Chapter 327: Sadness and joy are mixed

Thinking that his wife and daughter had been rescued, the shopkeeper said, “Please take them away and bring them to a safe place. As for me, just leave them alone.”

“What do you want to do?” Lu Changqing asked.

“I’m going to fight with him.” The shopkeeper said angrily, “He killed me like this

“The gentleman takes revenge, it’s not too late for ten years. Let’s leave here first.” Lu Changqing bent down to pick him up.

“No.” The shopkeeper said, “I’m like this, even if I’m alive, I’m still suffering. It’s not like fighting with him.”

“Can you fight him? It will only make you die worse.”

Lu Changqing knew that the devil would come back soon and had to leave immediately. He couldn’t help but touched the shopkeeper, put it under his armpit, and left the inn.

“You put me in.” The shopkeeper said.

Lu Changqing didn’t stop, “Can you stop arguing? Why don’t you know what is good or bad?”

The shopkeeper stopped talking. He thought of his own wife and daughter. He has nothing to ask for in his life, but he wants to be a family with the beautiful Life.

The appearance of the devil completely changed all of this.

He is now a useless person. Not only can he not take care of his family, but he will also become a burden to them.

“Do you think that if you die, you will be a hundred?” Lu Changqing said as he walked, “Your wife and daughter are waiting for you. If you die, what will they do? Who will take care of them?”

“I can’t take care of them like this.”

“When I came, your wife said, even if you only have one breath, she wants you to live, she will take care of you.

“She really said that?”

“What did I lie to you for? If you don’t believe me, ask yourself, it will be here soon.”

When they arrived at the ruined temple, they were seen by the woman sitting at the temple gate early in the morning.

Since Lu Changqing left, she has been sitting there waiting.

Xiao Muxue asked her to rest inside, but she didn’t go either.

When he saw Lu Changqing coming with the shopkeeper, he immediately greeted him and cried immediately when he saw that he was tortured in an unnatural manner.

Lu Changqing brought the shopkeeper to the temple and put him on the ground.

The girl hugged him all at once, “Father.” She cried bitterly.

The woman was crying too.

The shopkeeper wiped tears for them with his good hand.

“Don’t cry, don’t cry, am I still alive?”

“This group of Devil, I’m going to fight them.” The girl wanted to avenge her father, and she got up.

Lu Changqing quickly blocked her, “What are you doing?”

“I need to

“You sit down.” Lu Changqing pressed her down, “What are you taking revenge? Are you their opponent? Don’t say revenge can’t be revenge, but you sent it to the door by yourself. You know they must be looking for your family everywhere now. .”


The shopkeeper hurriedly pulled her.

The girl gave up now, muttering softly, “I’m just angry.”

We “this family can still meet each other alive, thanks to this” shopkeeper suddenly remembered that he still doesn’t know his name.

Under the next “Lu Changqing.” Lu Changqing reported his family.

“Lu Engong.” The shopkeeper hurt him, “I can’t kowtow to you anymore.” He turned his head and said to the girl, “Quickly, kowtow to Engong.”

The girl knelt to Lu Changqing when she knelt on the ground.

Lu Changqing helped her up, “I said it before, this is also a coincidence.”

“Anyway, you saved our whole family.” Soil,

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