Chapter 612 Inquiry about the situation

A few people bite the bullet and went to see Yue Dong.

Shao Yuedong was not surprised to meet them here.

“You just ask for another table outside.” Shao Yuedong also knew that their young people didn’t like to be with their old men.

“No.” Shao Jun said, “We have finished eating, and I’m about to take them elsewhere for a stroll.

“Alright, then you go, so that you don’t play too late and don’t cause trouble.

Shao Jun quickly agreed.

Lu Changqing suddenly remembered something, and just took this opportunity to ask.

“President Shao, do you know this person Qiang Wu?”

Master Lingzhi also looked at Yue Dong.

Shao Yuedong frowned when he heard the name Qiang Wu.

Just looking at his expression, Lu Changqing felt that there was a problem.

After a while, Shao Yuedong looked at Master Lingzhi 897.

“If you want to say that Qiang Wu has a bad reputation, he can be said to be a selfish guy. Although I have never dealt with him, I have heard of some of his circumstances.

Lu Changqing couldn’t help taking a breath.

Yue Dong said again, “Just now, I was still talking about this person to Master Lingzhi.”

Lu Changqing just wanted to hear it too.

“Mr. Lu, please sit down.” Yue Dong invited him.

Lu Changqing was not welcome, so he sat down.

Shao Jun took a few young people outside and set up a table again.

Yue Dong said, “(ahcj) the most famous thing that Qiang Wu has done is to occupy the Jingxin jade mine.

Lu Changqing was surprised, “Occupy?

“Yes, it is occupying.” Yue Dong said, “Almost ten years ago, the original owner of Jingxin Jade Mine was Wei Jinshan. After he discovered Jingxin Jade Mine, he moved with his family and the family guarded it. Jingxin Jade Mine was also peaceful, until one day, Qiang Wu appeared and asked their family to leave Jingxin Jade Mine.”

Lu Changqing listened carefully.

Shao Jun wanted to hear too, so he walked in and stood behind.

Shao Yuedong went on to say, “Wei Jinshan’s family naturally refused to move, and they were killed by Qiang Wugi. This is an extinction. It was said that Wei Jinshan had a young grandson who was just born, but he was not spared. ”

Having said that, he also sighed, feeling sorry for the Wei family.

The spiritual master on the side nodded, indicating that this was true, and he had also heard of it.

“No wonder I don’t think he is a good person,” said Shao Jun on the side.

“Adults speak, children are not allowed to interrupt.” Shao Yuedong said sharply.

Shao Jun immediately didn’t dare to speak.

“That is to say, since that time, he has occupied the Jingxin jade mine, and the decent sect is disdainful of it, and he does not interact with the outside world. Over time, everyone seems to forget that there is such a person.”

Master Lingzhi said, “This time they came across this desolation in order to find the black spirit fox. The more I thought about it, the more weird it became.

Shao Yuedong nodded, “I think so too, does he still want Lingxiang Pill?

Shao Jun just wanted to talk, thinking that he would be scolded by his father, and closed his mouth again.

Lu Changqing also said to Master Lingzhi, “If you think about it, what are the characteristics of the person who attacked you that day? Is it someone you know?”

Master Lingzhi immediately shook his head, “No, if I am a familiar person, no matter how much I hide it, I can see something, but this person can’t see it at all.”

Lu Changqing’s gaze swept over everyone present, but there were no outsiders.

“Several seniors, dare to guess whether this sneak attacker has ulterior motives?”

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