Chapter 63 – God’s Test (1)

Translator: Lunarise

Editor: Larkspur

“Don’t make me laugh!”

Viola tried to attack him again, but her wrists were heavily trapped by him. He had released his previously hidden qi onto her but didn’t attack her.

She instinctively felt fear from the sharp pressure but at the same time, she pitied him. She could see his black eyes were moist and on the verge of tearing up.

It’s me who wants to cry. Not you but ME! Me, you son of bitch… I can’t forgive you even if you look at me like that!

Viola was worked up. So much that she wasn’t even aware of what she was doing.

It was then that there was a sudden ruckus outside and a bulky knight came in through the door. He instantly raised his knife and took an offensive stance seeing the blood flowing on Lustian’s cheek.

“I didn’t like that princess from the beginning. Please give me the order, Your Highness.”

“Kyle, get out!”

The man seething with unmasked hostility towards her was named Kyle. Viola was so dumbfounded by the situation all she could do was laugh. The man on top of her naked was probably the same. I mean what madman would dare point a knife at the Crown Prince of Arpen? She couldn’t stop laughing once she started, the others looked on as if she were crazy.

“Yes, I’m crazy. Since I offered a contract marriage with my own hands, fascinated by beauty. Well then, I’ll get up now. I’ve done something wrong, so of course, I must be punished appropriately. What are you going to do? I’ve failed as a crown princess candidate, so I wouldn’t say it’s unfair for me to be expelled.”

Viola pushed Lustian’s chest hard, then stopped laughing and stood in front of Kyle. She was ready to receive whatever the punishment for acting against the imperial family was.

Kyle waited for Lustian’s orders. However, the man himself got out of the bed, grabbed Viola’s wrist, and made eye contact. He was expressionless. No, his expressionless stiff face was filled with desire for a single woman. He laughed.

“No, there won’t be a punishment. You and I have already made a contract and that contract is still valid. Two years, until then we are married. Whether as a concubine or a crown princess, you are mine. The promise of divorce in two years, I will keep it.”

His lips lifted into a very gentle smile.

“The contract was wrong from the beginning! I don’t agree to it!” Viola shouted.

Lustian whispered to her in a stronger tone. His breath touching her ear was so warm it gave her goosebumps. It made her flinch, her shoulders quivered.

“You’re the one who deceived me. You have to explain first why you deliberately tried to avoid me by putting on ugly make-up. Is it important who lied to who first? No, it’s not since it seems we both lied to each other… but one thing I’m curious about is—”

Viola’s dagger was in his hands. He put the dagger in her hand and looked at her face sharply.

“—is lying to you about my identity that atrocious, you would wield a knife against the crown prince? I was wondering… What is it that you really want? My heart? To kill me and make a statement? Or are you a spy sent by the King of Koronis?”


Only then did Viola finally come to her senses. She now remembered her mission and her deal with the king. He didn’t know about Edward yet, but if he found out she would be under surveillance for the duration of her stay here.

Viola bit her lips. She couldn’t really justify her actions unless she told him about Edward. However, Lustian stopped asking her about why she had swung her weapon at him just for lying to her. He simply patted the upright Kyle on the back and said something to him as he left the room.

“I didn’t know she would hate becoming the crown princess this much. Kyle, leave. My wife must rest.”

The doors closed and only now did Rosha come rushing in. Her eyes brimmed with tears, not knowing what to do. She fidgeted and wiped the crown prince’s blood on Viola’s face.

Viola couldn’t feel anything currently. She only just realized her nails had dug into her palm once she unclenched them.

Kyle let out the pent-up anger he had held back as soon as he and Lustian left the imperial villa. The first thing he did was look at his master’s face, blood was streaming down from his forehead to his cheek. Unable to bear the sight of it, he ripped the lining of his shirt to cover it up.

“I can’t just let this go. I’ll report this to His Majesty right away,” said Kyle, seething in rage.

“Just leave it alone.”

“Your Highness!” Kyle was shocked. “Your face is wounded! No matter how much you like her she must be punished accordingly.”

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