The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 10: Barbarian

This world is just backward, the people in this world are not stupid.

管 The steward brought all the ice with him, and put a net with a stick to put the ice next to the white bear.

When I put it on the third piece, the white bear crawled out of the creek, hugged an ice cube and rolled on the ground, his mouth humming.

I can see that it is now that the customer met the lady, the forty-degree high temperature encountered the air conditioner, and he was comfortable from head to toe.

I waited for more than a dozen ice cubes, and the white bear surrounded himself with ice cubes, then hummed comfortably inside.

"It works, it works!"

Although he hasn't fed anything yet, the white bear has changed a half-dead appearance for a month.

"Come on, go and ask what to do next." The steward kicked the sideman several times and shouted at him.

Li Renbaqian looked at the miscellaneous servant in front of the room with a look of hatred and iron.

How to do? Feed! This bear is finally comfortable, so don't hurry up to feed? In the ghost weather here, the ice cube will soon be gone.

"Forget it, I'll see it too." Ren Baqian waved his hand: "You two hold me!"

I waited for the guards and miscellaneous staff to be Ren Qianqian to Xiong Yuan. Ren Baqian was sweating again, and his abdominal wounds were a little wet.

If you are right, the wound is bleeding.

But this is a small problem, then the white bear is a big problem.

The eighteen thousand ignored the incoming steward, and lay on the wall watching the bear below.

The white bear was hugging comfortably to the left and right to hug between a pile of ice. Those ice cubes are its sweetheart.

But at this point the ice has shrunk by a third.

"I also continued to make ice in the same way as before. The ice in the large basin was placed in the basin, melted in the sun and dried, and the remaining white powder continued to be made. Then throw some fish and meat to it "Ren Baqian commanded.

"Yes!" I saw Ren Baqian use a little powder to make ice that I had never seen before. I also saw a lot of white bear spirit with my own eyes. A few people here have fulfilled the decree of Ren Baqian, and quickly He ordered to do it.

Uh ...

In a hall, a woman wearing a red rusty patterned robe and a gold crown was playing with a crystal clear ice cube in her hand, and the cool touch passed from her fingers to her heart.

Below, dozens of people in various armors and robes stood whispering on both sides, their eyes gathered on a basin-shaped ice cube in the middle of the hall.

"This one was made by that person?" The woman asked with interest.

"Yes, his subordinates saw that he had turned the water into this kind of ice." The guard who had previously held the ice cube was kneeling down on one knee.

"Some skills." The woman hooked the corner of her mouth, held the ice cube in her hand, and looked down: "What do you think?"

让 "Let me see." A big man with a very strong body, wearing armor, came forward and touched the ice cube, then held the ice cube in his arms and was intoxicated: "So cool!"

"I'll try"

"I try too"

"Laozi Guanda, give me!"

A group of people suddenly formed a group. Before that, the big man rushed left and right in the crowd, but he lost both fists to the four hands, and was finally thrown out with footprints on his ass.

The woman in the Pisces didn't care about the chaos below, and the ice cube in her hand completely turned into water after a while.

"Well, don't fight." It was a long time before the woman said lazily, and the people who were still in a group below immediately separated.

Only one person left holding half a piece of ice on his face, and whispered, "It's really cool."

After a short while, he reluctantly put the remaining half of ice in the original flavor and returned.

"Your Majesty, this person is talented and talented, but the way of coming is a bit wrong. Why not let Ben take him back to make adjustments, and make sure you are OK before sending it to you?" The first big man shouted with a throat.

"I'm the best at tweaking people, and you'll be tossing to death in two days," another said quickly.

"Don't argue. This person is of some use, just stay in the palace." The woman drew her mouth and waved a fly to wave everyone's hands shut.

Seeing her opening her mouth, the others calmed down immediately.

There are men and women in the hall, all of them are exquisite, but they are in awe of the people above.

"Bring the envoy of Yun country! I heard he has something to say to 朕." The woman was lazy again.

"Take the envoy of Yun Kingdom to the hall-!" Someone shouted immediately at the door.

Not long after, a middle-aged man with long white hair was brought up and bowed his hand to see the ceremony: "Ge Qing, the envoy of the country of the cloud, has seen His Majesty, and His Majesty ..."

"Okay, just say anything. You have posted several posts, and I also want to know what you want to say." The woman interrupted him impatiently.

Ge Geqing didn't move on his face, and cursed in his heart: "Man."

He then straightened his body and said, "Your Majesty, Ge Qing came here for the business of the Zhang family and the Hong family merchants. Your country captured the merchants of your country for no reason, went to jail, and confiscated the industries in your country ..."

Ge Qingqing spread a lot, the content is: you have no reason and basis to capture our good businessmen into the jail, confiscating the industry, making the hearts of domestic businessmen. And Yun Country will not let its own businessmen be captured by you like this, so come to protest. If the arrested businessman is not released within the time limit, and the confiscated items are returned, and an explanation will be given, Yun will return to his subjects for justice and even meet each other.

The puppet woman stretched out her hand, and immediately there was a maid next to her with a handkerchief to wipe the water off her hand.

The grandma asked, "How long have you been here?"

"Ge Qing's mission to your country for three months ~ ~ Ge Qing replied.

"Well, pull out and chop!" The woman wrote lightly.

"The two countries have not yet begun to fight each other, not to mention Ge Qing is just telling the facts, Chen Ming is at stake. Your Majesty did so, are you not afraid to stir up the anger of Yun Country?" Ge Qing shouted quickly.

But the woman didn't care about him at all.

There were many military and military generals next to each other who looked at the nose and nose, and several of them also showed a smirk towards that Ge Qing, a mouthful of white teeth.

His Majesty ... Your Majesty ... This is the way to bring disaster to your country ... Your Majesty ... Emperor of the Great Yao Kingdom ... "Ge Qing shouted and was dragged out.

The people in the Great Hall listened to him and left with screams, but ended abruptly.

"Tell Yun Guo that the ambassador died of a serious illness, and let them change." The woman said.


"This little white-faced dare to say that Bing Rong meets? The emperor dare not dare to borrow his courage." Someone laughed.

"Yunguo merchants maliciously lowered the price of fur purchases, sold fake products, and sold all the rice. The Zhang family and the Hong family did the most. The lessons were taught to them this time. If we still act as our big Yao All fools, just kill them next time. "Someone suggested.

"No businessmen came when they were killed." Someone immediately stood up against it. "I have a lot of mountains and a lot of plains, I hunt more and farm less. Many items need to be brought by those merchants."

"You can't rely on them all? If you can do your best."

"Do it yourself? Who or who will you? I want to say it's best to fight back."

Uh ...

"Okay, don't make a noise. Is there anything else? Just step down," the woman sat up.

After everybody retreated, the woman said, "Heart breaks, and then I go to the Beast Garden to see."

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