Chapter Eighty Eight: The Emperor Soldier That Was Completely Awakened!

Yaochi Sacred Land, a huge flying boat slowly docked.

In the huge square below, countless disciples looked up.

This time on the journey of the Cangxu secret realm, the names of Saint Son of Yaochi and Holy Maiden have spread throughout the world of practice!

Holy Maiden even won the Cangxu secret realm in one fell swoop and won the Dao Fruit of the Great Emperor.

In the future, there is an opportunity to become an emperor!

Many disciples had a trace of admiration and admiration in their eyes. When Lu Changqing and others landed, countless disciples burst into huge cheers.

Sect Elder smiled even more.

Only Lu Changqing sullen his face and was reprimanded by Mu Jiuyan along the way.

The reason is that she heard that she beat her Dao body brutally in the secret realm.

On the square, Mu Jiuyan said a few words as the master, and then left with Lu Changqing.

Seeing Lu Changqing following Shizu, many disciples couldn’t help but whisper.

“I heard that the saint son has a close relationship with the master, and he is jealous with the ancestors of the Jiang family. Isn’t it true?”

“Yeah, you don’t want your life, don’t arrogantly criticize Master!”

“Hehehe, let me just tell you, Brother Lu is so good-looking, I also want to move to Piaoxuefeng.”

“Scared, smelly not wanting face.

Mu Jiuyan turned his back to Lu Changqing, leading him all the way to the depths of Yaochi.

“Master, where are we going?”

Lu Changqing couldn’t help asking.

Mu Jiuyan said lightly: “Go to the true spirit of Yaochi.”

“There are more than 630 things you encountered in the Cangxu Secret Realm. Some of the secrets involved are not even clear to me.

“You have to ask the ancestor to know.”

Lu Changqing nodded, after all, Mu Jiuyan has only proclaimed the Dao for tens of thousands of years.

The secrets that are too long may not be known, but it is normal.

But the true spirit of Yaochi is different. As the first ancestor of Yaochi, Queen Mother of the West, the age of enlightenment has long been untraceable.

Soon, the two came to Yaochi secret realm.

Mu Jiuyan took Lu Changqing and directly sank into the Pagoda of Panglong Enlightenment.

The two went straight to the top.

The scene in front of me changed rapidly.

The scene of the ancient Jade Pool appeared in front of Lu Changqing.

Next to the rippling Yaochi, there was a beautiful woman sitting cross-legged.

Exudes a mature charm.


The two approached respectfully.

Yaochi Zhenling nodded, and said lightly: “Are you back?”

“Are there any gains from this dark secret realm?”

Mu Jiuyan told Yaochi Zhenling about the general process.

Lu Changqing also revealed the golden armor on his body.

I couldn’t help asking: “Ancestor, what kind of existence is that Giant Abyss?”

This “secondary armor is not weaker than the emperor soldier!”

“There is also the encounter with Daoist, a god of origin, this time the disciple owes him a favor.”

“The ancestor of the Jiang family seems to have an existence 300,000 years ago.

“Sister Bai’s bloodline is weird. Master Qingyou said that she is from the bloodline of Tuxian. Is there really an immortal in the ancestor?”

Lu Changqing asked a series of questions in one breath.

Make Yaochi Zhenling laugh dumbly.

Mu Jiuyan on the side said: “Lu Changqing must not be rude, how would you let the ancestor answer so many questions?”

“Ask one by one!”

Lu Changqing touched his nose and whispered, “I’m not anxious and curious.

These “things have troubled me for a long time, and my heart itches when I think about it.”

Yaochi Zhenling smiled and waved his hand and said, “Why don’t you do it, don’t worry.”

“The Yuan you are talking about should be the ancient god of this world.”

Lu Changqing wondered: “Ancient god?”

This is another unknown word.

The true spirit of Jade Lake nodded, holding a branch in his hand for some time, dipping it with some nectar in the Jade Lake, and using it towards the air.

