The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 1046: Radiation variation

Ren Baqian sat on a chair in the shade of the tree and stole half a day away. Not far away was the Erhua who had a double-edged axe splitting into the air.

The double-edged axe was snatched by Erhua. There is even a double-edged axe in the kindergarten.

However, for the barbarians of the ancients who firmly and steadfastly implemented their brains from nothing to nothing, nothing can't happen.

On the first day of kindergarten, Erhua became a piece in kindergarten, literally.

When they know that their children have been beaten, the first response of many parents is to give their children a weapon such as a knife or an axe and tell them to fight back tomorrow.

Even if Erhua is a princess.

Beginning the next day, every day a child carried a weapon to the kindergarten, and he was startled by his eighth term.

However, the parents of these children have a lot of excitement, so the children of the ancient ethnic group are so educated! Although they vary in position, they can be surprisingly consistent and brutal in terms of training their children's blood.

Fortunately, there are still a few tactics in the mind of those reckless goods. Those weapons are unarmed metal weapons or wooden weapons.

The double-edged axe in Erhua's hand is one of the trophies.

Thanks to them, Erhua now has new toys to play with every day.

Erhua has become a bully in the kindergarten.

Red and purple, one piece, one piece, one piece, and one piece of peace. This is a gradual process.

Ren Baqian looked away from Erhua and faced the sun shards falling down the tree, enjoying a rare rest.

National leaders are much more tired than going to work. It ’s good to have two days off before work. When was the last time you took a break?

The emperor came with a red kite and a swaying figure, walked over and sat down beside Ren Baqian.

Green kite lowered the tray on her hand and had two glasses of juice.

Hung Hoi was holding a jar of water for Erhua, and she drank a lot of water.

"Da Xia resolved it." Ren Baqian turned his head to the Emperor. This was the news just now.

Convincing people with nuclear bombs is justified and irrefutable.

Jiang Zixie descended, and more than 20 masters and several martial arts people at the scene dropped more than half.

Except for three people, they are all lone rangers, without family members and sects dragging on.

As a lone ranger, let alone say that the escape effort is really superior, and three people only caught one.

"They will start here in a few days. After all, the top masters of Daxia are now gathered together, and now it is time to take the next step. I plan to place the meeting place in the capital." Ren Baqian said.

The emperor's eyes did not leave Erhua, but she also listened to Ren Baqian's words, and said lightly, "You look at the arrangement!"

For these people, she never cared, but Ren Baqian thought it would make sense to do so, and let him let it go.

The empress turned to another thing: "You said that radiation may mutate animals and plants, are there some monsters?"

"Why mention this suddenly?" Ren Baqian had a bad hunch.

"Some monsters appeared in the Sixty Thousand Mountains, with average strength and aggressiveness. There were many casualties in the nearby cottages, and the Southern Guard House has been transferred to Qingyu."

Ren Baqian couldn't help but said, "Is it sure that it was caused by the radiation of the nuclear bomb?"

"Anyway, it has recently appeared nearby."

Although not sure, Ren Baqian felt inseparable. The territories of the beast of supreme strength are very large, and they rarely appear in the outer and middle layers. Four appear near the nuclear bomb explosion, and 80% are mutations caused by radiation.

"Difficult to tangle?"

The emperor said that her strength was average, and Ren Baqian's estimated strength would not be too low, otherwise the emperor would not necessarily bring up the matter, at most people would put the details in front of herself.

"Those who have reached the supreme strength of heaven have found four."

The four monsters with extreme strength are nothing to the ancients.

But now Big Brother is still in the depths of 60,000 Dashan, and it takes at least two months to return to the outer layer, and the power of the southern protectorate in the outer layer is definitely not the opponent of those fierce beasts.

"What do those monsters look like? What about intelligence?"

"A spider, a snake, a blue-eyed eagle, and a beast like a worm. At present, the southern protectorate does not have enough strength to test. According to observations, intelligence is similar to that of beasts.

Most of all, they still have a certain ethnic group. Now that spider has occupied a valley near the area where the nuclear bomb was detonated. There are hundreds of basin-sized spiders in it. Although not powerful, it is very toxic and very Easy to kill. "

"It can take some time to develop such a large ethnic group. How did you find out?" Ren Baqian was puzzled. Before that, he had arranged his hands to patrol nearby, just to be afraid of this situation.

The empress looked cold and said nothing.

Ren Baqian knew by looking at her face. Bacheng was negligent.

"Move out a few affected villages nearby." Ren Baqian thought about it.

The Empress has ordered many times, and not many villages are willing to move, especially near the outer layer of the 60,000 Dashan Mountain. This time is an opportunity.

"I can only do this first!" The emperor picked up the juice while talking.

"A month later, they were going to the few villages Qing Qing just found anyway, and they just solved it."

After they were done with the business, they sat and watched Erhua playing with an ax.

The empress could not stand the awkwardness of Erhua, and took the initiative to point her forward. Although the emperor used to be empty-handed, with her strength, she could play any kind of weapon in her hands. Teaching Erhua was enough.

Ren Baqian looked at the big one and the small one in the field with a smile on his face.


Half a month later, top masters, including Jiang Zixie and others, took the train to Lancheng, and then transferred to the truck to the imperial capital. The emperor and Ren Baqian were already waiting for them.

What they saw along the way surprised them.

Trains, tractors, trucks, and other messy things, Da Yao's changes surprised them.

Compared to the Great Summer, which lasted for several years, Dayao was much more prosperous.

When they arrived in the imperial capital, they were full of high-rise buildings, wide roads and pedestrian crossings, and neat green belts, which brought them a great impact.

Even Daxia and this place are incomparable, it is hard to imagine that this is the capital city of the barbarians today.

In comparison, it seems that Da Xia is more like a barbarian.

But the most attractive thing is not these, but a sign hanging on the roadside.

"Jumping from the building and falling to death ~ ~ The Department of Public Security welcomes you!"

"It is strictly forbidden to throw children from above the second floor!"

"To get rich, have more children and plant fewer trees!"

"Do not use domestic violence. If you cannot avoid it, go to the arena!"

"Eating, sleeping and beating the child, child: Do I agree?"

Looking at these slogans, even the people who have been to Lancheng before have a strange look.

This is really-full of Prince Zhao's style.

Only Lin Dong admired it, and thought it was a good way.

Even if most of them are illiterate, as long as someone tells them about these banners every day, repeating them over and over again, can also play a role in engraving these contents in everyone's heart.

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