Chapter 395 Denial

The Lingyangmen murdered more and more people not once or twice, and there was also a fight with the Spirit Medicine Association. It seemed that this time was more serious.

“Call your master to come out.” Shao Yuedong shouted.

Ling Yangzi was lifted out from a chair.

Although Lingyangzi was already considered to be mostly useless, it was beyond Lu Changqing’s expectation to be able to recover to this level. It can be seen that Lingyangmen still has a panacea.

“President, what is this noisy? The night is so that people don’t sleep.” Lingyangzi said with a deep face.

Shao Yuedong pointed to the corpse on the ground, “Should you not give me an explanation?”

“Explain?” Lingyangzi snorted coldly, “You want to confess to me? Then who should I go to?”

“Dare you say you didn’t do this?”

“Do you think it can be done like I am now?”

“Even if you didn’t do it yourself, you guys from the Lingyang Gate did it.

Lingyangzi was impatient, “You don’t want to spit people, okay? You have to show evidence in everything, otherwise you will shut up||”

“The evidence is on him.” Shao Yuedong pointed to the corpse. “The fatal wound on his body is the Yin & Yang Lei of your Lingyang Gate.”

“Yin & Yang Thunder?” Lingyangzi was taken aback first, then continued to laugh, “This is even more impossible? The Yin & Yang Thunder refining method of our Lingyang Gate has long been lost. Don’t rely on everything. How about our heads?”

“Will there be such a coincidence?”

“You believe it or not.

Lu Changqing, who is in the crowd, has been observing Lingyangzi’s reaction. Although his spirit is a little weak, he does not seem to be lying. After thinking about it, like this old fox, he is naturally happy and angry. of.

Lingyangzi said, “Believe it or not is your business, I have said everything I should say anyway, I have to go back and rest!”

“You can’t go.” As soon as Shao Dong was about to stop him, he heard a loud noise.

Everyone at the scene looked at it in unison, and some people asked, “What is this sound?”

“It should be an explosion, right?”

“Where did it explode?”

It’s like “It’s Tang Clan.”

Lu Changqing saw the thick smoke billowing in the night sky and couldn’t help but hurried to the location of the incident.

Shao Yuedong didn’t care about anything else, so he flew forward.

When they came to Tang Clan, they had already surrounded a lot of people, and the scene was very burnt.

“Are there any alive?” Lu Changqing asked.

The onlookers told him that someone had gone in to save someone.

Before he could think about it, Lu Changqing plunged in.

Lu Changqing saw that there was no more alive, and he was a little disappointed.

Suddenly, someone shouted, “”Here is a living one.

Lu Changqing ran over without saying anything, “Quickly, get him out.”

When he came outside and put the man on the ground, Yue Dong also hurriedly moved in. When he saw this, there was only one slit in his eyes and his mouth was wide open. It seemed that there was only air coming out, but no air coming in.

He quickly took out the Medicine Pill he was carrying and stuffed it into his mouth.

Lu Changqing hurriedly transported Spiritual Qi to him, hoping to save him (the money is good), but this person has suffered too many injuries and is already helpless.

Lu Changqing and Shao Yuedong looked at each other, knowing that this person will not live long, so they can only ask quickly while he is still breathing.

Shao Yuedong asked, “Who did it?”

There was a faint light in the man’s eyes, and his mouth moved slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but couldn’t say it.

“Tell me, I will avenge you.” Yue Dong approached the person, not letting go of any pronunciation.

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