The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 884: Planetary Dreamland (Part 2)

883. The Dream of the Planet (2)

"What did I see? What did I feel? What did I teach you?" Darth Plagueis's ghost haunted him.

Swish! ! The blood-red lightsaber was opened in an instant, like a red horse passing by, everything around it disappeared in smoke.

Darth Malthael suddenly opened his eyes, took a deep breath, raised his hand, a glass of water flew into his hand, he shook the glass, at this moment, the force of life had already mixed the glass All those microorganisms in the water are killed before drinking the glass of water.

There are too many mysterious places on the planet Harunkar, and in the eyes of many scholars and explorers, these mysteries all stem from the unique environment of the planet, such as microorganisms in the air, fungal spores, or chaotic magnetic fields.

Of course, for Force-sensitive people like Jedi Knights, they believe that this planet is alive.

Darth Marthael thinks so too, but it doesn't affect him to remove all microbes and spores from these native foods before eating.

The ghost of Darth Plagueis would no longer affect him in any way, and he had already understood that this was not the real ghost of Darth Plagueis, but a little bit of his will remaining in the original force.

When he was on the planet Dagobah, he had already crossed this hurdle, allowing his dark side force to be further enhanced.

The practice of the original force is two-sided. On the one hand, it is to explore the essence of the original force, and on the other hand, it is to explore the essence of itself.

Moreover, the two actually complement each other and are not enough for outsiders to practice. The extent of the Force has reached the realm of Darth Malthael, and he can already feel the difference in the Force reflected in everyone, that is to say, the Force he sees may be different from what Master Yoda saw. something quite different.

But now, the only thing that worries him is still this dream.

He started dreaming when he first came to the planet Harlenkar. At that time, there were still some superficial things, such as some monsters and some corpses.

But then, little by little, something else started to emerge...someone he had killed, something he had done, and it was getting longer and longer.

Until now, Darth Plagueis showed up.

Darth Malthael's eyes are awe-inspiring...the dreamland of the planet is connected to the past, connected to the present, connected to the future. This place reflects illusion, reality, and the essence hidden in the deepest part.

No wonder the dream sisters mentioned to him on the spaceship that Haren Carr's dream is so powerful that although they are here like fish in water, they are also afraid of sinking into it, so they turn around and leave when the time comes, without any nostalgia.

Because they know very well that if they continue, they will become part of the dream of this planet.

Every person who is sensitive to the force who comes to Harenkar will accept the torture of dreams here, to face his heart directly, and to uncover the scars that may hurt the bottom of his heart.

Master Mace Windu's imminent arrival on the planet Harunkar was a message sent to him later by Quinlan Voss, but Darth Malthael was not surprised by this, just as he knew that Quinran Voss also I will definitely tell Windu about my existence.

"So... what is your dream? Mace Windu." Darth Malthael sneered and walked out.

He has already heard about the status quo of Pelek-Bau City from the dream sisters-of course, it is the elder sister Luna-meng, and the younger sister will never care about these things.

Because the advisors of the Confederation of Independent Galaxy are dying and withdrawing, and the original supreme leader Roz Gupton is dead, the city is now in a leaderless situation, and the most powerful smuggling groups also have their own ulterior motives. Take control of this city, and thus control this planet with huge economic interests.

And Darth Masail just randomly found a smuggling group, showed the ID of the fourth group, promised some bad checks, and then threw out some pocket money to buy it off, and let the smuggling group obey him up.

Although the Fourth Group is notorious in the Galactic Republic, with the continuous expansion of its strength, it is not difficult for many people to kneel down and call their father once this sign is displayed.

Darth Malthael didn't really want these mobs to do something, it was purely for the convenience of movement.

Through this smuggling group, he knew that people in the city of Pelek-Bau were in a state of panic, and the attack by the 'Highland Liberation Front' on the surrounding farms and strongholds had already begun to cause a shortage of supplies in the city. This was exacerbated by the fact that import and export trade had also come to a near standstill due to the destruction of the spaceport.

In order to repair the spaceport, a lot of manpower and material resources are needed. More importantly, a new set of fungal isolation and removal facilities must be ordered from the Technology Union as soon as possible. This is also a huge expenditure of money.

If Colonel Lords-Gopton is still there, it is natural that all the forces of the small gangs can be combined to complete this large investment. But now, the various smuggler gangs in the city are suspicious of each other, so it is naturally impossible to achieve it.

While hearing the news, Darth Malthael also discovered something very interesting.


Mace Windu was also walking on the streets of Pelek-Bau City at this moment, watching the disputes and fights between several smuggling gang members with cold eyes.

Although the two were in the same city and both knew of each other's arrival, they did not meet each other.

Because they are already the pinnacle figures in the Force, each other's perception and concealment interfere with each other, completely undetectable.

Master Windu walked here in casual clothes, wanting to inquire about information. For this reason, he didn't even wear the rough cloth cloak that Jedi knights often wear, but a suit of clothes that are easy to move. An explorer and smuggler who walks around the galaxy Also more or less a similar outfit.

The Highland Liberation Front was a term he heard most often, and he knew what it meant.

Because the only inhabitable place on the planet Harunkar is this huge plateau, the Corunai people also call themselves highlanders—and the city of Pelek-Bau is built on this plateau, which has the flattest environment and the best environment. The place.

The name Highlander also includes the meaning that only they can live on the highlands, and that the foreign Balawai should get out of the highlands.

At the same time, the topics that accompany the Highland Liberation Front are all massacres, destruction, terror...

Mace Windu also learned that the Highland Liberation Front had suddenly appeared recently and had killed hundreds of people and destroyed more than a dozen large and small strongholds.

If this is true... Mace Windu took a deep breath, "Depa that you?"

"It's him!! Get rid of him!!" Suddenly there were several roars from the other side, and then several heavily armed smugglers rushed over.

Their goal is clear, that is, Mace Windu!

"I'm not the person you're looking for..." Windu used the Force to influence the thinking of these people, but he found out that it was useless!

call out! The person on the opposite side fired directly!

Mace Windu dodged sideways, and said loudly: "You have admitted the wrong person! I am here to do business!"

"Kill him!! He is a spy of the Highland Liberation Front!!" The smugglers shouted and opened fire!

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