The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 860 Equal Judgment (Part 2) [Two in One]

859. Equal Trial (Part 2) [Two in One]

Seeing that the emotions of several other members of the Freemasonry Alliance have been ignited, Darth Masail continued: "Very well, since you have witnessed the power of the Eye of God, this topic will stop here. Then Come down, and I'll introduce you to a new member."

"Equal trial..." Several other people shouted slogans, and then pressed a button in front of them in unison.

The holographic projection that only saw them was immediately shrouded in a black smoke, and they could not be seen at all, except for a pair of eyes emitting a strange light.

At this time, the side door opened, and a fat body crawled in from inside.

A lavender-skinned, feathered Hutt—

Ziro Tiur Desiligic.

She came to the center of the hall somewhat awkwardly, and saw the endless-class super aircraft carrier in the holographic projection at a glance, and her body trembled slightly. Obviously, she also saw the approximate data of this super aircraft carrier, and she was also shocked by it.

But then, she saw six figures surrounded by black smoke! In the middle of the figure, there are pairs of eyes with different shapes and strange rays of light staring at her.

Ziro suddenly felt a panic, but as soon as she turned around, she found the figure of the dead angel in a black cloak behind her!

"Ah... Lord Death Angel..." Qi Luo was so frightened that he fell to the ground all of a sudden.

"Is this our new member?" Sang Hill said, under the effect of the voice changer, his voice was sharp and harsh, which made people feel uncomfortable.

"Hehehehe...I know her, the Hutt, Ziro..." Newt Gunley laughed, his voice changing voice was deep and deep, "She is a lost dog, where did she get the qualification to join our team?" ranks?"

After seeing the Infinity-class super aircraft carrier, Newt Gunley was overwhelmed with confidence. Now that he saw Ziro standing here with great anxiety, he laughed unscrupulously.

Cowards never dare to show their swords against the strong, they will only bully those who are weaker than themselves.

"What we were talking about just now was the construction plan of a super warship, with an investment of 500 billion, and this Ziro, can the whole package be sold for 10,000 credits?" Giggs sneered.

"Perhaps, she can sell her status as the down-and-out elder of the Desilijic family for two thousand credits?" Thunbak-Tula also mocked ruthlessly.



"Hey Hey!"

Under the action of the voice changer, all kinds of strange and changeable sounds came from all around, coupled with the terrifying projections shrouded in the black mist, and the pairs of shining eyes watching , the fear in Qi Luo's heart had reached its peak, her fat body was lying on the ground, covering her head with two short hands in despair, trembling all over.

"Okay, although this Hutt is a wimp, she still has some value." Seeing that the atmosphere was almost done, Gross Shelbya came out to sing a red face at the right time, her voice from the voice changer Turning back and forth, like a witch with ever-changing changes, "Our leader, Lord Death Angel, naturally has his own considerations, and will definitely give Qi Luo an equal trial."

"Equal trial!"

"Equal trial!!"

Darth Malthael slightly raised his hand, and everyone's voices stopped abruptly.

He slowly walked up to Qi Luo, and said coldly; "Welcome to the big family of the Freemasonry Alliance."

"This is... what you said..." Qi Luo trembled all over, the strong aura of this strange place made her almost unable to straighten her tongue, "Say... yes, help me... Freemasonry ……alliance?"

"Help you? Hehehehe... You may have misunderstood a little." Darth Malthael sneered, "The purpose of the Freemasonry Alliance is equality. Under the gaze of the eyes of God, all beings are equal! Before knowledge, All living beings are equal! One plus one will not change the result of being equal to two because of different objects, this is equality! And you... what are you going to use to equalize in exchange for our help?"

"But... this... I..." Ziro stammered again.

"The Desilijic family, yes." Darth Masail said lightly.

"Yes... yes... yes! As long as I can take the position of the patriarch of the family, I can satisfy any request of you!" Ziro said eagerly, "Zorba is too old, and Jabba is just an old man in front of me. It’s just a junior! As long as Kilyak can be dealt with, no one in the Desilijic family is more qualified to be the patriarch than me!”

