The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 880 The Flames of War in Malasthal

879. The Flame of Marathal

21BBY, March 7.

The commander of the Fourth Civilization Fleet B, Admiral Severance Tann led 35 Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers to set off secretly and disappear into the vast universe.

As a cooperation, the Intelligence Department of the Fourth Civilization provided the highest level of intelligence cover for this military operation. In addition to arranging a T-850 robot that is exactly the same as Severance Tann to hang around the naval station, many adjustments were made. The timing of the departure of the large cargo fleet, disrupting hyperspace fluctuations, concealed the movements of the small fleet.

At the same time, the dock where the entire Blade Fleet is located is closed on the grounds of starting a large-scale renovation, so that no one has the opportunity to touch this fleet and count the difference in the number of fleets.

In addition, Mrs. M also arranged for the intelligence department to send a lot of false information, including allowing the A fleet on the planet Terminus and the B fleet on the planet Glenzon to start feinting, pretending that they will attack Egypt in the near future. The situation on Planet Riadu.

Because General Grievous had already started operations on the planet Antares, Dawn Star's approach made the governor of the 18th Army, Willhuff Tarkin, immediately alert, and immediately put all subordinate troops on combat readiness.

And that's just the beginning.

Gabriel Tosh and the Salari special forces have been operating within the jurisdiction of the 18th Army, and the frequency of operations has been accelerated recently. Officers and administrative officials at all levels of the 18th Army have been assassinated. Within a short period of time, more than 200 people were murdered.

Wilhuff Tarkin had to pinch his nose to seek the help of the Jedi Order, and put all areas under martial law, and anyone entering or leaving the planet must go through strict screening.

At the same time, after consideration, the Supreme Strategic Command of the Republic decided to let the Bothans go to help the 18th Army.

The Bothas are a race with extremely high IQ and are very cunning. They have been the main force in the intelligence department of the Republic for a long time. For some vague intelligence, they even rely on their intuition to make some Not bad judgment at all.

The Supreme Strategic Command dispatched 800 Bothan intelligence agents from various intelligence agencies, and under the leadership of 4 Jedi Knights, they went to the planet Eliadu and started the confrontation with the Dawn planet.

These Botha intelligence personnel have indeed played a role. They further blocked the security loopholes in the 18th Army's jurisdiction, strengthened intelligence collection and investigation of spaceships, and made full use of the predictive ability and combat effectiveness of the Jedi Knights to deal with all suspicious location to check.

This indeed made Tosh and the Serari special forces encounter considerable difficulties in their assassination work. In the next five days, they succeeded only twice, killing four civilian officials.

For Severance Tann, however, her goal had been achieved.

On March 12th, Severance Tann led 35 Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers to break into the Marathal galaxy without warning, and they were blocked in the Malastal Fjord in an instant. Take a break and prepare to set off for a formation of hunter-class battlecruisers on the planet Eliadu!

Because they did not expect an enemy attack at all, this fleet composed of 8 Jaeger-class battlecruisers was completely unprepared. They were shot down by the main guns of 35 Dreadnought-class cruisers before they even entered the battle state. Stupid.

The environment around the planet Marathal is quite special, because there is a large and complex electromagnetic nebula, so all hyperspace channels will pass through a relatively long and narrow area in the electromagnetic nebula, which is called Maras Taalfjord.

More than ten years ago, the Enterprise Alliance and the Judicial Fleet of the Republic also fought here. This is also the first time that the navy of the Fourth Civilization has participated in the battle.

It is also because of the unique environment here that Severance Tann's surprise attack was possible—because when the Republic fleet passed by here, the direction of action was predictable.

Severance Tann's genius command method did not give the commander of the Republic Fleet any chance to react. After breaking up the opponent's formation, he divided the 8 hunter-class battlecruisers into separate pieces and finally defeated them one by one.

The local defense fleet of the Marathal planet was dispatched urgently to come for reinforcements, but it was of no avail. Severance-Tann allocated some warships to block the reinforcements. After eating the 8 Jaeger-class ships, he backhanded The defending fleet was destroyed together.

Afterwards, the commander of the Fourth Army, Justin Reeves, led 3,000 soldiers of the Fourth Army and 7,000 army soldiers to land on the planet Marathal, with 500 AT-XT walkers as the main force, in Pixelito, the capital of the planet. The southern plains of the continent are at war with the Malastar home defense forces.

All of this happened so fast that neither the Supreme Strategic Command of the Republic nor the 18th Army of the Republic, nor the 17th Army of the Republic where the planet Marathal was located, had time to respond.

Immediately, an urgent request for help was sent on the planet Marathal, claiming that if no reinforcements were received, Pixel City, the capital of the planet, might fall within a month. After the communication, the Jedi Master Kepu Xie was selected to go into battle and lead an army to help the planet Marathal.

Master Cape Xie was the Jedi Master who turned the tide of the battle by raiding the Enterprise Alliance Fleet Commander Admiral Trench in one fell swoop during the Battle of Malastal Fjord more than ten years ago.

At the same time, Fourth Civilization Admiral Severance Tann secretly met with the political leaders of the Granites on the planet Marathal in her flagship Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser Blade.

The content of the secret talks between the two parties is unknown, and after that, the resistance of the Granites on the planet has not diminished.

Interestingly, shortly thereafter, political leaders of the Dags also secretly communicated with Severance Tann.

There are two main races on the planet Marathal, about 54% Dags and about 44% Grans. The natives are the Dags, and the Grans are the latecomers who only went to colonize 1000 years ago. .

However, because the Gran people developed earlier and were quite influential in the Galactic Republic Congress, the resistance of the Dag people was suppressed by the Republic with soft knives. Until now, Tim and his team, the representative of the Marathal planet, are also composed of Grans.

Therefore, the Dag people are full of hatred for the Galactic Republic, but the Gran people are also in a more delicate environment-because their home planet, the Golden Rock planet, is now the little follower of the Dawn star, and they are in the Blade Fleet. In the scramble for the battle, the Granites also contributed a lot.

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