Chapter 237 The Old Man at the End of the Mine Heart

“Don’t say so much, let’s go deeper.” said the city lord.

Under the leadership of Lu Changqing, they continued to move forward until they reached a very large opening.

“Isn’t this the entrance?” The city lord said and looked into the cave, although he couldn’t see anything.

“Go, go in and take a look.” Lu Changqing walked in immediately.

The crowd followed behind, looking around as they walked.

“I don’t know where Mine Heart is.” Xiao Muxue seemed to be talking to herself.

I don’t know how long I walked, and finally found the core of the mine.

Lu Changqing was walking while still observing the terrain.

“Is this mine heart?” The city lord looked around, “What about Jingxin Jade?”

“723 Yes, it doesn’t seem to be, will it be taken away?”

“Who are you?” A low and hoarse voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone was shocked, and quickly saw a figure looming on the stone wall to the south.

“Who are you?” Lu Changqing asked hurriedly.

“I am a strong man ten thousand years ago and live in seclusion here. Tell me quickly, what world is outside now?”

“Have you been here for tens of thousands of years?” Wu Jing asked curiously.

“Yes.” The old man said, “It’s been ten thousand years. I haven’t left here for ten thousand years. I don’t know if anything has changed outside.”

“That’s really a shame.” Wu Jing said, “The outside world is wonderful. As for the difference between it and 10,000 years ago, I don’t know. I haven’t seen it like it was 10,000 years ago.

The old man smiled.

Because the other party’s figure is looming on the stone wall, people can see his appearance thoroughly.

Wu Jing said, “Can you stop flashing like this?

“Little girl, you look so cute, so I will satisfy one of your curiosities and show you how I look like.”

Lu Changqing and others also watched intently, and saw that the figure on the stone wall became clearer and clearer. He was an old man with beard and hair.

“It didn’t scare you?” The old man said, “Oh, I have lived too long. I don’t even know how old I am. It’s great to see you (ahci) young people.”

“This is what it looks like after tens of thousands of years?” Wu Jing stared at him blankly.

“Still a strong man?” Wu Feng asked, “Since you are a strong man, why not go out and see by yourself?”

“I lived to this age because I was afraid of scaring people.” The old man sighed.

“You really look old enough.” Wu Jing said, “then can you tell us where the Jingxin Jade is?”

“Are you looking for meditation jade?” The old man seemed a little surprised. “You know this meditation jade is not ordinary jade, but it is something with extraordinary spirituality.”

“Of course I know, otherwise we won’t come to look for it.” Wu Jing hoped to get the whereabouts of Jingxin Jade from him.

“Don’t be fooled by him.” Lu Changqing, who had not spoken all the time, said suddenly.

Everyone was surprised and looked at Lu Changqing.

Lu Changqing looked at the old man on the stone wall and told everyone, “He is not a human at all, he is lying to you.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned, and their eyes were immediately full of vigilance when they looked at the old man.

The old man laughed instead, “It’s you who have good eyesight, and you can see it.”

“So you are really not a human being? Wu Jing was shocked.

“Don’t make such a fuss.” The old man was also calm. ”

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