Chapter 610 Gifts

Yue Dong waved his hand, motioned him to retreat, and talked with Master Lingzhi.

The two people hit it off.

Yue Dong made a please gesture.

Master Lingzhi took a sip of tea.

“Thanks to President Shao’s help, I have been able to recover.” The spiritual master said gratefully.

Shao Yuedong said, “Master Lingzhi is an expert outside the world. I want to make friends in the next morning, but I don’t have the chance to see him.

The Master Lingzhi was humble, “Those who are in the wild, there is nothing to thank, and I have brought two boxes of soil from the mountain, and I hope President Shao will not dislike it.”

Lu Changqing, who was drinking tea, was startled, thinking of the two boxes of things he had brought, and didn’t know what they were, so he waited to see.

Spiritually, people ordered people to carry the box in.

Shao Yuedong was polite, “You are polite.

Master Lingzhi motioned to Qian Ji to open the box.

Mr. Lu also owed his body and looked into the box, and saw that the two boxes were filled with medicinal materials, and they were rare and precious medicinal materials.One box contained ginseng Lingzhi Mushrooms and other things, and the other box It is something similar to a stone.

Lu Changqing was still thinking in his heart, no wonder it’s so heavy.

On closer inspection, it looks like ginger again.

Lu Changqing nodded, it must be Ya Jiang.

It seems that Lingzhi Mountain is really a cornucopia, capable of producing this precious medicinal material.

When Shao Yuedong saw it, he immediately stood up and walked towards the box, “It’s a good thing.”

Master Lingzhi also stood up, “These are local products from the mountains, they are not good things, and I hope President Shao will not dislike them.”

“No.” Shao Yuedong waved his hand. This is indeed a good thing for our Spirit Medicine Association. Thank you Shao. “Speaking to hold your wrist to Master Lingzhi.

Lu Changqing smiled bitterly in his heart. Seeing that Ling Zhiyan is a shabby family among these gangs, he has these good things.

Even the panacea will not be willing to give it in boxes and boxes as gifts.

Shao Yuedong said, “Master Lingzhi’s kindness will be accepted right now.”

Master Lingzhi said, “I am also Jiujia’s elixir that often administers medicine to the poor. These things are equivalent to waste in my hands, and they are different in the hands of Chairman Shao.

Yue Dong thanked again.

“Since I came to my spiritual medicine club, I also asked the Master Lingzhi to show his face, stay a few more days, and let me talk about the landlord’s friendship.”

Master Lingzhi did not refuse.

Shao Yuedong asked about his attack, and Master Lingzhi also answered one by one.

Under his father’s instruction, Shao Jun went to arrange a room for them.

Qian Ji also has two disciples, it is also the first time that they have come to such a big city, and they are all looking forward to going out for a stroll.

They are in the room, looking at the furnishings here, they feel fresh, which is far better than their Lingzhi Palace.

Sure enough, “It’s a martial art, even the table is so good.”

“Yes, it’s not like our Lingzhi Palace, which has broken tables and broken benches.

897 Although our Lingzhi Palace is broken a bit, Life is still very stable. ”

“Yes Yes.”

As they were talking, Shao Jun and Lu Changqing walked in.

Qian Ji and Chen Su quickly got up to meet them.

“I have discussed with Brother Lu, why don’t we go out tonight together and have dinner at the biggest and best restaurant, how about it?”

Chen Su laughed as soon as he heard it, “You just want me to treat you so impatiently?”

“Let me please.” Shao Jun said with a slap on his chest, “My father and your Master are having a conversation, and I think we are getting in the way here.”

In this way, a group of young people made an appointment to go out.

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