The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 910 The hand that wields the weapon

909、The hand that wields the weapon

Gary Ulan showed an expression of "I knew it earlier", and he sneered: "Your Excellency, is this your high opinion? Then do you know how many people talk about such topics in my ears every year? Farmers Uprising, worker riots, robot rebellion, independence of the outer ring...Your Excellency, if it was before humans entered the interstellar era, such a topic might still be possible to talk about, but now? "

He patted the non-existing dust on his clothes, and then said: "It's already the interstellar era, Your Excellency the Governor. No matter how much the workers and peasants riot, all they can find is blaster pistols. Even the outer ring star area All independently, all they can produce are cargo ships designed hundreds of years ago...but you know what we can have? Star Destroyers!"

The sarcasm on his face became stronger and stronger, " don't need to remind me that the middle and outer ring star regions of the Milky Way account for two-thirds of the total population of the entire Milky Way, and four-fifths of the natural resources. It's useless, these things are all under our control, because they will never have a real core force-industry! Even now that the Confederation of Independent Galaxies is split, it is still the super corporate giants such as the Trade Federation who are fighting against us , in the final analysis, it is still a game of power between us upper classes."

As he said that, he took off his clothes as if venting, and stood with his upper body naked, he could no longer bear the rough fabric, "So, I am very grateful that you took me to experience life, this is I've never had an experience, and I thank you very much. But now, let's get back to reality and continue the game that our class deserves, okay?"

Gary Ulan sees problems very thoroughly, and the elite education he has received for a long time makes his heart never shaken by such a little experience.

Tang Xiao just shook his head expressionlessly, and said slowly: "The oligarchy system established in the more than 20,000-year history of the Galactic Republic can indeed be said to be effective. An impenetrable fortress has been built. You have foreseen from the beginning who your possible enemies will be, so that those whom you envision have no chance at all."

Gary Ulan raised his head and did not speak, but his meaning was clearly expressed.

Tang Xiao went on to say: "You understand that such cruel exploitation will cause class division and cause resistance from the lower classes, so you have monopolized technology and industry, so that things that can really threaten you will never appear in the hands of the lower classes. Even in the current civil war in the Milky Way, although the Confederacy of Independent Galaxies is under the banner of freedom and equality, in fact, their war operations still have nothing to do with the lower class people-the manufacture of battleships, and even the glory of going to battle to kill the enemy, have nothing to do with it. They have nothing to do."

"And it's not enough just to be hopeless. We need to give them some hope. Let them get a little gift enough to sustain life after giving almost all their strength and life. At the same time, there will be a series of exams, The selection allowed them to see the possibility of changing their lives and class... As long as there is such a thing, the vast majority of people will not resist."

Gary Uhlan said deadpan: "And we call this -- the social system."

Tang Xiao turned around, looked at him with some pity, and said, "Do you know, Mr. Gary, I am not a qualified eloquent. In my short life so far, there have indeed been countless times that I have let you The case of people changing, but not through debate, but through...choice. As I said, I give people the power to choose, and the choice is yours, and I, just after your original ABC choice, Add a D."

He went on to say: "In fact, the option D has always existed, but why did it disappear from your choices? This is because you don't have the ability to see it, and I... can."

As he spoke, he walked towards the sofa. When he passed Gary Ulan, he raised his hand and pressed the void lightly. Gary was immediately pressed to the ground by an invisible force, and then he came to the sofa and sat down. Lifting Erlang's legs, he said very easily: "A weapon needs to be manipulated by one hand, and what I want to talk about with you is this hand."

"You don't want to say that this is a hand within our class?" Gary Ulan gritted his teeth on a half-kneeling ground. It was a little difficult to speak, but he was still familiar with almost every situation. .

"In your imagination, even the struggle within your class is predictable. But such a struggle is also under certain rules. Because no matter which side of the struggle, it will not break this rule. Rules, after all, if the rules are broken, they are the only ones who get hurt." Tang Xiao said lightly.

"I think that's what we're talking about," Gary Ulan said.

Tang Xiao sneered and shook his head, "Don't just say 'us', Gary Ulan. I don't belong to your doomed class, and everything you build is meaningless and useless to me. And that hand, too."

His eyes turned cold, "What he wants to build is a more efficient, more extreme, and more powerful system, and in this system, Gary eat too much."

Gary Ulan's face became gloomy, "This is impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible, because in this new system, everything belongs to him. Will he allow you to eat what should belong to him into your own stomach?" Tang Xiao said, " Of course, it is undeniable that you are extremely powerful, so to destroy you, you need an extremely powerful weapon..."

He pointed to his head, "Faith, and cognition..."

"The so-called belief and cognition are the cognition of every living being in the entire galaxy to the Galactic Republic. Everything you have is based on the premise of the existence of the Galactic Republic, and all people think about problems, and You must think from this angle. you know why this civil war broke out?" Tang Xiao asked back.

"Redistribution of benefits!" Gary Ulan became a little anxious.

"No, it's the process of erasing this belief. That hand did the same thing as me, only he did it bigger - he gave everyone in the galaxy a new choice, and in this choice, the Galactic Republic, It doesn't exist at all! Once this choice is put in front of you, do you know how crazy things will happen?" An inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of Tang Xiao's mouth.

"Even so, our status cannot be threatened! The gap between classes cannot be crossed!" Gary Ulan's defense at the moment seems to be convincing himself.

A look of pity appeared in Tang Xiao's eyes again, "Are you sure...Among your so-called 'us', everyone really wants the Galactic Republic to continue to exist?"

Gary Ulan's face turned pale.

Tang Xiao sneered and said, "On our planet Dawn, this belief and cognition is called... the people's heart."

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