Chapter 617 The Road Sees Unfairness

Lu Changqing said, “Looking at you going back and forth with just two pieces of clothes, suddenly you changed the style, and the whole person became more beautiful. Is it okay?”

“You are so poor.” Xiao Muxue scolded with a smile.

“Then leave it empty.” Lu Changqing said and paid.

The two continued to hang out.

As I was walking, I suddenly heard crying for help.

Lu Changqing and Xiao Muxue look at each other

“How can anyone call for help in this broad daylight?”

Xiao Muxue also felt strange, “Let’s go and take a look.

When they walked to the corner of the street, they saw that there were only two big men holding a girl, as if they were going to take it, the girl cried so much that her voice became hoarse.

“There is no king’s law.” Xiao Muxue said, “Dare to snatch people in broad daylight?” She ran after 897.

Lu Changqing quickly followed.

“Stop.” Xiao Muxue shouted sharply.

A man walking in front raised his bitch’s eyes to look at her, “Oh, another pretty girl.” He wanted to move his feet.

Xiao Muxue was not a weak person, she grabbed his wrist in one hand, and swiped this guy out.

“What kind of thing do you dare to touch me?”

Xiao Muxue didn’t use much energy before this guy was thrown to the ground.

When I got up from the ground and looked at Mu Xue again, I didn’t dare to be so frivolous, “Who do I say are you? What do you care about?”

“In broad daylight, you dare to snatch the girl, do you still have King Fa?” Xiao Muxue said, and looked back at the girl.

When the girl saw Xiao Muxue, she was still shocked, staring at the clothes on her body, and then lowered her head.

“You figure out what we are robbing the girl, she is the Big Brother who sold her to us.”

Sell ​​it to “you?” Xiao Muxue asked. “What do you sell to you?”

“Of course I became a wife for our big Young Master.”

Man Muxue was obviously unwilling to see the girl crying with pear blossoms and rain.

Lu Changqing is also looking at the girl.

“Girl, would you like to be their big young master as a little wife?”

The girl shook her head immediately, seeming to see a glimmer of hope.

Lu Changqing said to the man, “Since the ahci girl is unwilling, why bother?”

“You can’t tell me about this. I’m just being ordered to do things. Besides, her Big Brother owes a lot of money to our big Young Master. If she should be our big Young Master as a wife, she won’t be able to pay it back in the next life.

It seemed that he owed a lot of money, and Lu Changqing looked at Xiao Muxue.

Xiao Muxue also totaled in her heart that if the number was not large, they would be able to pay it back for her, but when the number was large, they could not afford it.

Looking at the girl again, it’s really pitiful, a good girl, and she hasn’t done anything, just because Big Brother owes money and wants to use her to repay the debt.

“Help me.” The girl asked them for help, looking so helpless.

Lu Changqing said, “Since it is her Big Brother debt, why should she pay it back? So, you let her go and find her Big Brother.”

“Don’t be nosy.” The other party looked impatient, but he didn’t dare to come.

Faced with this situation, Lu Changqing is also embarrassed.

Xiao Muxue made up her mind anyway. She couldn’t help but knocked down the two guys who were holding the girl when she went up, pulled the girl up and ran away.

“Hey, stop.” The three men were about to chase, remembering that Lu Changqing hadn’t ran away, so they locked him in instead.

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