Chapter 644: Crisis

Lu Changqing was thinking about how he could escape. He just wanted to find an exit. Although Meiwu had said that an enchantment had been set up before, he would rather deal with the enchantment than Meiwu.

There is no place to hide, and no one can help him, Lu Changqing can be said to have no way to the sky, no way into the ground.

At this moment, he received Divine Sense from Xiao Muxue.

Xiao Muxue felt that he was in danger, so she returned with Master Lingzhi and the others.

When I came to the entrance of the cave, I found an enchantment.

The spiritual master was the first to break the barrier, but found that the barrier was very strong, and he couldn’t break it with his own power.

After several people discussed it, they decided to work together to break the barrier.

With their joint efforts, they finally broke the barrier and entered the Jingxin Jade Mine.

“Where should we go now?” Shao Jun asked.

Xiao Muxue said, “I can feel his presence and follow me.”

Everyone followed Xiao Muxue.

Although Xiao Muxue can feel Lu Changqing, it is only a rough direction, and the Jingxin jade mine is intricate. Lu Changqing is in a moving state again, which increases the difficulty for them to find Lu Changqing.

We “have been walking for so long, why haven’t we found it?” Chen Su became a little anxious.

Xiao Muxue is more anxious than him, she can feel that Lu Changqing is in danger.

Shao Jun couldn’t stand his temper, and simply shouted, “Lu Changqing, where are you?”

Chen Su also shouted.

They thought that if Lu Changqing could hear it, he would definitely respond.

Lu Changqing, who was getting nowhere to go, suddenly heard their shouts, as if seeing a ray of light in the darkness, immediately responded, “I am here.

Shao Jun quickly motioned to them not to shout. “Have you heard? It’s Lu Changqing’s voice.

Xiao Muxue heard it too, nodding her head again and again.

“Where did the sound come from?” Chen Su asked.

This stopped Xiao Muxue and Shao Jun. They only vaguely heard Lu Changqing’s voice, but didn’t notice which direction it came from.

It should be “this way, right?” Xiao Muxue pointed her finger.

Shao Jun pointed in another direction, “I think it should be this way.”

“Which way is it?” Chen Su said anxiously.

Master Lingzhi said, “I know where it is, follow me.” Before finishing speaking, he strode away.

0…………Look for flowers

Everyone quickly followed.

Under the leadership of the spiritual master, they found Lu Changqing as expected.

At this time, Lu Changqing has nowhere to go, and is trying to communicate with Qiangwu.

Seeing Xiao Muxue and others coming, I was surprised and delighted.

“Are you okay?” Xiao Muxue asked the moment he saw him.

It seems an instinctive reaction, nothing is more important than Lu Changqing’s safety.

“It’s okay now.” Lu Changqing said, “You all, be careful, he is already Blacken, and he is very strong.”

Everyone looked at Qiangwu by appointment. At this time, Qiangwu seemed very excited to see them, as if there were a few more prey.

We “we all attacked him together.” Master Lingzhi said loudly.

Qiang Wu temporarily gave up the goal of Lu Changqing, but turned to the spiritual master.

The spiritual master recites Lu Changqing’s kindness to his own, even if he sacrifices his life, he must protect them.

Lu Changqing was relieved when he saw Master Lingzhi’s eyes hit one spot, but this relaxed state did not last for a few seconds, and he became worried for Master Lingzhi. earth.

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