Chapter 606 Follow-up Treatment

Shao Jun raised his hand to wipe his sweat, and said to Chen Su, “The exchange of blood has been successful.

Chen Su was too late to thank him, and hurriedly helped Master Lingzhi to lie down, opened the door again, and let Lu Changqing and others come in.

“How is it?” Lu Changqing asked.

Shao Jun said, “Everything is going well, but other treatments are needed to heal.”

“I also ask the young president for your enlightenment.” Qianji said quickly.

Chen Su said, “Great grace and virtue are unforgettable.

Shao Jun said, “Take a pen and paper, and I will prescribe a prescription. You can grasp the prescription according to the prescription. Then prepare a big bath tub and soak the medicinal materials in it. It takes four hours to soak every night.”

Qianji immediately ordered people to get paper and pen.

Chen Su asked, “How long does it take to soak for four hours a day?”

“Generally speaking, after seven days, the spiritual master will be able to heal.

Seven days, for Chen Su, is not far away.

In any case, this is great news for Lingzhi Palace.

Shao Jun prescribed a prescription, and he was ordered to grab the prescription.

Qian Ji was very grateful to them, and quickly arranged a place for them personally.

As for Lu Changqing and others, it was really hard work, so they rested in the arranged room.

When I woke up, it was already the next day.

Lu Changqing walked out of the room and saw that Man Muxue was walking out.

After hearing the door opening, Xiao Muxue stopped and looked back.

“Where are you going?” Lu Changqing asked after him.

Xiao Muxue said, “Aren’t I idle? Seeing that the scenery here is good, I want to walk around and take a look.

“Just right, I’ll go with you.” Lu Changqing went with her.

The place where the Lingzhi Palace is located is a high peak in this mountain range, and there are some small peaks around it, which seem to be endless.

Sure enough, “It’s a good place.” Lu Changqing sighed.

“Look, there is a fruit tree there.” Xiao Muxue pointed her finger and ran over.

“You wait, I’ll pick it for you.” Lu Changqing climbed to the tree and picked two wild fruits, one with Xiao Muxue.

After rubbing the fruit, Xiao Muxue took a bite and said in surprise, “It’s still very sweet, I thought it was sour.”

Lu Changqing also ate, “You said that these days we eat and sleep on the street, and we didn’t even have an stable meal. How about we find a place to get something delicious?”

Xiao Muxue was stunned, “This place, apart from Lingzhiyan, there is nothing to add to the cigarette. Where can I find something delicious?”

“Follow me.” Lu Changqing said and started looking around looking for a place.

They found a clearing just outside a small forest.

“That’s right, it’s here.” Lu Changqing said to Xiao Muxue, “You go pick some firewood and I’ll find food.”

Xiao Muxue knew that he was going to eat game, so she readily agreed.

When Lu Changjing came back, Xiao Muxue had already started a fire.

Lu Changqing had already dealt with the pheasants he hit by the creek, and the two of them hung the pheasants on a wooden rack and started roasting (Qian Nuo Zhao).

“It smells so good.” Xiao Muxue said with her nose twitching.

Lu Changqing smiled, “By the way, we haven’t enjoyed such a life for a long time.”

Xiao Muxue said, “Yes, it’s finally time to relax.

“Not yet?” Lu Changqing said, “After the Lingzhi Master is healed, we are going to find the Lingxiang Pill, which is another arduous task.”

Xiao Muxue’s expression was dimmed and came down to the country.

“Don’t worry, you will always find it.”

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