"But what?" Darth Malthael directly helped Ziro tell the turning point.

"I need support... Jabba promoted his nephew Gorga Desilijic to be family treasurer and they cut off my funds..." Ziro whispered.

"So you can't even deal with one of your grandchildren's Gorga? Ha ha ha ha." Sang Hill sneered.

Ziro quickly said: "No! This is because Zorba still has fantasies about his son Jabba! He was bewitched by Jabba! Jabba has long since defected to the Galactic Republic!"

"Ah... Galactic Republic, Darth Sidious." Upon hearing this, Thorn-Hil understood what Darth Malthael meant, and suddenly realized.

"If Ziro wants to support, how much money can you provide?" Darth Malthael asked lightly.

"Hehehehe... The 500 billion investment in the construction plan of the Endless Super Aircraft Carrier is not a small amount, and our recent investment quota has been taken up a lot. However, from my personal account, take out 10 billion credit points, It's not a problem." San-Hill said, "If you can get the allegiance of the Desilijic family and get another 10 billion, it's not a problem. But... can you do it? Ziro."

Upon hearing this astonishing number, Ziro suddenly became excited, and said loudly: "I can! I can definitely control the Desilijic family, and then serve the Freemasons! Zorba has been in poor health recently, as long as I can let Zorba Erba made a will to let me become the patriarch of the family, so I have this chance! I will definitely do it!"

"I will send you a financial advisor, and then slowly transfer the Desilijic family's property under the control of the Freemasonry. With 10 billion funds, this should be able to do a lot of things." Darth Massa Il said, "Only if you truly become the patriarch of the Desilijic family, are you qualified to sit at the same table with us. Now is the time for you to prove your worth."

A hint of fierceness flashed in the corner of Qi Luo's eyes, "Leave it to me, as long as you can support me, I can get Zorba's will! Then...he won't live until next month!"

"Then, let's do it." Darth Masail said, "Zorba's death is a signal. The funds of 10 billion credits will be in place immediately. How much Desiliji can you help us control?" The smuggling network of the Qi family determines whether you are eligible to join the Freemasonry Alliance... If you succeed, you will find that the future of the galaxy will be under your control!"

"I will definitely do it..." Qi Luobai bowed down.

After Ziro left, several talents resumed their respective projections. Gross Shelbya was more familiar with some of Darth Malthael's previous strategies. She was also a little puzzled and asked: "My lord , why Ziro? Haven't we been secretly supporting the Hutt Gardullah-Besadi?"

"The situation in the Hutt space has undergone some changes." Darth Marthael said, "You have not paid attention to this place, but for the Eye of God, nothing in this galaxy can escape its attention!"

"Yes..." Several people all lowered their heads, extremely respectful.

"After the death of the former patriarch of the Besadi family, Alok Besadi, it was Alok Besadi who took over. Now he has controlled Gardullah. Although in the confrontation between the two families, on the surface It seems that the Besadi family is retreating steadily, but in fact, Aluke has strengthened his control over the family, and the continuous victory and expansion of the Desilijic family has also exacerbated the outbreak of their internal conflicts——Ziro, That's what we're here for," Darth Malthael said.

"I understand. Aluke is a difficult opponent, and the opportunities for the Besardi family are getting smaller and smaller. Now for us, the Desilijic family has more opportunities." Gross also understood this arrangement.

"More importantly, Jabba has secretly taken refuge in Darth Sidious. Taking advantage of the civil strife in the Desilijic family, we can just get rid of Jabba and cut off Sidious's efforts to reach Hell. The claws of extraspace," said Darth Malthael.

"The lord is wise..."

"Hehehehe, whether it's Qiro or Gardulla, they're just a couple of wimps. The one who really has the qualifications and ability to become our agent in the Hutt Space, as a new member of the Freemasonry Alliance, and the other There are people." Darth Malthael smiled proudly, "Hahahaha! The smuggling network and underground empire of the Hutts will one day become my possession!"


The capital of the Galactic Republic, Coruscant, the Jedi Temple.

