The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 931 The Death of the Dictator

930. Death of the Dictator

"Master Dead Angel ignored my request, Earl Dooku." At the moment on Planet Glenpine, Tang Xiao was talking to Earl Dooku.

"Did the Lord Dead Angel agree? What did he say?" Earl Dooku frowned and asked.

"He didn't say anything, and just turned off the communication." Tang Xiao said, "I have already prepared my special forces. They are heading to the planet Tibrin. It is estimated that it will take 18 standard hours to prepare, and then they will Start the assassination operation."

Earl Dooku shook his head and said: "For a supreme ruler like Sulibran-Tu, being assassinated is not a bad ending. The public opinion and the media under him can easily portray him as a victim The image of the victim and the victim, so that the public ignores the crimes he has committed before."

Tang Xiao thought for a while and said, "I have ordered the secret service to make this matter as public as possible, and then hack into their media system to publicly announce the crimes of Suli Bulan-Tu. If not... I'm afraid only Please do it yourself."

He is now discussing this issue with Earl Dooku in a serious manner.

Earl Dooku was silent for a while, obviously still a little uncomfortable with the development of the matter like this, and the dead angel directly hung up on Tang Xiao's communication, could it mean that he had already noticed this temptation in his heart?

A Sith Lord, would rather give up such an opportunity and choose to endure? You must know that for Sith, such publicity and public killing are the best adjustments for their dark hearts.

And now he can break free from the influence of the dark side force on his mind. It can only be said that this man's city is terrible... Coincidentally, Earl Dooku knew another such Sith Lord named Darth- Sidious.

In the eyes of Earl Dooku, Sulibran-Tu was already a dead man, the only difference was whether his death could have any effect.

He has already ambushed many pawns in the political arena of Tibring Planet, and he has already prepared for media publicity and public opinion campaigns. All this will start when the dead angel publicly executes Su Libran. The dead angel, who will become the national hero of the Ishi-Tibu people, will have a reputation like no other, and will even spread across the galaxy.

On Coruscant, Darth Sidious is also ready, and the major media in the Galactic Republic will play up this matter, pushing the reputation of the dead angel to the peak.

Sometimes, positive publicity can also be a murderous knife.

Count Dooku thought for a long time before slowly saying: "I think, judging from the current situation, maybe I really need to do it myself."

If the dead angel doesn't take the bait, then he has to settle for the next best thing and let himself be the hero. It's just that the propaganda this time is limited to the Confederation of Independent Galaxies, so it's better not to go too far.


One day later, Earl Dooku suddenly received information from his informant on Tibring Planet——Sulibran-Tu, dead!

"What did you say?! Suli Bulan-tu, dead?" Earl Dooku was extremely surprised, "By whom? Tang Xiao's assassination team or the dead angel?"

"Priest." The informant seemed to be still in a state of shock and bewilderment, "Right now, the entire Tibring planet is in chaos."

"Who is the priestess?" Count Dooku's face darkened.

"I don't's a woman, wearing a purple robe, a beautiful mask, and a red lightsaber," the informant said.

"Give me the live footage." Count Dooku immediately turned around and left, returning to his office.

A huge holographic projection image appeared in the office. Although the hyperspace data transmission was still a bit unstable, after numerous noise reduction repairs, the huge projection still made Count Dooku feel like he was on the scene.

I saw that around the luxurious palace of Suliban-tu, it was already surrounded by a large number of military police and a large number of people, and almost everyone was at a loss.

Looking at the direction of the palace from a distance through the crowd, I saw only a figure in a purple robe, holding a blood-red lightsaber upside down in one hand, and holding Suli Bulan-tu's head high with the other hand, walking walked out.

Around her, there were dozens of corpses of the imperial guards who hadn't had eyesight before and wanted to avenge the dictator.

Looking at this person, Count Dooku's face became more and more gloomy...

At this time, Tang Xiao's communication also arrived, and his voice was a little panicked, "It's not good! Earl Dooku! Suli Bulan-tu was killed!!!"

"Ah, I you know the person who killed him?" Earl Dooku asked sullenly.

"It's a woman, but I have no impression at all." Tang Xiao shook his head and replied.

"Her name is Priestess," Count Dooku said.

Tang Xiao was still shaking his head, "Looking at the name, it may have something to do with religion. However, I think this person may have something to do with the dead angel."

"It's not possible, but there must be a connection..." Earl Dooku said, waving his hand, "Okay, since the Dead Angel has made a move, I will cooperate here. If you have the opportunity, you can Get in touch with the priestess and find out about her."

"Okay." After Tang Xiao finished speaking, he seemed hesitant to speak, but he still shook his head, sighed and turned off the communication.

Earl Dooku also ignored Tang Xiao. Although he always had such doubts in his heart from time to time, he had already confirmed that Tang Xiao was not an angel of death, and he would not think in this direction. At most, he only thought that Tang Xiao There is some ulterior secret between him and the dead angel.

And now he was paying attention to another thing - why does this priestess look so familiar?


The brutal dictator of Planet Tibrin, Sulibran-Tu, accidentally offended the representative of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies when he was negotiating with the other party, and then the representative suddenly pulled out his lightsaber, and with a lightning speed The sword cut off Su Libran's head, and at the same time he carried his head and killed him all the way from the siege of the Imperial Guards!

Afterwards, she lifted Su Libran's head and loudly announced her name—priestess. At the same time, she demanded that a global press conference be held immediately.

The news media of Tibring Planet, which had already been infiltrated by Earl Dooku’s men, immediately began to prepare, and those guards who were also infiltrated with many holes did not stop it. They just surrounded the palace and even mobilized The armored forces came, but did not attack the interior of the palace.

As for other ordinary civilians? They lived in dire straits under the brutal rule of Suliban-Tu, and now it is too late for them to applaud the death of this dictator, how can they stop it?

Even some people with strong mobility have already started to prepare flower petal showers and colored silks.

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