The Empire of War and My Strategies - Until We Can Have The Most Powerful Country Ever
Lydia, as the emissary of the Alliance, to the home of Viviana.
Hmm, the boulder is Viviana Wellia's home state of Kingham is Gold. I heard rumors, but the crowd is rolling. It is undoubtedly the most prosperous under heaven, even beating Rand when there was still peace. There is also less worry in the expression of the people. It looks like this is the only place you don't know about the war.
While the Wellian family occupied an important position in the Kay Empire for a hundred years, I guess it is because they have a lot of talented people who owe the Wellian family a favor... Overall, Viviana's excellent internal affairs skills will be lost.
If Ilhermi and Talk combine, we have a six-minute win. Was it premature to think so?
The strength created by wealth and the number of people who just make this much buzz. If we can get things on the desk, we can't completely crush our cooperation with Il Helmi. It even comes to mind to pity Il Helmi, who has to fight alone.
Fortunately, I am here to gather alliances as a Talk Master. I've got some difficult homework to do, and let's just say I can get it done. I have to make a child before I can go home and miss the opportunity.
The day after he arrived at the inn and sent a messenger to tell him of his visit, Gold went to the official residence with the receptionist who had been sent.
Mm-hmm. I could tell from a distance, but it would be even better if I looked nearby. Expensive lumber is used everywhere and is it in the window... vitreous? Even the royal palace used little other than the Emperor's room everywhere... Stupid luxury compared to talk.
And during the guided glance. Viviana and the craftsmen would have bothered to make it. If you think it's unusually bright, there's a glass window on the roof. Waste till foolish. But most people are under barometric pressure.
As far as I am concerned, I am grateful for the light that falls from its stupidity. Because this is how we must ascertain the condition of the rulers of this most flourishing territory in Kay as we walk to Viviana.
The woman on the left is probably Kact. Watching Viviana at the same time as me. Is this a bat as we hear it?
Then the man to the right is Kyou. Almost faceless. But I see arrogance in my eyes. Naturally speaking due to differences of position......
And Howde, who is nearest to Viviana. Hmm. Tough eyes. As serious as ever as it gets. I suppose you think I'm dealing with you. Perhaps not. Well, let's go say hello first.
"I greet His Excellency the Duke of Viviana Wellia. Karma Talk has joined the ranks of the warrior Lydia Barca, Talk and Wellia."
"! Why do you not kneel before my Lord when you are a user! He's the next hero in line, Viviana Wellia!
"Oh, if you are a reciprocal messenger, it is a lesson not to kneel. I (I) thought that I was thinking of the talk as a reciprocal friend. If you think about putting the talk under the table, you might be mistaken for coming. Whatever it is, if you've bought me an unhappiness, let's apologize first, Lord Howde. Shall we kneel as if to the Emperor, not as a prayer, if you will? Whatever the messenger does, please forgive Karma, so don't hesitate to make an offer."
Now I'm stuck in words. Then you have an opinion of the talk as an important ally.
"Lord Howde, why don't you overpressure the messenger from that talk? I owe you my life. I can't impress the ungrateful."
Kyou? I don't want to respect the talk, I just want to disparage Howde.... to the point of becoming. It's something we don't know from the outside.
"... excuse me, Lord Lydia. 'Now' you behave as reciprocity, but it made sense. But before you decide whether to make an alliance or not, I'd like to ask you a few questions."
I call my (my) name when I publicly declare myself in Barca territory…. Howde is not one of these disrespectful people. The Wellia family of boulders also have too much information needed by the war, and they haven't even grasped these details.
"Go ahead, I'm here to answer the question."
"First of all, the talk was with our enemies in the battle ahead. But don't you think it's a good idea for us and our alliance to have bugs?
"Absolutely. Before the previous battle, you all saw Karma as your enemy. In addition, if they did not join the ranks as allies, they would have given the princes the great nickname of being enemies of the imperial chamber, and they could have been attacked by the Skitto and Cheyenne families. Actions taken to protect themselves, and talks to the Wellia family, should have done little harm. The same goes for telling me to be doomed to blame for this. We have to decide that we're not even going to be subordinates."
"Please calm down. Isn't there no reason to scorn a benevolent talk? I just wanted to confirm your intention. Next, then, in the world, it is rumored to be my Lord who has shed the ill reputation of Lord Talk. What does Lord Talk think of this?
"Rumor is, it's not true. Thanks to you, Master Karma has been pursued by Rand and has suffered a great deal. But now it's turbulent. Survival of oneself and one's subordinates should take precedence over resentment. That's why Karma swallowed a grudge and thought of an alliance. If you still have a grudge against His Excellency the Duke of Wellia, it makes sense for even children not to help you escape in the battle ahead."
"Oh, if you had a grudge, wouldn't you say you turned down the exit route and sandwiched it with an Ilhermi?
"I was wondering if that hand was just a beating. In Ilhermi you will also sit your hands that will abandon us and pawn us. If that's the case, it would be easier for His Eminence to poke a gap and attack with Ilhermi in an attempt to expand his territory."
