The five hundred and fifty-fourth chapter is completely relieved

Pretending to be relieved, she got up and poured herself a cup of tea.

Originally, she still had a bit of hatred towards Lu Changqing, but now she had no hatred, because it was not like she thought that Lu Changqing fell in love with someone else.

A person who only wanted to improve the Cultivation Base still made her feel good.

He needs Nine Snake Gallbladder and Bear Gallbladder to assist in cultivation, but because he doesn’t know where to find it, Xiaowan decided to help him.

“Eight Six Seven”

She thought of Cheng Ya’s secret pavilion. There must be Hydra and Bear Gallbladder there. She wanted to take them out and give them to Lu Changqing, but the key to the secret pavilion was in Cheng Ya’s hands. How could she get it?

To get the key to the secret pavilion first, you must start with Cheng Ya.

Calculating in her heart, she even felt a little ridiculous.For a man who didn’t have an own owner in her heart, she was actually thinking about how to calculate the own mother, and then she thought about these two things for Cheng Ya, but for Lu Changqing, they are Is extremely important.

Given how precious these two things are, Lu Changqing doesn’t know how long it will take to find them.

After making up his mind, Xiaowan went to find Cheng Ya.

When Cheng Ya saw her coming, she raised her eyes and took a look, before dropping her eyes.

Xiao Wan moved her small mouth, “Mother is still mad at me?” A flattering face.

Cheng Ya jumped at her, “Don’t dare, your temper is getting bigger and bigger, how dare I be angry with you?”

|When Xiaowan sat down, she saw Cheng Ya put a box she was playing with in his secret compartment.

She recognized that the box was the one containing the key, so she decided to take the key away when Cheng Ya was not paying attention.

Cheng Ya, who sat down again, looked at her, “Your face is much better.”

“Don’t always treat me as a patient, OK?” Xiaowan said dissatisfied, “I am completely cured now.”

“Yes, yes.” Cheng Ya said spoiledly, “but you, as the Holy Maiden, still can’t run around.”

“I see.” Xiaowan talked, wondering how to get the key.

“You wait, I’ll get someone to bring tea.”

“No, I just took a seat and left.” Xiaowan said, wishing her to go quickly.

Cheng Ya insisted on going.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xiao Wan quickly took out the key box from Angri.

Take the key and quickly restore it.

Just sitting down, Cheng Ya walked in, with a maid behind him, and put two cups of tea on the table.

Xiaowan picked up the tea bowl and blew it, then took a sip.

“Be careful.” Cheng Ya reminded.

Xiao Wan grinned, “This tea is really fragrant.

Cheng Ya knew that she was flattering, and laughed, “You, are you causing something again?”

Seeing that my daughter is in a good mood, she seems to have not been affected by Lu Changqing, so I feel relieved.

“No.” Xiao Wan denied.

Xiaowan sat for a while and left.

She was not idle for a moment, and immediately sneaked into the secret pavilion and got the Hydra and Bear Gallbladder.

She knew very well that Cheng Ya had to look at the key almost every day, so she had to send it back as soon as possible.

2.9 While Cheng Ya was out, Xiaowan put the key back in place, and then returned to her residence with ease.

I took out the Nine Snake Gallbladder and Bear Gallbladder from the secret pavilion, how can I give it to Lu Changqing? Can’t she go to Lu Changqing by herself?

In that case, it would be easy to be discovered by Cheng Ya, so she thought of Bai Ruyan again.

Although Bai Ruyan often troubles Bai Ruyan, she is embarrassed.

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