Chapter 404 has nothing to do with me

“Hey, Lu Changqing, aren’t you very good? Why don’t you come to save your companion?” Ling Yangzi seemed to remind him.

Lu Changqing became a little impatient, “You kill if you want, why ask me?”

Lingyangzi felt strange, “Are you really not saving him? Do you really just watch me kill him like this?”

Lu Changqing snorted coldly, “Aren’t you just a demon who kills people without blinking? Killing people, do you still need to ask my opinion?”

Ling Yangzi took a breath, feeling that Lu Changqing was too abnormal, so he decided to try him again.

“Okay! Then I’ll let you see how he died.” He turned to look at Yue Dong, “President Shao, you also had a mischievous 07 years, actually put such an unscrupulous guy Regarding it as a treasure, it’s a pity that he won’t save you at the moment of your life and death.

Shao Yuedong didn’t want to say anything more, he knew that this time, he was so bad and bad.

“I can tell you very responsibly, one of you counts as one, and no one can leave here alive.” Lingyangzi said in a very affirmative tone.

Everyone was even more frightened. They looked at each other, but Lu Changqing was calm. It seemed that the sky fell and it had nothing to do with him.

“Well, don’t be afraid!” Lu Changqing comforted her.

Having said that, can you not be afraid?

“It’s useless for you to be afraid. Besides, President Shao died for his faith. He should have died well.”

“Did you talk like that?”

Everyone cast contemptuous glances at Lu Changqing.

Although they had flinched before, they didn’t say cold words. Lu Changqing was a little bit downset like this. The question is, what good is it for him?

Lu Changqing smiled, “Then what else should I say? Did you die with him? I tell you, I don’t want to die.”

“Nonsense, who wants to die?

Lingyangzi was frantically urging the formation. For Shao Yuedong and others, the sky was dim, as if a natural disaster was taking shape.

“What’s going on? I can’t stand it.” someone shouted.

Lu Changqing hides in his own protective cover. Can still feel the feeling of shaking the earth and the mountains.

He can feel it, and others can imagine it.

Suddenly, screams and curses were mixed. With Ling Yangzi’s wild laughter, Lu Changqing really wanted to plug his ears.

“Are you crazy? If you do this, you won’t be able to survive.” Shao Yuedong wanted to remind him to give up this wave of operations.

Lingyangzi was very excited, “I didn’t want to live.

“What a lunatic.

Lingyangzi said again, “I’m like this, I’m just a ridicule when I’m alive. It’s better to die with you guys. Even if I die, I won’t let you have a better life.”

He even thought about how to continue fighting with Shao Yuedong and others in the underworld.

When Shao Yuedong and others felt 803 desperate, Lu Changqing made a move, and saw him standing there, as if condensing the power of his whole body, sending out a blow in the direction of Lingyangzi.

The feeling of darkness ended immediately, as if it had been destroyed by another force.

Everyone looked at Lu Changqing in unison.

Lu Changqing smiled, “Don’t look at me with this kind of eyes.

Yue Dong and the others were even more puzzled, but Ling Yangzi became furious.


Lu Changqing smiled slightly, “You guessed it, I just pretended it.”

Everyone was stunned by Lu Changqing’s move.

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