Chapter 425 Finally I Know the Reason

Lu Changqing felt the same way, but was skeptical. “Ordinarily, we just want a quota. Besides, aren’t these people giving quotas? This should be a tradition of the Beast God Sect.

Xiao Muxue shook her head, “Could it be Xu Qing who is playing a ghost?”

Before Lu Changqing could say anything, Xiao Muxue was going to ask Xu Qing for an explanation.

Lu Changqing thinks this is not good, so he wants to stop her.

Xiao Muxue said, “It must be because I didn’t accept his invitation. He deliberately stumbled us.”

“Snow Big sis, Lu Dage.” Shao Weiling’s cheerful voice came.

The two looked for their sound and saw that Wei Ling was waving at them on the second floor of a restaurant.

The person next to her attracted the attention of Lu Changqing and Xiao Muxue. Isn’t that Xu Qing? How could the two of them be together?

The two looked at each other and walked to the restaurant.

When I came to the upstairs officer, I saw the two of them sitting together with wine and vegetables on the table.

“You are hungry, come sit down, what I called, I haven’t had a few bites yet|” Wei Ling said, and asked them to sit down.

Xu Qing also smiled at Xiao Muxue, saying hello.

After the two of them sat down, Xiao Muxue asked directly, “Did you do it?”

Xu Qing was shocked, wondering what she was talking about?

Shao Weiling was also surprised, “Snow Big sis, what’s wrong? Has something happened?”

Xiao Muxue said, “We originally wanted to find another place, but no one accepted our challenge. Did you do anything from it?” staring at Xu Qing.

Xu Qing laughed instead, “What am I supposed to do? Was it this?

Xiao Muxue was waiting for him to explain.

Xu Qing said, “You can blame me for this. Not only did I not intervene, but I didn’t know that such a thing happened. Of course, this kind of thing happened before.”

Lu Changqing watched him, waiting to hear the following.

Xu Qing said again, “You really can’t blame me for this. If you want to blame, then you can only blame yourself?”

Xiao Muxue and Lu Changqing became more puzzled.

Xu Qing said, “The two of you are Costin when you shoot. Although you are still young birds, they are already very powerful. Look at the spirit beasts of those people. Which one can compare with Costin? Accept your challenge, Isn’t that unhappy?”

Hearing what he said, there was some truth, and the two looked at each other.

“If you want to say that, it’s impossible to find another place?” Lu Changqing asked.

Xu Qing shook his head, “It’s not impossible, that is, you have to walk more and turn around, maybe you will get to a horse. I don’t know how good you are.”

Shao Weiling smiled, “If you want me to tell, there is already a quota anyway, it doesn’t matter whether it is or not.

“You are quite open to it.” Xiao Muxue smiled bitterly, and she felt more and more that she had no common language with Shao Ling.

“Eat, eat.” Shao Weiling said and started to eat. After all (the money was paid), the child looked careless.

While eating, Xiao Muxue was still wondering how the two of them got together.

Shao Weiling saw the doubts and took the initiative to say, “It’s a coincidence. I met him as soon as I entered the restaurant. Anyway, I was alone, so I just put together a table.”

“Yes, it’s fate that everyone meets.” Xu Qing said, and looked at Pu Muxue specifically.

Xiao Muxue always felt that there were other intentions hidden in his eyes.

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