806: Overwhelm

When making the decision to let the Plague withdraw from the planet Cato-Neimoidia, Tang Xiao had actually made his choice.

Between the Trade Federation and the Plague, he chose the former, and he might even get on with Darth Lilim, a loyal disciple, and now arguably the most powerful commander in the entire galaxy, Severan. Si Tann.

But these things are not as important as the Trade Union.

As long as you can get the allegiance of the Trade Federation, it will be more precious than 100 plague ships. General talent is indeed rare, but it can only be like this.

But that doesn't mean he's doing nothing.

22BBY, October 32 [Note 1], under the pressure of the trade alliance, the Titan battleship Plague of the Fourth Civilization had to leave the planet Cato-Neimoidia alone.

And the fleet of the Galactic Republic, which has already received the news, is even more serious. Even though the warships everywhere are stretched, and the number of warships assembled from everywhere is not large, the Republic still found more than 100 warships to surround Cato-Neimoidia again. Planet, vowed to completely destroy this threatening Titan warship when the Plague was alone.

Not only that, but also the separatist general who threatened the core circle of the Republic twice - Severance Tann!

However, when the Plague Titan battleship flew out of the near-orbit spaceport on the planet Cato-Neimoidia, the appearance surprised all the officers and soldiers of the Republic Fleet, including Master Windu.

Because the shell of this huge titan warship is densely covered with vulture robot fighters, the number has exceeded 5,000! The Trade Federation played a game of words. After all, the Plague was only there for resupply, but no one stipulated that thousands of fighter jets could not be hung outside the battleship during the resupply, right?

When the Titan battleship Plague rushed out, the Republic fleet on the outskirts of the planet opened fire immediately! And those vulture robot fighters hanging densely outside the Plague immediately took off like locusts, rushing towards the Republic Fleet desperately!

At this moment, the Governor of the Trade Union, Newt Gunley, was tremblingly facing the terrifying shadow in front of him, a figure in a black cloak projected from the holographic projection...

Darth Marsayr.

Marthael didn't say a word, just stared at Newt Gunley like this, and just such a movement made Newt Gunray almost pissed off in fright, sat down on the ground with a plop, and wailed: " Death... Master Death Angel... This time, this time, it's really not me who wants to betray! It's really... It's us... I, I have already thought of a way to hang all the fighters on the planet on the Plague , these fighter jets can cover the Plague into hyperspace, and I don't want to...I, I..."

"Hehehehe..." Who knew that Darth Malthael suddenly sneered, "I sacrificed the Titan battleship Plague to help your trade alliance maintain its current position, hehehe...I think, we The relationship between you is not so good, what do you think?"

"What do you want me to do? You can do whatever you want me to do...anything!" Newt Gunley hurriedly got up to show his courteousness, but as soon as he finished speaking, he was directly grabbed by the neck by an invisible force.

Darth Malthael's voice became ferocious, "I'll help you because you're still useful! I lost the Plague because you're more useful now. You'd better not let me down, otherwise when The next time I do a multiple-choice question, I can't guarantee which side I'll put you on."

"No... no! Lord Death Angel, I am absolutely loyal to you, absolutely, absolutely!" Newt Gunley said as he struggled for breath, already out of breath.

"Give me that, then..." Darth Malthael let go of Newt Gunray's neck, and said one word.

Newt Gunley's face changed drastically, "This, this is impossible! There, there is what Earl Dooku values ​​most, and it is impossible for him to relax his control!!"

"Soon you'll find that it's only good for you," said Darth Malthael. "I've told you, the only way to survive is to win the war, and to win the war, you have to win the war." There is a road to walk—the road I paved for you."

Newt Gunley fell limp and fell to the ground again, nodding in horror.


Severance Tann commanded the Titan battleship Plague to break through the heavy siege of the Republic fleet. Under the cover of those vulture robot fighters, it finally broke out of the planet's gravitational circle, activated the hyperspace engine and disappeared instantly.

But her face is still extremely dignified, she knows that this is just the beginning.

The hyperspace engine level of the Titan battleship Plague is not high, which is also the biggest shortcoming of the battleship. This time, the hyperspace jump distance is not long, and the outposts of the Republic all over the core circle will soon find the whereabouts of the Plague again, and then Their fleet will follow.

The communication was connected, and Tang Xiao's figure appeared on the screen, "It seems that you have already taken the most difficult step." He said lightly.

"The Trade Alliance still seems to be leaning towards us. Your plan has succeeded. Your Excellency Governor." Severance Tann said so, but her tone was a little cold and unwilling.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Tang Xiao's mouth, "I told you before, when your value is greater than others, the choice left to me will be easier, but obviously, you lost this time. So, Try to make yourself more useful."

Severance Tann gritted her teeth, "Is this what you call politics?"

"Yes, this is politics." Tang Xiao said, "Politics is very simple, interests come first, and anything can be put on the balance. But at the same time, politics is also very complicated, because it is difficult for you to grasp the changing general trend."

Severance Tann took a deep breath, took a sudden step forward, knelt down on one knee, lowered her head and said, "I want to go back alive, my lord governor... Please save my life..."


[Note 1: The Galactic Republic in "Star Wars" has the same way of counting the years as the earth, seconds, minutes, hours, and days, and then there are 5 days in a week, 7 weeks in January, and October in a year, plus 3 weeks and 3 days alone Holidays, so 368 days a year, 35 days in January. This date is determined by the revolution and rotation data of the capital Coruscant. In addition, the size and orbit of Coruscant are close to those of the earth, so the calendar is also close.

Maybe I used the wrong time in some parts of the previous content, and I will pay attention to it later. Fortunately, this issue is not an important issue, and it does not affect reading. In fact, it doesn't matter even the time standard that everyone brings to the earth.

As for Monday to Friday, there are unique names in the Star Wars world. For example, Monday is called Golden Day or something. This is even more troublesome. Let’s call it Monday to Friday in the future. 】

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