799 , Aid

"What?! Gandrossi VI? Recover the exploration spacecraft immediately, and we will go there right away!!" Suss-Tin said loudly.

"Be careful! Master Sass-Ting." Master Yoda said, "You should pay attention to the buried nature of the matter. Why is it so tragic? Baloy's spaceship."

Seth-Ting calmed down instantly, and he quickly said seriously: "Thank you for your teaching, Master Yoda. I will proceed with caution."

"With you, may the Force." Master Yoda nodded.

"May the Force be with you." Sass-Tin bowed.


Master Sass-Ting recovered half of the army, 6,000 clone soldiers, and left a Cheer-class assault landing ship for cover, and then led the remaining Cheer-class assault landing ship, and 4 A small fleet of Jaeger-class battlecruisers headed directly towards Planet Ganderoshi VI.

"Contacted with the planet?" Suss-Tine asked.

"No, General Sass." The communications soldier said, "We checked the communication records. Two days ago, Planet Ganderosi 6 had not sent any information to the outside world."

Sess-Ting's face sank, "Why is this situation only discovered now?!"

"General, this kind of situation is actually very common. For example, changes in stellar flares, or astronomical phenomena such as supernova explosions, will cause the hyperspace communication in a certain area to be interrupted. This is why the Valk planet lost contact before, but no one found it. ’ said the communications soldier.

"In other words, if it wasn't for the distress signal, we wouldn't have noticed the situation on Planet Ganderoshi VI at all?" Sass Ting frowned.

"indeed so."

"Then there's a good chance this is a trap," Sass-Ting said.

"So are we going to retreat?" the clone commander asked.

"No. We're going to continue to investigate," Sass-Ting replied.

"With all due respect, General Sass, maybe Baloy had the same mentality at the time." The clone commander said, "And this enemy is also taking advantage of our mentality, so General Baloy was murdered. .”

Suss-Ting shook his head and said: "We have no more reinforcements. The lives of the 3 million people on Ganderoshi VI are in our hands. The Republic will not send more troops until the enemy's situation is made public. Now all their energies are focused on the inner circle... that terrible battleship, the Plague, is raging in the inner circle."

"The MPs are still prioritizing their own lives, it seems," the clone commander said.

"It's human nature." Suss-Ting turned around and looked at the planet Ganderoshi VI that had appeared outside the porthole, and said, "Send the shuttle to the planet, don't rush to land, and conduct reconnaissance on the planet's atmosphere first. .”


Three shuttle planes took off from the Republic fleet and began to lower their altitude into the planet's atmosphere. The shuttle planes deployed energy shields to offset air resistance and flew at a high speed of 11,000 kilometers per hour. This is also possible under current technology. The highest endo-atmospheric speed achievable under the premise of tactical maneuvering.

The shuttle quickly sent back a message. On the planet Ganderoshi VI, among the 13 colonial towns that were attacked, 5 towns were still fighting, and the remaining 8 towns were completely silent.

And it seems that because the communication on the planet has been destroyed, they cannot receive all the information from the planet.

Master Sass-Ting thought for a while, and said: "Don't land rashly, take off the bomber immediately and provide air support to the ground! Then send a contact team to get in touch with these colonial towns."

Following his instructions, 4 Jaeger-class battlecruisers deployed their hangar platforms one after another, and 50 Y-wing bombers swooped down directly under the escort of 200 V-19 Torrent fighter jets to provide air cover for the colonial towns that were at war.

On the ground, a large number of zombie puppets with terrifying shapes are madly attacking the town's defense line. The town defenders relied on solid fortifications to guard the front line. The five surviving towns have resisted so far because they built walls around the towns.

On the ground outside, countless corpse puppets piled up almost like a mountain. According to a rough estimate, the number of corpse puppets killed alone is more than 100,000!

But there are still more corpse puppets attacking. They seem to have a little wisdom. At least they know how to use ordinary corpse puppets as cannon fodder to fill them up, and then use those self-exploding corpse puppets emitting red light to blow up the wall.

Among the corpse puppets, a small number of geth soldiers were shooting with plasma rifles, which was one of the few long-range firepower of this siege army.

Seeing such a scene, the angry Galactic Republic pilots immediately controlled the fighter jets to dive down, and launched a violent bombardment on the positions of the corpse puppets and geth!

Where the turbo laser swept, corpses fell in pieces, and when the cluster bomb fell, it formed a sea of ​​flames!

Facing such aerial firepower, those corpse puppets and a small number of geth had nothing to do, and their offensive was finally contained.

The defenders on the ground who were already on the verge of despair saw the Republic's fighter jets descending from the sky, jumped up and cheered loudly, with tears in their eyes.

Since the planet was attacked, they have all but cut off some hope of survival.

And now, hope fell from the sky!

However, for Master Sass-Ting and the others, what came at the same time was another kind of despair.

Suss-Ting suddenly sensed something and roared, "Notify all ships to enter the combat state immediately!! The enemy attack is coming!! Take off the fighter jets! The main guns will be recharged immediately!"


The four Jaeger-class battlecruisers immediately raised their shields, adjusted their formation, and took off a large number of fighter jets, including ARC-170 heavy fighters, surrounding the battleships, ready to attack at all times.

"General!! A large-scale hyperspace jump wave has been detected!!" The radar soldier shouted hoarsely.

"Listen to my instructions! The main gun fires immediately!" Sass-Ting clicked a coordinate on the holographic star map, and the coordinates were immediately shared among all 4 warships.

4 Jaeger-class battlecruisers, a total of 32 DBY-827 dual-mounted heavy-duty turbolaser guns aimed at the empty direction and fired a salvo.

Almost at the same time, a dense burst of white light came, and hundreds of warships escaped from the hyperspace and came to this star field, and were immediately fired by the artillery fire of the Republic!

A series of explosive flames were set off immediately, and several enemy ships were destroyed in the explosion, but more other warships began to speed up one after another, rushing straight towards the Republic Fleet with the flexibility that is completely difficult to achieve as a battleship!

At the same time, countless heavy shipborne ion cannons were launched! Countless plasma groups are attacking the Republic battleship!

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