Chapter 163 Ninth Stage Thunder Tribulation

“Sorry, what if there are so many people out there, they definitely can’t hold it!”

Because the sound of the nine thunders was so loud that the people staying at home all walked out.

Seeing so many people, Bai Ruyan also spoke.

“Leave this to me, little guy, just let them spread a hundred meters away, right?”

Sister Qin turned her head, looked at Yin Ming who was sitting on Lu Changqing’s shoulders and asked.

“Yes, if you withdraw to a hundred meters away, it will not be lethal to them. At most, your body will be numb.”

Listening to Sister Qian’s question, Yin Ming also said with her arms folded.

But in the next second, he realized something and shouted to his wife.

“No, don’t call me little guy!”

Seeing Yin Ming violently jumping like thunder, the sister also smiled, and then walked quickly towards the people.

Everyone, “people of the Imperial Pass, I, Tianxianglou, is developing a new thing, specifically to attract thunder from the sky.

“For your safety, please evacuate to a hundred meters away.

Seeing Sister Jiang stand up and speak, the people of Emperor Guan honestly withdrew out.

After all, the status of Tianxianglou in the Emperorguan is not low, let alone the owner of Tianxianglou.

“You said, I will experience these things in the future?”

Seeing the lightning condensing in the sky, Holy Maiden grabbed Lu Changqing’s arm and asked.

“Maybe, but this is something in the future. When you are going to experience this, you will have the strength to resist it.”

Listening to the question of Holy Maiden next to him, Lu Changqing stroked her head and smiled.

“The Tribulation of the Nine Thunders? Let me try, what kind of power you are!”

The female emperor in Tianxiang Tower also completely awakened.

Although she has been in the state of Meditation, she can clearly perceive the situation outside.

She flew out directly in the air, and the roof of Tianxiang Tower was also directly smashed out of a hole by her.

“My roof…”

Seeing the empress flying out of Tianxiang Tower, Sister Xiao felt a little bit painful.

“Can’t you come out from the door? Go to destroy other people’s houses.

Then Lu Changqing couldn’t help but complain.

Hearing Lu Changqing’s complaint, the empress also glanced in his direction.

Then Lu Changqing also felt the female emperor’s killing intent, and couldn’t help but shudder.


The lightning in the sky also began to roll, visible to the naked eye, and they were gathering together quickly.

“It’s coming! The First Stage is coming!”

Looking at the changes in the sky, Yin Ming also shouted.

“finally coming…


Perceiving the changes in the sky, the empress also said coldly.

But before she could finish speaking, the first thunder tribulation struck down.

Thunder Tribulation, as thick as a thigh, smashed directly toward the female emperor’s heavenly spirit cover.

In an instant, the empress was also directly submerged in that thunder robbery.


Below the female emperor was the Xianglou that day, and Lei Jie also rushed towards the Tianxianglou.

But because of the protective cover made by the old lady, Thunder Tribulation was directly blocked this time, and Tianxiang Tower was still intact.

“so far so good.”

Seeing Own Tianxiang Tower is still there, my sister also sighed for a long time.

“I think your Tianxiang Tower will be gone next time Thunder Tribulation.

Yin Wu Ruo said nonchalantly, he is also holding grudges, who asked his sister-in-law to call him a little guy.


Although Tianxiang Tower was kept, the houses around Tianxiang Tower were not protected and were directly shattered by the aftermath of the thunder.

“What is this!”

“I don’t know, but it looks dangerous. Let’s stay away.”

“Ah! My house!

Seeing the power caused by the thunder tribulation, the people of Emperor Pass couldn’t help but go further.

It’s really… don’t let people get ready!

Gradually, the first thunder robbery also disappeared, but the empress stared at the sky and roared.

Really “yes, angered the empress, it’s useless to call anyone.”

Looking at the somewhat irritable empress, Lu Changqing’s cheeks couldn’t help but twitch.


The second thunder robbery came amidst the anger of the empress. This time, the thunder robbery still submerged the empress.

“No, my Tianxiang Tower can’t hold it anymore!”

This time the Thunder Tribulation still hit the protective cover.

But the sister-in-law clearly saw that the crack in the protective cover was spreading rapidly.

After only two or three seconds, Tianxiang Tower disappeared from everyone’s sight.

0………Look for flowers…………

“The power of Thunder Tribulation is getting stronger every time. It’s pretty good if your Tianxiang Tower can withstand the first wave.”

Looking at the sad sister Qian, Yin Hao said.

Lu Changqing closed Yin Ming’s mouth tightly, then looked at Sister Qian and smiled embarrassedly.

“I can feel that a dozen people are coming here from different directions.

Jiang Lan, who had been sitting on the stone, stood up and said that he could perceive that a dozen powerful people were rushing towards here.

“It must be that Lei Jie’s voice is too loud, attracting people from some forces, hurry up, let’s go and protect the master!”

With that said, Cheng Ya flew directly towards the sky.

Several people were about 30 meters away from the female emperor, standing in the air in different directions.

“Let me go! Is the power of this Thunder Tribulation so powerful?”

As soon as he approached the place where the empress was, Lu Changqing felt that the surrounding air was accompanied by electricity, which made him feel numb.

“This is only the second thunder catastrophe. When the ninth thunder catastrophe, that will destroy the world.

Listening to Yin Wu saying this, Lu Changqing’s hair couldn’t help but stand up.

“That’s someone in Transcends Tribulation, but this movement is quite big, I don’t know where the strong one is.”

“I don’t know, this emperor has never heard of any strong people, is it possible that it is an old guy who has lived in seclusion?

“No, you see, did you feel a little familiar with the person who protected her in the sky that day.”

Those strong men who came after hearing the sound were also guessing who the Transcends Tribulation was.

But when they saw Lu Changqing and others who were defending the law, they stopped in unison.

“I don’t know, who it is, I haven’t seen it before.”

Everyone is carefully looking at Lu Changqing and others, but most of them have never seen them.

“Have you not met? I tell you, there is a very young looking youth.”

“I’ve seen his strength before, and we’ve done it all.

Really “fake, is it so powerful?”

Listening to the introduction of one of them, the others also questioned.

“It doesn’t matter if it is true or not, I will try it first!”

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