"This is the robot fleet that completely defeated your battle group?" Jedi Master Mace Windu looked at the image of the battlefield in front of him, frowning, "This style is completely different from any race we know. Robots, where did they come from? Is it a separatist conspiracy?"

Master Sass-Ting said: "I have been collecting information on these robots recently, and they seem to be indiscriminately attacking the surrounding galaxies. The latest attack occurred on the planet Ord Biniir. , this is a planet joined to Separatism."

"Is there any more information?" Master Windu then asked.

"Every time they attack, they will first start with a relatively remote town, and after capturing the town with a lightning-like offensive, they will use a steel thorn-like device to turn everyone, whether it is a living person or a corpse, into a kind of living dead .And this kind of living dead is different from the zombies infected by the T virus used by the separatists on the Christopher Sis planet before. It is a half-human and half-mechanical existence.” Sass-Ting said, “This kind of living dead Some people call them corpse puppets."

"This shows that they are a group of killing machines, without any sympathy, only killing." Pulo-Kong said.

"But if they are robots, their behavior is more flexible. The reason why they create corpse puppets is to use these terrifying things to destroy the resistance of the attacked planet, and they even disguise themselves as spacecraft in distress, Attract us to go, and then launch a surprise attack." Sass-Ting said solemnly.

"Never do that, ordinary robots," said Master Yoda. "We must find the people who made them."

"I don't have a clue at the moment. After intensively listening to the communication between them, I can only get one word-geth, which should be their name." Sass-Ting said.

At this time, Jedi master Shak Ti, who participated in the meeting remotely through holographic projection, suddenly said: "The shape of the spaceship of this robot is the shape of an insect?"

"Yes." Suss-Tine said.

Shak-Ti said seriously: "Robots cannot emerge out of thin air, there must be people who made them. Generally speaking, the form of these robots will leave the style and aesthetics of their creators. If you look at it from this perspective What about the comparison?"

Master Sass-Ting suddenly realized, "This is indeed a very feasible direction! I will immediately pass the information to the Intelligence Department of the Republic and let them compare all the racial styles."

"Speaking of warships in the form of insects..." Shak-Ti pondered, "I think of a race...Kilik."

Master Windu shook his head and said: "Kilik people are indeed an insect race, but they were extinct hundreds of thousands of years ago, and most of the remaining races have degenerated into native species without intelligence. Some relatively degenerate The less serious ethnic groups, such as the Yamri, have already faded out of the mainstream civilization circle of the galaxy, and almost redeveloped their own civilization from scratch, and have long since had nothing to do with their ancestors, the Kirik. Therefore, I don’t I don't think the Killiks can have such a developed heritage."

"This is just a guess. Now our top priority is how to deal with the attack of this robot called geth." Shak-Ti said.

Master Windu shook his head, "Our situation is not optimistic now. The sudden appearance of the missing Blade Fleet caught us off guard... 178 of the Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers were acquired by the Dawn Star, which is full of aggressiveness for this ship. For the planet, this is a force that is enough for them to launch another crazy offensive."

"The separatist fleet has been regrouping recently, and their purpose of marching into the Central Star District has become very obvious." Pro-Kong also said.

"Communication with this geth robot. There are different possibilities, maybe impossible." Master Yoda said.

Seth Ting nodded and said, "I will immediately go to the capital of the Eighth Army, the planet Ord-Mantel, and focus on dealing with the geth problem."

"The Interstellar Banking Association and the Fourth Group are also ready to move on the planet Megeeto, and the situation of the Eighth Army is not optimistic. But we really don't have any more reinforcements in the past. Yesterday, Speaker Palpatine personally ordered to concentrate our forces Strengthen the strength of the 18th Army and prevent the Dawn Star from using the Razor Fleet to cause further damage, and the planet Eliadu must not be lost." Master Windu said, "So, I hope you can handle it carefully... Can you talk to the Geth? Communicate, do your best. May the Force be with you, Master Sass-Tin."

Thank you for the 1500 starting coins rewarded by the assimilation fighters! !

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