"I felt included in that statement, Lord Lydia. All the glory that will come down to the Wellian family in the future is the mercy of the talk. But you wanted to tell me?
"Lord Kakto, it would be nice to insult me (myself) as a young man, but I don't want to ask you any more useless questions. You all knew the extent of what I said. I will sit down in case there is no misunderstanding that our talk is foolish in itself. Current situation The Wellian family's advantages are more obvious than seeing fire. Talk only wants to survive this war and increase the territory for as much as we fought. Are there any other rituals for your inquiry?
"Of course there are more. Some now refer to my Lord, Viviana, as Kay's rebel, as so unreasonable. Conversely, I hear that Talk is praised for his loyalty during the gathering of the Hordes and is becoming more famous in the world. Don't you have a heart that feels spared your current fame?
"We're sitting here in a world of war, aren't we? What's the value of temporary fame? The prosperity here in Gordo is heavenly, even if the fame of His Excellency the Duke had fallen to the earth in part. But it is unexpected that Lord Cactus, the Duke's trustworthy lord, was concerned with temporary fame. Let me therefore say it sooner. Terika Niiteh, who was chased from Mario on my territory, arrived the other day. As a response, Terika, who fought this side of the battle earlier, thought it would stand in the way of the alliance, and executed all of the parties, but they were the Imperial Seal of the Herald. He had a jade seal. I'll send you back to Mario."
"Become!? Give me the jade seal! To Mario!?
Can't you just shut up and listen, Viviana Wellia? I don't think I'm ready to get upset about the jade. More than overwhelming, it won't be an issue for the moment... well.
"Lord Lydia! I mean, did Talk admit Mario as the one who takes the heavens, not us?!? Besides, I didn't know you would come here... I had an idea that we would be taken lightly too!
...... Cact. Howde and Kyou have tough eyes. That's all. This woman's talent is still at the bottom. But consideration and loyalty to the master are at the top. … is there a qualitative qualities of the senator?
"Apparently, I have to apologize to Karma. The Welliars thought they were looking at the heights a little bit more, but they didn't seem to care much about the end of it."
"I wonder what's going on! Tamaki is Kay's best treasure. What the rulers of this Kay have. If you give it to me, the people of heaven will assume that Talk put Mario above Viviana!
"Let me ask you something. If you are thankful with a somewhat beautiful stone, how do you respond to Kay's ruler, His Majesty Kent? Now Il Helmi is free to use His Majesty's name. What are you going to do when Ilhermi surrenders to His Highness the Duke and tells you to come to Ilhermi's home Yoki alone"
Of course, Il Helmi can't say no. I would use it so that I could create my advantage wiser and more reliably.
"Well, that's different from this. It has nothing to do with how we deal with this and how the talk is approaching Mario. If you take a heavy look at us, you should naturally give Viviana the jade seal."
"Before I answer, I would like to ask Lord Howde and Lord Kyou. Don't you think I'm going to compliment Master Karma on her engrossing?
"... I don't think so. I want you to explain in detail why you have to praise me."
Kyou doesn't seem to want to answer. An uncomfortable look. But I think I know what you're trying to say. You're not brilliant. Perhaps Lord Howde knows... you told Viviana to explain.
"If you know what I mean, I wanted Lord Howde to explain... I can't help it. Well done, Mario. I stopped moving. And I thought I could get compliments. What you expect most from the talk is to stop Mario, your biggest enemy, and not poke him in the side, right? But the talk is weaker than Mario's. If it is a front-cut battle, it will last a few months. Even as Duke, when Mario attacked us, we shouldn't be sure to send 100,000 soldiers. It's bright and white that Mario's mood is essential to ensure the talk stops survival moves. I don't really understand what's inconvenient about having a jade seal under the first mario. After you defeat Il Helmi, you just have to take it by force."
"... little girl! What are you going to preach to us earlier or with your face? Do you think we would shy away from Grace Talk's false name," The Warrior of Heaven "and so on! There's nothing wrong with killing you, little girl, not even Grace. Send me your neck. Shall I declare war on the talk?"
"As Lord Kyou said, I am your little girl. I have no experience with any of the three parties here. But you can't escape responsibility because you're a little girl. It is my responsibility to make Karma miss the greatest opportunity to strike the Duke and to advise him to form an alliance. That is also because I used to feel informed that His Excellency the Duke of Wellia was a forgiving benefactor, and because I now thought that even if attacked by the Quartet, we would be able to afford to benefit from the talks due to the power to compete with each other. But you all try to put the talk down by asking foolish, unclear questions. You have to consider the risk of being used against me.
You said you would kill me and declare war, Lord Kyou. It seems impossible to stand in front of Master Karma if you can only bring home an alliance that will be crushed. You can do whatever you want. You don't have to make an ugly excuse, and as a talk, it's still better to leave the future to Grand Warrior Grace Talk. You don't need any hesitation as much as you treat one little girl. Lord Kyou, Lord Howde, Lord Cakt. Oh... but if you can, please behead me for the execution. Poison and lumbar slaughter seem painful. "
Kyou, you look really regrettable. Hmm... it's not just acting. Viviana preferences. Merely a loss. I thought there could be no alliance with the talks together... but there might be one in case you seem uncomfortable so far.
