Chapter 205 Was Imprisoned

Evergreen”! Stop it!

Xiao Qingxue also stood up, she shouted loudly, but she seemed to be unable to stop Lu Changqing.

At this time, Lu Changqing had become a complete Thor. No matter who was talking to him, he couldn’t hear him.

I don’t know why, the current Lu Changqing has entered the violent Realm and started to attack indiscriminately.

In his eyes, the main target now is only those nine Elders.

“Everyone do it! Stop Lu Changqing!”

Seeing that Lu Changqing could no longer be stopped, the Holy Lord also said to everyone.

Since there is no way to stop Lu Changqing, he can only withstand his attack.

“This is your price!”

Lu Changqing violently bombarded everyone.

The Thunder Shadow Spear condensed the power of violent thunder and directly attacked everyone.

Seeing Lu Changqing attacked, everyone tried their best to defend.

Everyone resisted fiercely, and the feeling of being paralyzed by lightning came from his arm.

But even so, they can’t let go.


Because they knew that once they let go, Lu Changqing’s attack would directly kill them.

“Nine Elders, use that trick!”

Yaochi Holy Lord turned his head and shouted to the nine Elders.

“There is no way, you can only use that trick, do it!”

The nine Elders flew into the sky instantly, and they stood in different directions from Lu Changqing.

“Are you here to die!”

Looking at the nine Elders flying up, Lu Changqing also shouted angrily.

“The sky and the earth!”

Nine Elders attacked at the same time, and a formation appeared at Lu Changqing’s feet.

“Are you trying to trap me? Try it!”

Looking at the formation appearing at the foot, Lu Changqing also shouted.

The Raikage Gun in his hand was constantly shaking, and the surrounding lightning was also constantly gathering.

“Don’t let him finish, trap him, prepare to close the net!”

Seeing Lu Changqing preparing to launch a new round of attacks, the nine Elders also speeded up the speed of retrieving the net.

They understand that if they fail this time, they will not have a second chance.

“Give me…

Lu Changqing condensed his energy and prepared to attack the nine Elders around him.

Just when he was about to attack, the formation under his feet suddenly appeared a beam of light, directly trapping Lu Changqing in place.

In that light array, chains also stretched out, directly binding Lu Changqing.

Along with the appearance of the chain, there was also a ray of light flickering in the light, which shot directly at the center of Lu Changqing’s eyebrows.

Lu Changqing also went into a coma directly. The Thunder Gun in his hand fell off and was caught by the Holy Lord.

At the moment of holding the Raikage Gun, the Holy Lord once again paralyzed his arm by the lightning attached to it.

“Put Lu Changqing in jail, let him calm down!”

Hearing what the Holy Lord said, the nine Elders also took Lu Changqing, who was locked by the light array, to the sky prison.

“Holy Lord, this matter is not Evergreen’s fault. Although he is indeed a little impulsive, he still asks the Holy Lord to act impartially!”

Seeing Lu Changqing being taken away, Xiao Qingxue also knelt down towards the Holy Lord and said.

“Holy Lord, you have also seen this. It is the Elders who are unwilling to forgive, which makes Senior Brother Lu lose his mind.

“Even if it’s wrong, it’s not all Brother Lu’s fault. Elders are also responsible.

Bai Ruyan also knelt down towards the Holy Lord, and he said.

“Daddy, mother, and daughter have never begged you. I just want to tell you that Evergreen Big Brother is definitely not such an impulsive person.

“There must be a reason for this. It may be that in the Linglong Tower, he has not fully absorbed what inheritance he has accepted.”

Holy Maiden also knelt down towards the Holy Lord and Cheng Ya and said.

Looking at the three people who pleaded with Lu Changqing in front of him, the Holy Lord also sighed silently.

“Let’s wait until he wakes up.”

With that, the Holy Lord left the hall with the Raikage Gun.

“I am…

Lu Changqing also woke up, but when he saw the chains on his hands and feet, he was also taken aback.

“I’m going! What’s going on, how did it become like this!”

Seeing this scene, Lu Changqing was also desperately recalling what happened.

“I just remembered that the Elders were going to grab my Raikage Gun, and then I was impressed. By the way, Raikage Gun!”

With that, Lu Changqing was also summoning the Raikage Spear, but he found that the Raikage Spear was not in his own body.


Thinking that the own movie gun might have been taken away by the Elders, Lu Changqing was also a little angry.

Bang bang bang!

“Hey! Anyone! Let me out! Let me out quickly!”

Lu Changqing walked to the door of the cell and repeatedly knocked on the door and shouted.

“What are you doing! Why are you arguing!”

The two Yaochi disciples also walked over here, they looked at Lu Changqing in front of them with disdain and said.

“Junior brother, let me go out quickly, I didn’t make a mistake again.

Looking at the younger brother in front of him, Lu Changqing also said.

“No mistake? Don’t you know what happened yesterday? One person almost destroyed the main hall, and hasn’t made a mistake yet?”

“However, it’s okay to let you stay here, it saves you from showing off all day!”

The two Yaochi disciples also mocked Lu Changqing.


Looking at the two people in front of him, Lu Changqing had nothing to do. 710

He also knew that in the entire Yaochi, at least two-thirds of the people couldn’t understand him.

But there is no way. He has this style of doing things and never cares about the opinions of others.

“I almost destroyed the main hall alone?”

Looking back on what happened yesterday, Lu Changqing could not remember at all, as if he had lost his memory.

“Holy Maiden! Full senior! Senior Sister Bai!”

Suddenly, the two Yaochi disciples also stood up and got serious, and they shouted in front of them.

“You go out first, if you have anything, I will call you again.”

Holy Maiden said to the two Yaochi disciples.

Listening to what Holy Maiden said, the two also looked at each other, and then left here.

Evergreen “Big Brother, you are awake!”

After seeing the guards leaving, Holy Maiden also opened the door of the cell, rushed in and hugged Lu Changqing and said.

“Ahem! There are still people here.

Seeing how close the two were so close, Xiao Qingxue also coughed twice and said.

Holy Maiden then let go of Lu Changqing, and the four of them sat down together.

Bai Ruyan was also on the sidelines, silently taking out the food he had brought, and just glanced at Lu Changqing from the corner of his sight.

“By the way, what exactly did I do yesterday? How does it feel as if things got serious.

Lu Changqing asked too.

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