Chapter 319 Regret

“I have a question,” a middle-aged man said.

Lu Changqing nodded and motioned to him.

The middle-aged man said, “I want to know, if any of us takes the thunder robbery, will you help us?”

“What did you say?” Lu Changqing asked rhetorically.

The middle-aged man said, “You wouldn’t help him just because he was young?”

Lu Changqing immediately shook his head, “To be honest, when you were taking the first blow, I didn’t help anyone.

Everyone thought back, it was indeed like this, including teenagers.

Lu Changqing went on to say, “The reason why I don’t help you is to see your strength and then make a decision. But in 07, after the first hit, I gave up. Only he didn’t give up, so I took action. NS.”

Hearing what he said, everyone regretted it even more. If you insist, Nine Cycles Beast Soul Pill will become own.

While the young man felt fortunate for own persistence, he was also thinking that his life was given by Lu Changqing, why not worship him as a teacher?

With such a master, are you afraid that you won’t be able to learn the true skills?

Thinking of this, he knelt down again, “Master is here, please be respected by the disciples.”

Lu Changqing froze. He called himself a master just now, just as a respectable name, and didn’t take it to heart. At the moment, he has officially apprented a teacher.

He quickly flashed aside, “Get up, I won’t accept you as a disciple.”

As soon as this statement came out, everyone present was puzzled. To say that the young man was tenacious, and Lu Changqing seemed to like him very much. If he accepted him as a disciple, wouldn’t it kill two birds with one stone? Why refuse?

The young man was stunned, his eyes flashed with frustration, and he was imagining that someone like Lu Changqing must have strict standards for accepting apprentices. A situation like himself would not be able to enter his eyes.

Despite the loss, we can only accept this reality.

“I don’t know your name, Gao, can you tell it?”

Lu Changqing shook his head, “No need.”

The boy felt strange, “You saved my life, but I don’t even know your name. Isn’t this too unreasonable?”

“Yes, just tell him.” Someone helped.

Lu Changqing smiled slightly and said to the young man, “There is a huge sea of ​​people, we can meet, although it is a kind of fate, but hurriedly passing by, after a farewell, it may be a farewell, why should we worry about it?”

The boy was speechless and stood there silently.

Lu Changqing asked again, “Are you pill refining here too?”

The boy shook his head, “I just got here and haven’t found a place to stay.

“In this case, let me settle down first.” Lu Changqing should think the place is big enough anyway.

The boy couldn’t ask for it, but he hesitated again. After all, Lu Changqing had just refused his request to become a teacher.

Xiao Muxue didn’t want to say anything in front of so many people, 757, turned around and walked into the Danlou.

After Lu Changqing smiled, he also left.

After hesitating for a while, the teenager hurriedly followed, and had an idea in his heart, that is, after he followed, he performed well in one go. Maybe Lu Changqing saw that he was a manufacturable, and could accept him.

When I walked into the Dan building, I saw Costin at first sight and stopped.

When Hai Dongqing saw him, she stared, as if to warn him to be honest.

Xiao Muxue said quickly, “You don’t need to be afraid, as long as you don’t mess with it, it won’t hurt people.”

The boy was relieved now, he wanted to find something to do. .

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