83. Start the task

The man hidden under the cloak said: "Our plan is going very well, Lord. The prestige of the Republic is declining in the Outer Rim star region. I have successfully prevented the passage of Bill 0Y9893. In this way, the Galactic Republic will It is impossible to interfere with the corporate alliance (Corporate Alliance) imposing additional fuel surcharges on the Hydian way (Hydian way), which will cause the situation on the planet Marathal to never turn around. I believe this dispute will make more foreigners Ring Planet sees clearly the rotten nature of the Galactic Republic."

"This is exactly the result we expected. By the way, I heard that you are training an apprentice, is that so?" Hei Ge suddenly asked, turning the subject.

"It is true, my lord. Although I understand that this practice is contrary to the two-person rule that has been inherited since Darth Bane, I think we need more help now." The other party said, "I sent him to To hunt the most dangerous prey on the remote planets in the outer ring, to assassinate the important people under heavy protection, every time, he has completed his task perfectly. Now, he is an invincible blade, ready to take the Jedi The samurai cut into pieces."

"A sharp blade, a sharp blade without thought... very good, you have done well, my apprentice." Hei Ge laughed inexplicably.

The man went on to say: "Thanks to your teaching, my lord. In addition, it is time for us to build our own army. Only by controlling the army can we further control the entire galaxy. According to your plan, I have already communicated with the Kamino people A preliminary agreement has been reached, and now we are only waiting for funds from the Interstellar Banking Association..."

Hei Ge interrupted him somewhat rudely, "This is not something you need to care about! You have to remember, I have my plan, and you are just an executor. At present, you only need to ensure that Maratha As long as the dispute on Planet Er will be successfully detonated."

"As you wish, my lord. I will no longer meddle in any affairs related to the army." The other party lowered his head and bowed deeply, the smile on his face became more and more distorted, and then he cut off the communication.

"A sharp blade? My apprentice... Sometimes, you also have some bad thoughts, hehehe..." Hei Ge said to himself, turned and left, and fell into the darkness again.


Onboard the Lancer.

Tang Xiao slapped Kunto hard, and the latter woke up like a dream, looking around blankly, "Manager...you...what's wrong with me?"

"It's nothing, you're just being controlled." Tang Xiao said flatly.

"Control?" Quinto suddenly turned pale with shock. He had been ignorant just now and didn't know what he had experienced.

"In short, we are considered to be on the ship of Hei Ge. He showed his methods, and he is confident that he can kill us at any time." Tang Xiao said.

"But even if this is the case, do we have to cooperate with Hei Ge?" Cun Te frowned.

"We are facing a war, Cunte. And the Fourth Civilization has no power to protect itself in a war, let alone develop and profit in a war."

"Unless there is Hei Ge's help?"

"That's right, unless there is Hei Ge's help. He is the most dangerous person, but in a sense, he is also the safest person."

"Well, since this is your judgment, then we can only accompany you to the end."

"After completing this mission, it's time for me to wake up that person." Tang Xiao said, "We should also start our own actions in Coruscant."

"Who is that person? You seem to be afraid of him."

"Conspirator, politician. There is no one who will not be afraid of such a person. But in the current political arena of the Galactic Republic, only such a person can play the greatest role." Tang Xiao said solemnly, "If you guess correctly, Hei Ge and his apprentices have already started their own plans."

He leaned on the backrest, looked at the ceiling of the spaceship, and murmured, "How much benefit can we gain from this storm?"


The middle ring of the Milky Way, the planet Kothlis.

This is one of the colonial planets of the Bothans. They built huge factories on this planet whose surface was mostly covered by oceans, and extracted various rare elements from the oceans for use.

This galaxy is very rich in products. In addition to the habitable planet Koslis, there is also an asteroid belt that contains a lot of minerals, and it can basically be said to be self-sufficient.

Therefore, this galaxy is rarely visited by outsiders. Apart from the transport ships that regularly fly to transport industrial products, even pirates and bounty hunters have little interest in this heavily guarded planet.

However, at this time, a YT-1000 light cargo ship was flying silently under the cover of the asteroid belt.

"The secret space station should be right in front." Kunto was sitting in the co-pilot seat, comparing the coordinates Hei Ge gave them, while staring at the empty radar signal in a daze, "but there is nothing on the radar .”

"If it can be detected by radar, it means that this space station is not secret enough." Cun Te turned on a few switches and said, "I will try to use magnetic field scanning. Such a space station cannot have artificial gravity, otherwise it cannot be lived for a long time. "

However, at this time, Tang Xiao looked out the porthole without saying a word. After about a minute, he pointed in one direction and said, "Try to scan directly over there. I have a vague feeling that there seems to be someone over there."

"Over there? There is a group of very dense asteroids over there, which is a very dangerous place. The space station may be destroyed within a few days after being built there." Village Te was a little puzzled, but still pointed the probe there , "Wait a minute! There's really a reaction! That's...that's an asteroid!"

An irregular rocky asteroid with a maximum diameter of about 400 meters is displayed on the light screen. It can be seen that the asteroid is well camouflaged. Except for the communication antenna and the hangar platform, there are not many exposed facilities. At first glance, it is really not easy to distinguish it from ordinary asteroids.

"They hollowed out an asteroid and used it as a space station!" Quinto was also taken aback, "This...do they not consider the daily functions of a space station at all?"

"Since it's a secret base, it only needs to be able to hide people. I don't know what those people are doing." Tang Xiao untied his seat belt and stood up and said, "Let's get ready to attack."

Cun Te turned around and said very seriously: "Manager, you should know that this trip is going to kill people, right? Judging by your age, the last time should be your first time to kill people. You really want to Blood on your hands? Let me go."

Thanks to Tianchang, who wants to turn white, for rewarding 10,000 starting coins! ! Thanks to book friend 20210218151243096 for rewarding 5000 starting coins! !

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