Chapter 326 The bottom of the shopkeeper

Lu Changqing’s heart moved, something? There was something they wanted in the inn? It reminded him that before, they also went to another inn to look for.

“What do you want?” the shopkeeper asked tremblingly.

“What we want is the soul hunting for Dafa.”

As soon as this remark came out, Lu Changqing was moved by it. Just from the name, this spirit hunting Dafa is not a decent martial arts.

Looking at the rescuer, it looks like an ordinary businessman, how could he have a spirit to hunt Dafa? Could it be these demons who made a mistake?

“I’m a shop owner, how come there is such a thing? The shopkeeper” said bitterly.

The demon leader circled around him, and in front of me, there is no need to pretend, right? Now that you have found 770, you will naturally have a clear picture of your details. ”


If you want to “If your wife and daughter live, hand over things, otherwise, you will witness the misery of your wife and daughter with your own eyes.”

“You can’t do this, you must have found the wrong person?”

“It seems that you don’t cry without seeing the coffin.” The demon leader said, “You have opened a shop here for more than ten years, right? Before that, you were the Elder of the god Sect, right?”

It can be seen that the devil is very sure.

The shopkeeper lowered his eyes, as if thinking about how to get through.

The demon said again, “Since I found you, I know everything about you naturally. Once, in God Sect, you specialized in cultivating God’s blessing, right?”

“It’s useless if you deny it. Ten years ago, you left the god Sect, opened an inn here, and married a wife and a daughter.”

When Lu Changqing entered the store, he had a face-to-face meeting with the shopkeeper. At that time, he felt that his eyes were very bright.

“You can see clearly that the lives of your whole family are in my hands. It’s best to hand them over honestly. I promise you and your family’s lives will not be hurt.

The shopkeeper bowed his head and said nothing.

His wife and daughter looked at him blankly, hoping that he could tell.

The shopkeeper knew that even if the soul hunting Dafa was handed over, he and his family would not escape death.

If you don’t (ahci), you can save your life temporarily.

“Why, I still haven’t figured it out?” The demon looked at him coldly, “You have to think about it, Cultivation Technique is dead, and people are alive. But your family can stay with you forever, especially your daughter, who is in the Cardamom Years. It would be a shame if she died like this, right?”

“I did stay in God Sect, but I didn’t specialize in cultivation Divine Sense like you said, let alone Elder, just a little pawn, not to mention that I have been away for more than ten years, and I want to live in peace and stability.

Nonsense “No need to say more, hand over the things, and nothing will happen to you, otherwise it will kill you.

The guy on the side was frightened, “I’m just a guy, you let me go?

“Kill this guy first.” The demon leader said impatiently.

Immediately, his subordinates walked to the buddy.

The dude shrank into a ball in fright, “It’s none of my business.”

Before the words were finished, the neck was blocked, and the whole person was lifted up by the demon, his legs were evasive in the air, and it didn’t move for a while.

As soon as the hand loosened, the body fell to the ground, scaring the shopkeeper’s wife and daughter into a ball.

“Old man, you can hand it over to them quickly.” The proprietress yelled.

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