Countless drops of water and wine in the air converge into a mist, transforming into a picture.

Then the voice of Yaochi True Spirit sounded.

“In every world, at the beginning of its birth, ancient gods came into being.

“They are the darlings of the world, the embodiment of the will of the world, and they have a corresponding mission when they come to this world.

“Some of them died in fighting, while others fell to fulfill their duties.”

“Of course, there are also people who gather heaven and earth luck and become the emperor.

Talking about Yaochi Zhenling’s eyes flickering, this surprised Lu Changqing.

There is an inexplicable guess that the ancestor of the Jade Lake is also a kind of ancient god?

Yaochi Zhenling saw Lu Changqing’s expression as if he knew what he was thinking.

He opened his mouth and said: “Yes, at the very beginning, there was no concept of a great emperor in the world.”

“Almost all those who become emperors are transformed by ancient gods.”

(ahci) Yaochi Zhenling didn’t say that she was also an ancient god, but in terms of these words, there is a high probability that she is an ancient god.

The voice of Yaochi True Spirit continued to sound.

“The ancient Shenyuan you mentioned should be the guardian ancient god of the world.”

“The duty is to guard the common people from being poisoned by creatures outside the territory.

What you have on you should be replaced by a common life armor, and that blood-colored spear should be called Cang Yuan. ”

“Both of these are extremely powerful imperial soldiers, but to display the full capabilities of these two imperial soldiers, you must be in the blood of the ancient gods.

“You said that you got Yuan’s Blood Essence and a right arm. This shows that you have been recognized by the ancient gods.”

“Yuan passed on his own responsibilities to you.”

“In other words, he chose you to be the patron saint of the world.”

Mu Jiuyan looked at Lu Changqing with a complicated expression.

The patron saint of this world has an extremely glorious and noble status.

But this guy doesn’t seem to be a patron saint.

Lu Changqing was also confused.

I just want to be a mortal with peace of mind.

Why did you go to the Cangxu secret realm inexplicably and became a justice envoy to guard the world?

What patron saint, does he seem to be the kind of great man who will bring peace to all ages?

Yaochi Zhenling also smiled and said, “But you don’t need to care. Now the world has changed for tens of thousands of years.”

“It is not your turn to guard this world, but when you have that ability.”

“Do this too.”

Lu Changqing breathed a sigh of relief when he said that.

Not enough Judging from the words of Yaochi True Spirit, this ancient Shenyuan bloodline and battle armor are harmless to him.

On the contrary, it can enhance his strength.

This relieved Lu Changqing a lot.

At this time, Lu Changqing asked again: “Then dare to ask the ancestor, do you know the origin of the encounter with Daoist?”

Lu Changqing asked this sentence, Yao Chi is a real spirit, with a kind face, and slowly speaks.

But in an instant, there was no sound in the world.

Lu Changqing could only see the real spirit of Yaochi talking, but could not hear what she said at all!

It’s as if what Yaochi True Spirit said was blocked by a strange will!

When it comes to a certain kind of mystery, that paragraph of text will not be revealed in the world at all!

The hair is terrifying, and the scalp is numb!

This is the first time Lu Changqing has come to this world.

Lu Changqing looked at the ancestor of Yaochi and said solemnly: “Ancestor, what you just said, I can’t know.

“It seems to be blocked by some kind of rule.”

When the words fell, Mu Jiuyan’s expression changed.

You must know that the true spirit of the Jade Lake was born from the ancestor of the Jade Lake, and his personality is extremely high!

What secret method is it that will even affect her existence?

When the words were over, Yaochi Zhenling laughed blankly.

Cai said: “I almost forgot about it.”

“Hold on.”

When the words fell, she urged the entire Quanlong Enlightenment Tower.

Chong Xiao’s Qi machine, slammed!

The extremely powerful horror Dao Yun is like suppressing the entire world!

In an instant, this ancient emperor soldier, who had been sleeping for tens of thousands of years, completely awakened!

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