferocious, they are certainly not such irrational killing machines." Anakin said in a deep voice, "Come here and check their blood. I think these living dead should be related to this kind of blood. Be careful, poisonous."

A clone soldier came over, picked up an instrument for testing, and soon said: "Yes, this green liquid contains a very high amount of virus. But... this virus seems to be dying rapidly in the air. "

As he spoke, he collected some green liquid in a unique airtight container.

"Looking at the appearance of those corpses, it should be contact transmission." Anakin said, "Let's go! Let's go back to the headquarters immediately! The matter is more serious than I imagined!"

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