Thank you. I have long inspired some people unusually. Is it still unsavory to be young? I feel that if I were a little older, I would have to inflict less humiliation.
Death... will you mourn if you die here?... Oh, I pulled it out.
Wasn't this the best opportunity to deepen the friendship between men and women? Before you travel, show your anxiety to Master Dan that you may die. Um, handsy. It was truly a storyline occasion… what a loser.
There can't be a hundred of them, such as this alliance ending in failure, so I'm turning my head.... I hate to admit it, but I can only say I drowned because of my youth.
"My little girl, every word I tell you, suffers from eclampsia. Master Viviana! Permission to silence this arrogant ignorance! He said he can't be crushed right now, but it's our plan! Unbelievable allies and other hindsight worries! You should attack the talk first and destroy Lowen after you've flattened it."
"Wait, Lord Kyou. We must not suddenly decide on such an important matter. After considering the length of the deliberation..."
"Lord Howde! It was your fault. [M] At the time of the retreat, she wept with the application of the talk. That's why this little girl is so proud! I don't think that's when I got something more than a talk. If you say no, execute him yourself."
"Become!? Apart from that and this. Besides, insight into the talk? There is no cloud in my loyalty to Lady Viviana!
Kyou makes sense. But it's bad to say. As far as it goes, there is a strong competitive spirit among the warriors who determine the life of Lord Viviana? Mm, Viviana stands.
"Shut the fuck up! What a zama in front of a messenger! This is Kyou. You think you can't trust the talk? When all the gods under the heavens became enemies of the concubine, only Talk offered his hand. Says it's only when it's more painful than it used to be that you know who your true friend is. How much do you think the concubine regretted her actions in the past? Yet now you're under suspicion, shaming your concubine! Apologize to Lord Lydia. Howde, maybe. Your attitude toward the wise Lord Lydia, who saved the lives of his concubines, cannot be said to be worthy."
"" Ha, ha! ""... Excuse me, Lord Lydia. Forgive my disrespect. "" This was also an inappropriate attitude towards the messengers of the gods. I ask your forgiveness, Lord Lydia. "
Kew goes all the way to Howde anyway. Even though her questions were perfectly natural to her diplomatic counterparts.
Well, that's what I knew from the beginning. Viviana cares terribly about ratings from others. There's no way you can kill a man and return him because he relied on you for his life.
... Howde must have asked an earlier question to take it in Wellia's favor at all, but this is a meeting that will be determined from the very beginning by Viviana's emotions alone.
I guess Howde didn't have to tell you, either, even though he would have really understood. It's pathetic. He has long been serious and unaware of adjustments, but the trend seems to be growing stronger and stronger.
"Thank you for your words. To a certain extent, it would be natural to have a place in diplomacy. Forgive me for putting my youth on the shelf, Lord Kyou, Lord Howde, Lord Cakt."
"Hmm. Everyone is a restless apprentice who is not worthy of her youth.
- Lord Lydia, the concubine has always been strange. I wonder why Lord Talk, who must have resented me, helped my concubine in distress. That's right, but you gave it to me... There would have been strong opposition. I thank you for your life. I'll never forget that I have friends, Lydia Barca. "
"My Lord Duke of Wellia, I would like to thank you very much for your words until you take your hands off the table. Until I (I) showed the best way for the talk. Your words sit disproportionately."
"Ha-ha-ha. That elegance is no different, Lord Lydia. Oh, Wellia, etc. Come on, my friend. You don't even need the Duke."
"Thank you for your hard words. Then I ask you, Lord Viviana. May I acknowledge your alliance with the talk? Let us also move in accordance with morality. However, let's not forget that Mario can't beat Ilhermi if he talks alone."
"Ugh. Of course, I swear on my Wellia surname that I will be rewarded for it! Now to Grace, the best warrior under heaven, Lydia, the calmest warrior the concubine knew, protected the concubine's belly. Can it be so appeased? We've just decided where the hell we're going! Weather is in my Wellia! Talk and Wellia make a big deal out of each other! Good for you, Howde! Kyou! Cact!
"" "Ha! Whatever you want." "
"Good. Lord Lydia, stay for a while. He said he would prepare a number of banquets. I also want you to take a thank-you gift to Lord Karma when you return. Please."
Thank you again for your generosity.
I feel like I'm in a bad mood. And it's not a mistake. More than talks and Wellia put together, the semi-productive ploy just tramples.
And this is where it came from for me. Turns out there are many anxiety elements in Wellia's inner life. But power solves everything.
We need to know more about Wellia in order to anticipate how Ilhermi, Lord Dan's offer, will beat Viviana.
Says he'll just prepare a feast. It's difficult and sweet, let's look into the characters of the warriors in depth.... Oh, then it would be better to apologize once and for all personally now as soon as possible...
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