The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 980: The Beginning of the Explosion

979、The Beginning of the Explosion

James Bond was arrested by the Ministry of Justice of the Galactic Republic on charges of separatist espionage, because the young woman reported to the Ministry of Justice, as he said.

But this matter should have been handled by the Intelligence Department of the Galactic Republic. The Intelligence Department immediately sent someone to the Ministry of Justice to ask for him, but they were rejected.

However, the Ministry of Justice stated that this spy has been involved in several big families and companies in the Republic, and even corruption crimes in several departments are related to him, so he must first be sent to the prison of the Ministry of Justice. After these things are clarified, they can be handed over to the Ministry of Intelligence.

Therefore, when the two sides were arguing, Bond was temporarily detained in the prison of the Ministry of Justice.

According to the procedure, before being detained in the prison of the Ministry of Justice, a thorough body search is required, but it is also precisely because the prisoners in this prison are basically those high-profile figures, so the privacy is also maximized, and the body search is carried out in secret .

After the body search, when Bond was putting on the prison uniform, he felt an inconspicuous gadget in his pocket. He continued to walk out without changing his face.

He kept all the terrain and layout in mind along the way, and then went to his own room to live quietly.


At the same time, Cade Bane, the notorious bounty hunter in the Milky Way, also came to Coruscant through the smuggled underground route together with his team Orla Sin, Imbo, HELIOS-3D and others.

Near a garbage treatment plant on the 1,000-storey underground level of Coruscant, a Douro with a large hat, a windbreaker, blue skin and red pupils stepped off the spaceship. Gold Hunter, Cade Bane.

Moreover, since the outbreak of the war, Jango Fett, the former number one bounty hunter, has basically been in a semi-retired state and rarely showed up, so now Cade Bane seems to be the number one bounty hunter in the galaxy. Because most of his active areas are in the outer ring star area, he also took on a lot of work with Count Dooku, and many of the time he worked for the Confederation of Independent Galaxies, and both he and his team were extremely vicious. only.

At this moment, a mysterious person came in front of them and said darkly: "I have already arranged...your plan is feasible..."

However, before he could finish his sentence, he was held in the head by a blaster gun. The one holding the gun is Ola Sin, a member of Cad-Bane's team, with an antenna implanted in his head.

"I need a definite answer." Cad-Bane's voice was ugly, hoarse as if it contained rust.

The mysterious man was obviously intimidated by Cad-Bane's aura. He lowered his head and said, "Your action plan has been approved by a big man. He will provide you with convenience. I'm sure about it."

"Which big man?" Cad-Bane asked.

"I... don't know, and I don't dare to know." The mysterious man's body trembled a little. Obviously, he seemed to be more afraid of the "big man" he was talking about than the blaster on his forehead.

"Do you want to do it?" Ola Xin looked back at Cade Bain.

A ferocious smile appeared on the corner of Cade Bain's mouth, "Of course we have to do it, this job will make us famous throughout the galaxy!"


21BBY, May 17th, the Galactic Republic Council is adjourned today. Because there are no emergencies, the adjournment will continue as usual. Members who have been arguing in the parliament for several days can also seize this time to rest their tongues and prepare for the next quarrel.

The once bustling parliament building has now quieted down. Except for some congressmen who are still staying in the parliament building and working overtime, there are only some guards and the speaker's guard still patrolling here.


At the same time, the prison of the Ministry of Justice of the Galactic Republic is also operating as usual, with patrols, prison guards and secret sentries performing their duties, keeping the prison tightly guarded.

And the spy who had just been captured——James Bond also conducted the first round of interrogation.

The results of the interrogation were very gratifying. James Bond revealed several of his previous identities, and was able to show that he participated in the intelligence leak that occurred in the battle that led to the capture of the Republic's 19th Army's capital, Haven, a year ago. event.

This kind of progress made the officials in charge of interrogation of the Ministry of Justice feel good, and James Bond also expressed his willingness to cooperate with their work as much as possible and confess more secrets in exchange for a relatively decent future for himself.

That evening, a sumptuous dinner was served to James Bond, and there was even a nice bottle of wine.

James Bond sat in his room and ate all the dinner in twos and threes. He seemed to be extremely hungry, he moved a lot, and a lot of food scraps were spilled on the ground.

But he didn't care, wiped his mouth, returned the tableware and went to bed.

No one noticed that when he was walking, he inadvertently kicked a few fish bones into an inconspicuous corner.

The person who delivered the food didn't care either. These fish bones came from a deep-sea fish produced on the planet Corellia. The meat was delicious and chewy, but the bones were very hard.


Rush Clovis, representative of the Interstellar Banking Association, was fidgeting in his mansion. Judging from the interface of the communicator in his hand, he had sent many communications to Padmé Amidala. But get no response at all.

Now, he began to worry about his future...

This time, the investment plan of the Infinity-class super aircraft carrier was finally leaked. In the parliament, the Interstellar Banking Association encountered verbal criticism and could hardly hold its head up. It was even said that if the Galactic Republic still needed them to provide loan funds, maybe it would be He was immediately arrested for treason.

But the matter is still unresolved, and the various forces behind it are wrestling.


After Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker had a warm and sumptuous lunch, the two came to the Capitol together.

Padmé needs to deal with the scandal that broke out from the Interstellar Banking Association, after all, it was revealed from her. And Anakin Skywalker just wants to seize this time and spend more time with his wife.


A spaceport in Coruscant has received more than a dozen scheduled cleaning robots.

The staff sign their names on the receipt, and then let the suspended truck pull the boxed robots to the predetermined location.

Just like countless ordinary days.


However, just like the beginning of every large-scale operation, a violent explosion was set off in an instant, almost blowing up half a block!

The first thing that happened was the warehouse where the cleaning robots were located! !

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