The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 736: The Beginning of the Riot

735、The Beginning of the Riot

Zorba quickly got through the communication with Gilliak. After seeing who was on the other end of the communication, Gilliak looked very cold, "Zorba, you don't want to enjoy your retirement life, what do you want from me?" I have to take care of the huge Desilijic family, I am very busy now."

Zorba was so angry that he immediately cursed: "Giliak Desilijic Tyron!! You are walking with Alok Besardi, a stinking bug, and you want to Give my son to Gardulla!! Where did you put the honor of our Desilijic family! You incompetent and stupid brat!"

"The honor of the family can't help us defend Tatooine, and you can't see anything with your short-sighted eyes." Gilliac said lightly.

"Is our business only on Tatooine?! For a Tatooine, you want to take Jabba all over! You are using Jabba's future to cover up your incompetence!!" Zorba roared loudly.

"As I said, you can't see the hidden crisis at all. Only Alok and I can see this, so we have to make a decision." Gilliac's tone remained calm.

"Don't mention Alok, this despicable bastard to me! You must immediately stop all communication with the Besardi family!! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!!" Zorba roared.

"If you don't have any other questions to ask, then so be it." Gilliac dropped this sentence coldly.

"Wait a minute! Didn't you hear what I said?! Gilliak!!" Before Zorba finished speaking, the communication was cut off.

"Woo!!! Gilliak!! You bastard!! ()*()**\u0026()\u0026......% # ¥" Zorba quickly cursed wildly in Hutt, even No one else could hear what he was saying.

"Finally understand? You are nothing now, Zorba." Ziro wriggled and appeared at the door of this special communication room.

"I'm going to contact my old department right now! Go get Giliak down and chop it up now!" Zorba said.

"Even if you do get in touch with your old department, they won't be able to help you defeat Gilliak. What's more, those fools might have fallen to them long ago." Ziro said with a sneer.

"No! It's not that simple! Did Giliak think that I left nothing when I was the patriarch of the Desilijic family? He is too naive!" Zorba said bitterly.

"We need an army now." Ziro said hastily. She found that the rhythm of the conversation was beginning to be passed by Zorbara. She had to show her worth. It has nothing to do with her again.

Fortunately, Zorba is not stupid, he turned his head to look at Ziro, and asked, "Is that the one you sent to rescue me?"

"That's right, the Titan Security, and the Scourge on Tatooine," Ziro said.

"Hmph! Didn't they work for the Besardi family before?" Zorba snorted coldly.

"Of course I instigated them! I told them that now that Gilliak wants to form an alliance with Alok, then they are useless. And I also paid them a large sum of money, a total of 70 million credits !" Ziro said with dancing, "In short, they are my people now. What they want is very simple, as long as they can continue to stay in Nashada and Tatooine in the future."

"They agreed?" Zorba confirmed.

"That's right, I completely agree! And the Besardi family doesn't even know about it!" Ziro was very proud, "And don't forget, I still have the power of the Black Sun in my hand! One!"

"Hmph, okay. These two mercenaries are indeed very powerful. As long as they are honest, I will not treat them badly," Zorba said.

"I've got a plan..." Ziro smiled smugly, thinking she had the situation under control, and now Zorba would have to listen to her.

She took out a plan that Giant God Security had drawn up for her.

Zorba looked at the plan and laughed, "Okay! Okay! Let's do it! Hahahahaha!! Alok! I've been waiting for this day for a long time!!"


In just a few days, there was a bloodbath in the Hutt space.

Hundreds of properties belonging to the Besardi family, whether it was a casino or a bar, a red light district, or a spice processing factory, were all blown up! All the staff and guards in these industries were killed!

The range of activities involved more than ten planets, and more than 4,000 people were killed. This is a premeditated massacre!

And the person who did it was quickly identified—the Giant God Security!

They have been working for the Besardi family before, so they are well aware of the distribution of the Besardi family's industry.

The leader of the Besadi family, Alok-Besadi-Ola, was furious, and immediately issued a huge bounty to the giant god security. As long as you donate the head of a giant god security member, you will be rewarded with 5,000 upi upi coins!

At the same time, he also sent several pirate and mercenary organizations that were also working for the Besardi family to encircle and suppress the giant god security together!

In the territory of Narheta, Alok also proposed to expel the giant god security from the Hutt space immediately.

In this way, the giant god security will no longer have a foothold in the Hutt space! And in the process of expulsion, they will be hunted down by countless bounty hunters until every drop of blood is shed!

Offending the Hutts is such a terrible consequence!

However, Alok's proposal was not approved, because someone came forward to protect the giant god security.

In the Hutt space, the policy for those mercenaries and bounty hunters is actually very simple - if you want to live in the Hutt space, you must be under the hands of a certain Hutt. Otherwise, at most, you will run short-distance business, but you must not stay in it for a long time.

But now, a Hutt came forward to say that the giant security was following him, so Alok's plan fell through.

The Hutt who came forward was actually Burka the Hutt.

He is the one who once sold the extractor's data to Severance Tann. He is one of the Hutts with a clear political inclination. He is hostile to the Republic and hopes to befriend the Confederation of Independent Galaxies. It became the target of Tang Xiao's wooing.

But one burka was not enough. Soon, the Hutt Ziro Desilijic Tiul also stood up and admitted that she hired the giant security guard, and she just wanted to make the Besadi family look good!

As soon as this play came, the great council of the Hutts immediately quarreled endlessly.

The Hutts are definitely not monolithic, and the struggle between the families is almost above everything else. As long as the status of the Hutts in the galaxy is maintained, it doesn't matter how they fight.

Now that the bright sword and the bright gun have been shown, the Besardi family is not a good opponent, especially in the past ten years, the strength of the Besardi family has expanded rapidly, and it cannot be shaken by betraying a giant security guard.

Retaliation came soon, and the major offices of Giant God Security were attacked, but Giant God Security had already prepared, and all major offices had complete defenses, eliminating a large number of bounty hunters.

And at this time, the vengeful anger of the Besardi family was also directed at the Desilijic family!

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