Chapter 1: Yaochi Life is too happy

Chapter 1: Yaochi Life is too happy

Yaochi Sacred Land, Piaoxue Peak.

This peak occupies a small area, but it has a different kind of aura.

At the foot of Piaoxuefeng, a slender, handsome man, carrying a bundle of firewood on his back, walked slowly up the mountain.

His footsteps are very slow, it seems a little leisurely, and between his eyebrows and eyes, there is still a sense of contentment.

The atmosphere around him is plain, like a mortal.

Logically speaking, there should be no mortals in the practice Sacred Land like Yaochi.

But man, it’s an exception.

The path is winding and winding, extending from the top of the mountain to the foot, like a pair of trains connecting Piaoxuefeng.

The firewood on the man’s back is not too heavy. It can be seen that he often walks this section of the road.

“Brother Lu!”

A crisp voice sounded, and a female disciple in Yaochi palace costume fell from the sky.

The corner of his eyes twitched slightly in the man carrying the firewood.

He stretched out his arms numbly.


The girl who fell was very light weight, and was “just in time” to be caught by him.

“Hehehe, who said that brother is not capable.”

“Otherwise, how can I catch me accurately every time.”

Sister Yaochi’s white arms wrapped around the man’s neck, and her cute little face rubbed against Lu Changqing’s chest.

Lively and naughty, often accompanied by immaturity.

Lu Changqing glanced at the chest of the pretty woman.

Secretly appraising, it really is a map, not mature enough!

It’s a pity that this pair of slender legs.

“Ah, Senior Sister Xu, how long will you hang on me?”

He has a cold expression. As one of the few male disciples in Yaochi Sacred Land, he can’t be too enthusiastic.

Otherwise, those seniors and sisters will be swarming, where do you have time to practice?

Well, I am a serious cultivator!

He squeezed Junior Sister’s elastic legs, showing a serious expression.

“Junior sister, if you don’t come down, I will throw you away. What kind of style is this way.”

Beautiful with slender legs, Loli pouted, and got off Lu Changqing reluctantly.

“Huh, brother smelly, it’s hard to get out of the customs, you are so indifferent.”

“Ignore you!”

After that, he jumped out of Lu Changqing’s embrace and flew towards Piaoxuefeng with a flash of light.

Lu Changqing looked at the girl’s back and sighed secretly.

Hmm, so long legs, what a pity…

If there are waves like Master’s ups and downs, maybe it can really move my heart.

As for the little Loli who is flat on the front and the back board.

Haha, it’s too far!

“Master, master, when will you come.”

“A disciple can defend himself like a jade!”

Thinking of the beautiful master of own, the happy scene of being “brained” suddenly appeared in my mind.

It was the first time he saw a beautiful master, who had just passed through.

Just one glance at that dizzying smile, he was knocked out and brought back to Sect practice.

The laughter of Yingying and Yanyan in Sacred Land in Yaochi once made Lu Changqing think that he was in the daughter country.

I thought that the beautiful master would eagerly teach him how to live forever and how to be persistent.

It’s a pity that this beautiful master seemed to be a little dazed, and it didn’t take long to throw him to Piaoxue Peak before going out to practice.

Fortunately, Lu Changqing awakened the system in time. As long as he pretends to be a mortal and lives like a mortal, his Cultivation Base will automatically grow.

You can also comprehend all kinds of magical powers.

That’s why he eats, sleeps and chops wood every day.

Just like a mortal, sunrise and rest.

The only worry is that his face is too powerful for women.

Yaochi Sacred Land is a kind of senior sister and younger sister, who often come around him like watching a panda.

I can’t wait to catch it directly and raise it.

Lu Changqing shivered.

For the second time, I felt the pain caused by being too handsome.

Fortunately, the head of Yaochi was furious when he saw this and ordered his disciples not to harass Lu Changqing for no reason, and his situation was a little better.

However, like just now, there are still many accidents where the little junior sister flies over Piaoxuefeng and accidentally “falls”.

Lu Changqing couldn’t help but think of the enchanting figures of the seniors and younger sisters.

“No way, no way, I’m a cultivator, I’m not close to a woman, Nan Wuliang Tianzun.”

Lu Changqing shook his head, holding on to Dao heart, abandoning distractions, and strode towards Piaoxue Peak.

This mountain is not high, and Lu Changqing’s house is on the mountainside.

The beauty master is not there, and he usually lives alone.

The cold mountain made him sigh again.

Master, when will you come back? The offensive of the senior sisters and sisters is very fierce.

Disciple, Master, come back soon!

Lu Changqing sighed for a moment, then let down the firewood on his back.

Begin to start a fire in the open space in the yard, and then take out a big iron pot, ready to cook.

Washing rice and vegetables, Lu Changqing’s steps are orderly.

Just like a mortal.

The food had just been prepared, and it was placed on the stone table, above the Sacred Land in the Yaochi, a very terrifying aura suddenly appeared!


Thunder roars, electric snakes dance wildly!

The terrible pressure made Lu Changqing’s eyelids jump!

What’s the situation with this f*ck?

Flying sand and walking among the rocks, the sky is dim and the earth is dark, as if the end is coming!

Countless Jade Lake Elders have been alarmed!

The entire Southern Territory is trembling!

The lightning on the sky has accumulated to an extremely terrifying state!

Blast down directly towards Yaochi!

Let Lu Changqing be frightened!

Is this going to erase Sacred Land directly?

What about those beautiful sisters?

While he was struggling, an extremely terrifying aura rose up in the forbidden area of ​​Jade Lake!

A woman in white clothes with a cold temperament stepped on Thunder and stretched out a jade hand.

Towards the sky full of thunder and lightning, shook fiercely!


Thousands of thunder and tribulations suddenly disappeared!

Lu Changqing was shocked, damn it!

This f*ck, can Thunder Jie squeeze it?*

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