The six hundred and twenty-third chapter is a lifelong reliable

Although Chen Ling didn’t have much money, as a big disciple of the Spirit Medicine Society, she could still be sheltered by the Spirit Medicine Society, not to mention that she was no longer a wealthy daughter.

Shao Yuedong also instructed Shao Jun, “Hurry up and find someone to figure out a good day to marry your brother, and also, do it more grandly. The marriage of my senior disciple of the Elixir Society can’t be sloppy.

“Yes.” Shao Jun quickly agreed.

Shao Yuedong said to Master Lingzhi, “Why don’t you leave after drinking the wedding wine?”

The spiritual master looked at Lu Changqing.

Lu Changqing wondered what he was doing.

He also thought in his heart, it depends on what day to choose. If it’s recent, then drink a wedding wine before leaving, if it’s far away, then first look for Lingxiang Pill.

Master Lingzhi said to Lu Changqing, “I plan to find Lingxiang Pill with you.”

Lu Changqing was taken aback, but he did not expect that he would make such a decision.

Master Lingzhi said, “All this is because of me. How can I rest assured that you will take this risk?”

Yue Dong also said to Lu Changqing, “I originally wanted Chen Ling to go with you. Since he is going to get married, let Shao Jun go with you.”

Shao Jun, who had just come from outside, just heard it, and he was right in his arms.

“Father.” Shao Jun hurriedly replied, “I have just found someone to count. Tomorrow will be a good day, but time is a little tight. If it doesn’t work, then there will be a good day in two months.”

Yue Dong frowned, “Tomorrow, will it be a little tight?”

“It’s okay.” Shao Jun said, “Our elixir will not lack anything, and there are enough manpower.” He said, he looked at Chen Ling.

Chen Ling has long been fond of Wan Zhenzhu and hopes to get married soon.

“Okay.” Yue Dong acted as the final decision, “then tomorrow, it will be fine, hurry up and order to prepare.”

Shao Jun agreed and went to prepare.

Lu Changqing and others were not idle, and went to help together.

Chen Ling’s marriage was both fast and lively. After Zhao Qing learned of it, he was very upset and had nowhere to vent his anger. People beat Wan Jinfei again.

Wan Jinfei didn’t dare to provoke the Elixir Society.

On the second day after their marriage, Lu Changqing, Master Lingzhi and others left the spirit medicine club and went to find the Lingxiang Pill.

Master Lingzhi asked Qianji to take the two disciples back to Lingzhi Mountain first, and he and Lu Changqing and others went to find Lingxiang Pill.

Shao Jun was very fortunate that Chen Ling got married at this time, so he had the opportunity to go with Lu Changqing.

0………Look for flowers…………

They discussed as they walked.

Lu Changqing said, “Listen to Chairman Shao, let’s go to the Demon Caravan first, right?”

The spiritual master was thinking.

Lu Changqing also said, “In the Demon Caravan, you can buy or exchange things, and you may find out the whereabouts of Lingxiang Pill.”

Master Lingzhi nodded, “Okay, but where are we going to find the Demon Caravan?”

Chen Su said, “The magic caravan will not stay in one place and wait for us.

Lu Changqing looked at Xiao Muxue.

Pu Muxue summons Costin.

Hai Dongqing flew over and landed on Xiao Muxue’s arm.

“Go, look for the Demon Caravan.” Xiao Muxue said to Costin.

Costin flew away immediately.

Although Costin was sent out, Lu Changqing and others were still looking for it.

Shao Jun said, “We are searching so aimlessly, I don’t know when we are going to find it?

Man Muxue said, “Don’t worry, Costin is still very good at this aspect.”

Lu Changqing nodded, “I believe there will be news soon. Soil,

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